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Osborne today warned of the triple set recession. Is this Gordon Brown's fault as well!!? :huh:




"The threat of a triple-dip recession in the eurozone poses the biggest risk to the UK and global economy, George Osborne has warned"


Yes Osbourne is correct to warn of the problem in the Eurozone. Fortunately we haven't tried to spend our way out of recession and the forecast is for the UK to have growth around 2.7% next year whilst the Eurozone goes down the pan.




German output has been revised down 50 basis points to 1.4 per cent, while Italy’s growth has been cut by the same margin, meaning its economy will contract by 0.2 per cent this year.


The UK’s growth forecasts have remained unchanged at 3.2 per cent for 2014 and 2.7 per cent for 2015.

Edited by purdy
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"The threat of a triple-dip recession in the eurozone poses the biggest risk to the UK and global economy, George Osborne has warned"


Yes Osbourne is correct to warn of the problem in the Eurozone. Fortunately we haven't tried to spend our way out of recession and the forecast is for the UK to have growth around 2.7% next year whilst the Eurozone goes down the pan.




German output has been revised down 50 basis points to 1.4 per cent, while Italy’s growth has been cut by the same margin, meaning its economy will contract by 0.2 per cent this year.


The UK’s growth forecasts have remained unchanged at 3.2 per cent for 2014 and 2.7 per cent for 2015.


But halved in March 2013

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I wish Mecky had never started this stupid trend on this thread. Allowing defenders to go on and on and on, loving it and giving it the max. All so that they don't have to talk about...........


................. the brace of Elephant's in the room.


1. The silence is deafening about what they are going to do about UKIP! Where do Conservatives stop and UKIP begin?


2. What did Cameron mean about more powers for Scotland?*

He really chucked the baby out with the bath water there.

Will there be anything left of the Union he 'saved' ?*


* Please allow the other parties to explain their stance on their threads.

Edited by Flanker7
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"The UK economy grew by 1.9% in 2013, its strongest rate since 2007, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."


He certainly got the UK economy back on track.


ah, yes, the quango. Say no more.


I see VAT man has gone back on his troops vow already.

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When the new UKIP MEP's attended the opening session of the European Parliament they turned their backs in protest and disrespect but took the money. What should be the response of the members of all sides of the UK Parliament when the new UKIP MP or MP's take their seats in Parliament?

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When the new UKIP MEP's attended the opening session of the European Parliament they turned their backs in protest and disrespect but took the money. What should be the response of the members of all sides of the UK Parliament when the new UKIP MP or MP's take their seats in Parliament?


Give them credit where credits due,despite the other partys mustering every dirty trick they could think of they still did it ;)

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Give them credit where credits due,despite the other partys mustering every dirty trick they could think of they still did it ;)


They did it show that they neither accepted the EU and particularly the EU flag.

This was explained on the day it happened along with Farage's speech to the Council.

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When the new UKIP MEP's attended the opening session of the European Parliament they turned their backs in protest and disrespect but took the money. What should be the response of the members of all sides of the UK Parliament when the new UKIP MP or MP's take their seats in Parliament?


I'd love to see them turn their backs. It would symbolise turning their backs on all those who voted UKIP and even those who share concerns but remain loyal to the party they normally support. You should suggest it... UKIP would win a landslide.

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I will probably vote Conservative as I just think of Labour as a set of idiots and liars, Tony Blair certainly did it for me and his lies about Iraq. Personally I think the minimum wage has reduced wages as now firms just think oh I only need to pay£6.50 . Certainly it seems to have brought down secretarial wages over the last few years.


My arguement also is why would Labour ever want people to become well off, as the poor are their main voters so what would their gain be, its more a gain for the Conservatives if some one betters themselves.


You are absolutely right regarding minimum wage. There has been a top down momentum that has lead to where wages generally are. That's not to say it was not the thing to do at the time, overall the impact has been positive, without it, I am convinced, we would have people being paid far less that £6.50 per hour.


The point is legislation needs to keep up. The living wage is where we should be heading with consequent reductions in welfare making work attractive. The impact on immigration and national morale, with citizens feeling involved and empowered would be very positive.


---------- Post added 13-10-2014 at 10:02 ----------


Osborne doesn't have to warn, we all things are not what we're being told anyway and have done for some time. It's like these chumps on here, they ask me questions but they don't like the answers. Even if they sometimes agree with me, no matter what answer I give they'll always say I wrong, but offer no alternative themselves.


As one of the chumps you mention, would you point out to me one of the answers you have given us? Please take your time, if you go back far enough you may actually find one.

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