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The Sunday Times "Rich List"

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Great! Let them come here and spend as much money as possible. More VAT in our coffers and even more stamp duty.


---------- Post added 19-05-2014 at 09:32 ----------



I though candy crush was free? If you want it to be.

You don't have to eat in Jamie's restaurant either - you could go to McD and have a happy meal. Or stay at home and cook it yourself


The makers of Candy Crush obviously hit onto a good thing and I assume they have amassed their wealth mostly from advertising. I have about the same compulsion to eat at Jamie Oliver's restaurant as I do at McDonalds so neither get my hard earned.

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Austerity is not real, it is just another routine neoliberal policy, carefully crafted to divert wealth from ordinary people into the offshore accounts of the richest 1% of the global population, and a few of their hangers-on.


The Sunday Times Rich List 2014 contains no surprises for many of us here on sheffieldforum who have been watching those politicians in Westminster and Washington systematically weaken and destroy our communities in order to further enrich the already rich.

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Austerity is not real, it is just another routine neoliberal policy, carefully crafted to divert wealth from ordinary people into the offshore accounts of the richest 1% of the global population, and a few of their hangers-on.


The Sunday Times Rich List 2014 contains no surprises for many of us here on sheffieldforum who have been watching those politicians in Westminster and Washington systematically weaken and destroy our communities in order to further enrich the already rich.


Well said, its a pity the majority don't realise this, start a thread on here complaining about cutbacks and wait for the amount of vitriol you get whilst the rich stand back smirking watching thier coffers fill up.

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what I find interesting is that out of the top ten richest only one is a native of the country.


That is number ten the Duke of Westminster, wonder what stroke of entrepreneurship genius brought him such wealth?


Whilst the others are described as British and I've no doubt that's what at least one of their passports say's, they were all born abroad and no doubt hold dual nationality.


The Reuben brothers David and Simon for instance were born in Mumbai to wealthy Jewish parents and give their residences as Monaco and Florida.


Their company Reuben Brothers is privately owned and based in Switzerland.


How exactly other than 'technically' does that make them British billionaires?


Were I a cynic I would suspect some form of tax advantage to being British citizens with ownership of foreign based companies and officially resident abroad.


Oh hang on, just remembered, I am a cynic when it comes to financial chicanery,.

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There should be an index measuring material wealth and emotional wealth, I bet those who star at the top of the Sunday Times list would be in the bargain basement.


Why do you think that...? Do you think rich people are unhappy?

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Why do you think that...? Do you think rich people are unhappy?


For some I've often wondered if the constant battle to gain more and more riches has often been a smoke screen for a search for something that is missing in their lives.


Maybe I'd retire from the rat race when I've earned my first £100 million. :hihi:

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For some I've often wondered if the constant battle to gain more and more riches has often been a smoke screen for a search for something that is missing in their lives.


or, maybe it's those who don't battle every day to gain more and more riches are the ones who have things missing in their lives. Pretty logical that someone with vast wealth has a far richer life in every sense than someone who is poor. If anything, if ever the rich person is miserable it's probably because nothing is missing in their lives.

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Austerity is not real, it is just another routine neoliberal policy, carefully crafted to divert wealth from ordinary people into the offshore accounts of the richest 1% of the global population, and a few of their hangers-on.


The Sunday Times Rich List 2014 contains no surprises for many of us here on sheffieldforum who have been watching those politicians in Westminster and Washington systematically weaken and destroy our communities in order to further enrich the already rich.


Couldn't agree more. If this monetary crisis has proved nothing else, it's proved money works in mysterious ways... it's not real, and we are just annoying little blips in their schemes, so shut up and get on with making them rich!


Incidently, I have relatives in Australia who tell me that the government there are trying to sell them the same crap, ie. Australia's in recession and they need to make cuts, introduce austerity measures, etc.


And the place is booming.

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  • 2 years later...

Its out again today ,the same old inherited wealth mob from the Royals ,Dukedoms and silver spooners grinning away whilst posing outside the ever so troublesome to maintain stately home .


Meanwhile in a shop door way on Fargate, a man who sleeps in a cardboard box looks around his domain and wonders what luxury today will bring.

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