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The Sunday Times "Rich List"

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Not when discussing it in this context no. Do you have anything that shows my figures above are incorrect or is this just a spot of deflection to avoid dealing with the claims above?


My concern is with the destruction of the public sector. State school teachers and NHS staff pay increases limited to 1%. That's below inflation and therefore amounts to a pay cut year on year,for our most important public sector workers, whilst simultaneously the rich get richer, enjoying a rise in their collective wealth of 14% over the past year to a record £658bn. Those who exploit the system and remove themselves from the need to depend on state services then cheat the system and leave their employees, their customers and the communities within which they operate starved of the resources required to meet basic needs.


I began this topic in 2014, pointing out that ordinary people had seen their wages fall in real terms whilst the rich get ever richer. Well the rich are even richer three years on, whilst our schools and our hospitals are being systematically dismantled.

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Your concerns above have no bearing on the post that I made.


I'm an ordinary person, my family and I depend on state services. Do you and your family depend on the state for health, education and social care Obelix?

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I'm an ordinary person, my family and I depend on state services. Do you and your family depend on the state for health, education and social care Obelix?


And I repeat - the comment I made to Anna was not in relation to those and I will not entertain your trying to divert the points made onto your particular pet concerns.

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And I repeat - the comment I made to Anna was not in relation to those and I will not entertain your trying to divert the points made onto your particular pet concerns.


Statistical analysis of the figures you quote would require a much more sophisticated analysis than that which you offer. Such an exercise would drive the discussion into endless quibbles that ordinary people would not find interesting. Is that your intention?


Perhaps you would care to indicate if you and your family are dependent on state services? That is really interesting. Ordinary peoples' true interests are in a functioning public sector, and this is what is under attack. Would you care if the NHS, state schools and social care crumbled Obelix?

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No. I'm interested in Anna's answer to it, and it wont take the anaylsis you claim which is just another of your attempts at distraction. If you don't care to discuss things, then don't discuss them - in the same way I don't care to discuss what you wish tot alk about and so wont be discussing it.

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No. I'm interested in Anna's answer to it, and it wont take the anaylsis you claim which is just another of your attempts at distraction. If you don't care to discuss things, then don't discuss them - in the same way I don't care to discuss what you wish tot alk about and so wont be discussing it.


The top 1% pay most tax because they earn considerably more than the rest of us. Often 6 and 7 figure salaries compared to the average £24,000. That seems fair to me. They still have more than enough left to live a very nice lifestyle, while the rest of us are struggling.


I agree with Staunton's points, I'd like you to answer them.

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The top 1% pay most tax because they earn considerably more than the rest of us. Often 6 and 7 figure salaries compared to the average £24,000. That seems fair to me. They still have more than enough left to live a very nice lifestyle, while the rest of us are struggling.


I agree with Staunton's points, I'd like you to answer them.


I'll tell you what Anna - you answer the points I raised first ok?


The top 50% pay 90% of the income tax. You think you can stiff them for some more? They will just leave as they are starting to do in increasing numbers. What you going to do - currency controls at the border to stop them taking wealth out?

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I'll tell you what Anna - you answer the points I raised first ok?


The top 50% pay 90% of the income tax. You think you can stiff them for some more? They will just leave as they are starting to do in increasing numbers. What you going to do - currency controls at the border to stop them taking wealth out?


Yes. The wealthiest should shoulder the biggest burden. The poor are already having to chose between eating and heating, many do not even have a roof over their heads. Is it fair taking more money off them, off the disabled, the mentally ill? off those who already have next to nothing? You seem quite happy to see them forced onto the street.


If you want to leave, then go. Lucky you. I'd like to go too, but I can't afford it.


There's my answers, now please address Staunton's very sensible questions.

Edited by Anna B
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The wealthiest are shouldering the biggest burden. The "The poor are already having to chose between eating and heating, many do not even have a roof over their heads. Is it fair taking more money off them, off the disabled, off those who already have next to nothing" as you put it don't pay income tax at all - in fact the bottom third don't pay it at all.


If the rich go - then whos going to pay the astronomical loss of income tax that results? I left- not entirely because of tax but so far the UK is down at least £30k in tax and I'm hardly a really high earner - and that's just one person who was getting a little sick of people demanding yet more money just because they were a bit jealouos.

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