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Origin of Sheffield name


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Originally posted by nimo118

and freedom of speech or are we no longer living in a democracy????


You are free to speak, just don't be surprised when people pick up on your comments. If you don't want your comments to be picked up on, then don't use your freedom of speech. Simple.

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Originally posted by max

Veiled racism pretending to be humour is still racism.


Free speech – YES – but I thought that this thread was called the Origin of Sheffield Name. At least nimo’s post on Leicester is on the origin of a place name.


But, I guess, you pcs and bleeding hearts have to push your ‘racist’ views anywhere and everywhere – whether or not it is actually there. You are the modern equivalent of the witch-hunters of the Middle Ages and later – an example of the worst kind of intolerance – the thought-police of Orwell.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

You are free to speak, just don't be surprised when people pick up on your comments. If you don't want your comments to be picked up on, then don't use your freedom of speech. Simple.


The idea of having 'free speech' and a 'moderator' is oxymoronic.


And in this age of the pc brigade, free speech, simply (not 'simple') does not exist.

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Originally posted by Carlwarker

The idea of having 'free speech' and a 'moderator' is oxymoronic.

Reading your posts here and on the thread relating to wind turbines I'm gobsmacked by your sheer hypocrisy. On the one hand you want totally unregulated freedom of speech irrespective of whether that speech offends somone. On the other you want strict building regulations to prevent the woolly hat brigade being offended visually.


I do wish you could be consistent.

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Originally posted by nimo118

in reply to the origin of the name Leicester the Latin derivation is this.


LEI means ( Full of ) and CESTER (foreigners) therefore Leicester = Full of foreigners Makes sense to me!

Ps. See also Wolverhampton ( the black country)???


Someone on this thread thinks that was a PROPER answer on your part, so I have to challenge you


Speaking as someone who was born in the Black Country, it was NOT called that because of the ethnic mix, you ignorant git, and of course we all know that, except Carlwarker perhaps?


There are two suggestions for the origins of the name. One evokes images of red, fiery furnaces by night and black, sooty citadels by day. Another, tells of the rich, loamy earth mixing with the eight foot coal seam which dominates the land. The Black Country today is much more, but very much the product of its unique heritage; cradle of the Industrial Revolution.


Then we come to Leicester -


Saxon, Leagceaster, from Leag or Ley, a field or common, and cester, a camp or city, from the Latin Castrum; It was probably built hard by a leag or common; a camp of the Roman legion. (See Chester.)


Now that we have the true meanings, are we allowed to say that Nimo is a prejudiced git, or do we still have to pander to him and let him be as rude as he likes?

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Originally posted by max

Reading your posts here and on the thread relating to wind turbines I'm gobsmacked by your sheer hypocrisy. On the one hand you want totally unregulated freedom of speech irrespective of whether that speech offends somone. On the other you want strict building regulations to prevent the woolly hat brigade being offended visually.


I do wish you could be consistent.



Pardon! Nowhere have I stated that I ‘want’ anything – you INFERRED that. And, ‘building regulations’, what are you on about? – another example, not just of inference, but of hallucination, and the thought-police mentality again.


Please learn to read AND comprehend (not infer or hallucinate) what I wrote on the wind-turbine thread and this one. I am, actually, in favour of them as an energy source, and nowhere, have I stated otherwise, but I would rather not have them placed in the few remaining, relatively unspoiled, parts of Britain.


As regards ‘you want totally unregulated freedom of speech irrespective of whether that speech offends someone.’ you are correct (this time, for once) … sticks and stones … etc.

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Originally posted by Belle

Someone on this thread thinks that was a PROPER answer on your part, so I have to challenge you


Speaking as someone who was born in the Black Country, it was NOT called that because of the ethnic mix, you ignorant git, and of course we all know that, except Carlwarker perhaps?... Now that we have the true meanings, are we allowed to say that Nimo is a prejudiced git, or do we still have to pander to him and let him be as rude as he likes?


You, I am quite sure, will say what you like – but heaven help anyone who disagrees with you, and the rest of your intolerant brigade.


Again, please learn to read what I wrote. As regards nimo’s post, I simply stated that he was, at least, akin to THIS thread on the origin of the Sheffield name, as apposed to the posts (within this thread) inferring racism. Nowhere have I stated that I agree with him – that is your inference. Again, an example of the knee-jerk reaction that you, and your like, are so fond of.


As regards your comment on the Black Country – you obviously have no sense of humor. I am quite aware of the industrial origins of it’s name.

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Originally posted by Carlwarker

The idea of having 'free speech' and a 'moderator' is oxymoronic.

As far as this argument goes, everyone is using a different understanding of the term 'Free Speech' - hence very little will elucidated as a result.


Failing to define terms at the beginning leads to confusion like this.

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Originally posted by Carlwarker

You, I am quite sure, will say what you like – but heaven help anyone who disagrees with you, and the rest of your intolerant brigade.


Again, please learn to read what I wrote. As regards nimo’s post, I simply stated that he was, at least, akin to THIS thread on the origin of the Sheffield name, as apposed to the posts (within this thread) inferring racism. Nowhere have I stated that I agree with him – that is your inference. Again, an example of the knee-jerk reaction that you, and your like, are so fond of.


As regards your comment on the Black Country – you obviously have no sense of humor. I am quite aware of the industrial origins of it’s name.



What is knee jerk is people like you and T020 suggesting that I am intolerant (because I wont tolerate other people's intolerance?) every time I post anything


But you shant stop me though, because the freedom of speech is as much mine as it is yours


Someone whose contribution to a thread on the origin of place names involves making fun of cities because of their sizeable ethnic communities, needs no defence from you, he clearly knows he is walking on the wild side.


People who tell prejudiced jokes know that they are bound to offend some people, it goes with the territory.


I dont know why you should find it remarkable that those of us who are offended should comment.


- and where you are concerned, I have no sense of humour whatsoever.

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