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Good god girl, go and find your dignity and self respect and leave him to rot! no one deserves to be spoken to like that..


If my partner had said that to me i would of thrown his tea over his head....


Get rid love, you only get one chance so don't waste it being unhappy :thumbsup:

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I am scared of going it alone, we have split a couple of times but i always end up going back as i dont like being on my own and i dont like seeing him hurting


Your dependant on this person for company, you think you are too weak to go it alone but you are 100% wrong on this.


The more time you spend apart the stronger you will get and will kick yourself once you realise that you put up with it for so long. It will not take a great deal of time before you regain your independence and self respect.


While ever you are in the situation you will not be able to see yourself out side of it. The fact that you have gained the strength to talk about it on here to strangers means some part of you knows its about time you did something about it.


You don't like seeing him hurting so you have already gone from being in a relationship with this person mentally and into being a carer for him. Get this into your head 'He does not care for you or what you do for him'.


Sorry for being blunt but that's how you are going to have to be with yourself, you don't deserve to be in the situation your in and know that I suspect.

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Being alone doesn't necessarily mean being lonely. Within a few weeks when the rawness has worn off you'll wish you left him ages ago.

As others have said, you only get one life so make sure you don't look back in years to come and realise you've thrown yours away.


There will be someone out there who will love and respect you for who you are, but while ever you're wasting you're time with this guy you're missing the opportunity to meet the right guy.

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To the OP - his behaviour is utterly unacceptable and you don't have to tolerate it.


I'd suggest either that you insist he seeks help or that you just leave him anyway.

I know it can be hard leaving a long term relationship, but you deserve better than this.

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Ditch him as soon as possible.


You may be scared of being lonely but once you're rid, you'll be surprised how many friends you will have offering their support.


I'm a firm believer in you only get one life, don't waste it.


It may be a painful and stressful process but well worth it in the end.


Good luck.

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I am scared of going it alone, we have split a couple of times but i always end up going back as i dont like being on my own and i dont like seeing him hurting


Lots of women have felt this way before. They stay around and endure more humiliation and abusive treatment; tragically, some of them are killed.


There are lots of women who do escape though and have happy lives. Be one of them.

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Lots of women have felt this way before. They stay around and endure more humiliation and abusive treatment; tragically, some of them are killed.


There are lots of women who do escape though and have happy lives. Be one of them.


I don't often agree with you Halibut - this time I can't stress what you're saying enough!

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Get rid. I spent too long in a relationship that damaged me mentally and emotinally. I was raw for a while and had to stand my ground, but it was the best thing I ever did. I'm now married to a man who I adore, and he adores me. You appreciate it more when you come through the other side.


You can do it, you just gotta be brave x

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