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The Sunday Times "Rich List"

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I and most people do not take kindly to blackmail. If you care so little about your fellow man another country is welcome to you.


I and most people are sick of hearing this along with 'being over a barrel,' 'too big to fail' etc... Frankly, thanks to the politicians and bankers this country is pretty well <removed>


The only thing we have left is our humanity, and that's just the final casualty. I said over 10 years ago we were going to become a third world country unless something was done then. It wasn't. We are becoming a third world country.


The reason we are down 30% tax is not because wealthy people are leaving, but because a lot of ordinary people don't earn enough to even pay tax. What with Uber (thanks Cameron) depressed wages, and trying to scratch a living self-employed etc.


Want to pay less tax Obelix? Try it at that end.


Now perhaps you'll answer Staunton's questions.

Edited by nikki-red
masked swearing.
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No. I'm interested in Anna's answer to it, and it wont take the anaylsis you claim which is just another of your attempts at distraction. If you don't care to discuss things, then don't discuss them - in the same way I don't care to discuss what you wish tot alk about and so wont be discussing it.


Notice how Obelix refuses to engage with the real issue - the fact that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. It is a common feature here on sheffieldforum that any attempt to draw attention to this fact attracts a stream of distraction mongers, bent on obscuring the issue under a torrent of false denials, arcane quibbles, personal attacks, hostility and attempts to confuse and derail meaningful discourse.


The press and screen media are populated by the cringing lick-spittle supporters of neoliberalism, and the self-appointed police of social media will do the same on any forum in which ordinary people can seek to articulate an alternative to the rapacious policies of the free market.


And it works, as the election of Donald Trump, the vote to leave the EU and the tory majority in 2015 all demonstrate.


If you are an ordinary person like me, please ask yourself how Teresa May's claim in her first statement as prime minister that '...if you're from an ordinary working class family... the government I lead will be driven, not by the interests of the privileged few, but by yours' can possibly be reconciled with an 8% cut in state education - that is eight percent less money per child spent on schooling this year than a year ago?


Neoliberalism is designed to extract wealth from the poor and divert it into the pockets of the rich, and it is working, as the latest Times Rich List so clearly demonstrates. I suspect that the 2017 general election is about much more than brexit - it is about the final destruction of public services so hated by the tory party. It is perhaps the last chance for ordinary people in the UK to consider their real needs and make important choices for themselves, their families and their communities rather than give more power to the agents of destruction. It is as serious as that.

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The graph that shows how the poor are paying more than the rich in tax.


Poorest fifth of the population lost 37.8 per cent of their income to the taxman last year, while richest fifth paid 34.8 per cent - a wider gap than previous year



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Notice how Obelix refuses to engage with the real issue - the fact that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer..


No I was just waiting for you to come up with the inevitable and walk into the trap.


The gini coefficient is falling. The tax burden on the rich has been rising since 2010 and that on the poor has been falling.




Now since you have decided to carry on with your usual stream of abuse I will solve the problem and ignore your questions as simply not being worth answering.

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I and most people do not take kindly to blackmail. If you care so little about your fellow man another country is welcome to you.


I and most people are sick of hearing this along with 'being over a barrel,' 'too big to fail' etc... Frankly, thanks to the politicians and bankers this country is pretty well <removed>


The only thing we have left is our humanity, and that's just the final casualty. I said over 10 years ago we were going to become a third world country unless something was done then. It wasn't. We are becoming a third world country.


The reason we are down 30% tax is not because wealthy people are leaving, but because a lot of ordinary people don't earn enough to even pay tax. What with Uber (thanks Cameron) depressed wages, and trying to scratch a living self-employed etc.


Want to pay less tax Obelix? Try it at that end.


Now perhaps you'll answer Staunton's questions.


If they go (and Im still in the IF camp) who do you think will pay hte bill then?


Just seen your edit. Who came up with the idea of poor people paying less tax? Not labour!

Edited by nikki-red
masked swearing
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Notice how Obelix refuses to engage with the real issue - the fact that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. It is a common feature here on sheffieldforum that any attempt to draw attention to this fact attracts a stream of distraction mongers, bent on obscuring the issue under a torrent of false denials, arcane quibbles, personal attacks, hostility and attempts to confuse and derail meaningful discourse.


The press and screen media are populated by the cringing lick-spittle supporters of neoliberalism, and the self-appointed police of social media will do the same on any forum in which ordinary people can seek to articulate an alternative to the rapacious policies of the free market.


And it works, as the election of Donald Trump, the vote to leave the EU and the tory majority in 2015 all demonstrate.


If you are an ordinary person like me, please ask yourself how Teresa May's claim in her first statement as prime minister that '...if you're from an ordinary working class family... the government I lead will be driven, not by the interests of the privileged few, but by yours' can possibly be reconciled with an 8% cut in state education - that is eight percent less money per child spent on schooling this year than a year ago?

Neoliberalism is designed to extract wealth from the poor and divert it into the pockets of the rich, and it is working, as the latest Times Rich List so clearly demonstrates. I suspect that the 2017 general election is about much more than brexit - it is about the final destruction of public services so hated by the tory party. It is perhaps the last chance for ordinary people in the UK to consider their real needs and make important choices for themselves, their families and their communities rather than give more power to the agents of destruction. It is as serious as that.


I put this up there with Thatcher's famous Francis of Assisi speech, said in that soft, oh so patronising voice...


Where there is discord, may we bring harmony.

Where there is error, may we bring truth.

Where there is despair, may we bring hope....


That turned out well didn't it....

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No I was just waiting for you to come up with the inevitable and walk into the trap.


The gini coefficient is falling. The tax burden on the rich has been rising since 2010 and that on the poor has been falling.




Now since you have decided to carry on with your usual stream of abuse I will solve the problem and ignore your questions as simply not being worth answering.


I am not interested in traps, distractions or any other form of subterfuge.


We need to consider who it is who engages in such techniques here on this forum. Since Obelix has chosen not to acknowledge any dependence on state provided health or education services we can draw our own conclusions.


We need to make informed choices as we approach the coming election. If you have any concern for nurses, teachers, the sick who depend on NHS support, the children in state schools, then do not allow yourself to be cheated by the press or the TV. Think very carefully, reflect upon where your real interests are and who might better represent them as you consider your vote on June 8.

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