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their election is not next year 2015, but the year after that 2016. Thery will vote differently in the overall UK election than they will in the Scottish one.


I would be totally amazed if the Scottish Tories do overtake Scottish Labour in 2016 but I agree it is not impossible. They have no hope of overtaking them in 2015 in Scotland though, that is for sure.


Unless some change has been made in the last few weeks Scotland will be going to the polls in the UK election in 2015. The polls on the different regions were asking peoples voting intentions for that election.

I agree that the Tories won't be taking any awards in Scotland, but as they have nothing to lose anyhow the SNP gains will nearly all be at the expence of Labour and Libdems. Predictions have SNP gaining 13 seats.

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the 2016 Scottish election for the Scottish parliament is a different election to the 2015 GE.That Scottish election looks like it will be the only election ever where not just two, but all THREE leaders of the main parties (Scots Nat, Labour, and Tory) will be women.


do try to keep up, won't you.

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the 2016 Scottish election for the Scottish parliament is a different election to the 2015 GE.That Scottish election looks like it will be the only election ever where not just two, but all THREE leaders of the main parties (Scots Nat, Labour, and Tory) will be women.


do try to keep up, won't you.


I'm keeping up pretty well. That's why when I look up an opinion poll of how Scotland will vote at the 2015 General Election, I assume it refers to how Scotland intends to vote in the 2015 General Election.


The give away was the suplementary question about who would make the best Prime Minister "Who'd make best PM?"... Cameron 31% Miliband 19% Clegg 7%. It's a dead give away if you keep awake as non of them will be standing in 2016 for the Scottish Parliament..

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SNP gains will nearly all be at the expence of Labour and Libdems. Predictions have SNP gaining 13 seats.


hadn't you better make your mind up just how many parliamentary seats you think the Scottish Nationalist party are going to get, in Westiminster next GE? One minute, you said it was going to be 7. The next 13. You've just doubled, your prediction of their representation from one post to the next.

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SNP gains will nearly all be at the expence of Labour and Libdems. Predictions have SNP gaining 13 seats.


hadn't you better make your mind up just how many parliamentary seats you think the Scottish Nationalist party are going to get, in Westiminster next GE? One minute, you said it was going to be 7. The next 13. You've just doubled, your prediction of their representation from one post to the next.


Its pretty easy. In post 254 I ran the figures from the betting shops of how they expected the UK parliament to look after the 2015 election. Those figures were from before the Scottish referendum. In my post 260 I followed up with the latest opinion poll of Scottish voting intentions for the 2015 election. That poll was conducted last week after the Scottish referendum and produced a prediction of 19 seats for the SNP.


I don't need to make up my mind up about SNP seats as I am merely quoting figures from other sources. In the last 3 or 4 months those sources have upped the SNPs prospects from 7 seats to 19.

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Its pretty easy. In post 254 I ran the figures from the betting shops of how they expected the UK parliament to look after the 2015 election. Those figures were from before the Scottish referendum. In my post 260 I followed up with the latest opinion poll of Scottish voting intentions for the 2015 election. That poll was conducted last week after the Scottish referendum and produced a prediction of 19 seats for the SNP.


I don't need to make up my mind up about SNP seats as I am merely quoting figures from other sources. In the last 3 or 4 months those sources have upped the SNPs prospects from 7 seats to 19.



Very interesting that you have taken the time to research in this way. As far as I recollect the bookies have not usually been far out with their predictions. Makes a refreshing change from those on here who just "reckon" and in their reckoning show their predisposition to the inverted snobbery that pervades their thinking.

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Very interesting that you have taken the time to research in this way. As far as I recollect the bookies have not usually been far out with their predictions. Makes a refreshing change from those on here who just "reckon" and in their reckoning show their predisposition to the inverted snobbery that pervades their thinking.


Yes it does make you think. Just saying that Labour is on 33% is meaningless unless you take accounbt of where that 33% is. It does seem to have slipped under the radar how much some parties have lost ground in key areas.

The poll conducted in Scotland showed some seats with a 40% swing to the SNP.


This is a seat by seat assesment of seats that are currenly expected to go over to SNP.


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th Scots Nats are not bothered, about Westminster and they do not care, particularly much about the 2015 geneal election. What they are bothered about is not the Westminster, London election in 2015 at all, but the Scottish parliamenary election in Edinburgh in 2016 which body, they want to continue to control.

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th Scots Nats are not bothered, about Westminster and they do not care, particularly much about the 2015 geneal election. What they are bothered about is not the Westminster, London election in 2015 at all, but the Scottish parliamenary election in Edinburgh in 2016 which body, they want to continue to control.


Quite true, but the point that the SNP may do very well in 2015 seems to indicate that its Labour who will suffer in Scotland thereby limiting their seats in Westminster.


Similarly, if UKIP do well, they will tend to damage the Tories more than Labour BUT, don't underestimate the damage they will do to Labour.


The Lib Dems are a dead parrot. Which, I suggest, is a shame because I believe they tried to act honorably in the coalition but have borne the brunt of voter anger.


I believe the Tories will scrape a victory, by about 15/20 seats.


Worst scenario? Tory/UKIP coalition. The nutters will take over.


Im a Tory

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Quite true, but the point that the SNP may do very well in 2015 seems to indicate that its Labour who will suffer in Scotland thereby limiting their seats in Westminster.


So why did Cameron want Scotland to remain in the United Kingdom?

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