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The Conservative Party - all discussion here please.

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Government is like a game of pass the parcel. Therefore there is no point blaming the one who tears of the latest wrapping to reveal a steaming turd that will need tidying up. You need to work backwards and identify who put the turd in there to properly apportion blame. Here's a clue... it was Labour.


No, it isn't. I suppose you think it's ok to send people out to do a menial job knowing full well it could finish them off and cause hardship with no benefit to society. Borrowing is up, the deficit has widened, and it’s solved absolutely nothing except reward bankers and the greedy for their failures.

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No, it isn't. I suppose you think it's ok to send people out to do a menial job knowing full well it could finish them off and cause hardship with no benefit to society. Borrowing is up, the deficit has widened, and it’s solved absolutely nothing except reward bankers and the greedy for their failures.


You seem to have missed that the deficit has come down by a huge amount and the banks failed under the policies of the last government. Surely you remember Gordon Brown buying the banks and those massive bonuses going to the people in charge at the time they failed.

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You seem to have missed that the deficit has come down by a huge amount and the banks failed under the policies of the last government. Surely you remember Gordon Brown buying the banks and those massive bonuses going to the people in charge at the time they failed.


The deficit has not come down, nor has the national debt for that matter. It's true the global crash happened in 2008 but Labour is not responsible for other countries economies. If anything the deregulation of the banking industry in 1980 and the exporting of those very banking practices around the western world is to blame according to the Despatches programme on Channel 4.

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The deficit has not come down, nor has the national debt for that matter. It's true the global crash happened in 2008 but Labour is not responsible for other countries economies. If anything the deregulation of the banking industry in 1980 and the exporting of those very banking practices around the western world is to blame according to the Despatches programme on Channel 4.


We all know that you love to tell lies. Why not post something to back up your lie that the budget deficit is now higher than it was in 2010. It will be a tricky one to do to find something to back up that particular lie.

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Remember the state of the U.K. when the 2B's left office ?. Someone at the Treasury left a note on his desk which read, 'Don't look for any cash, there isn't any'. The country was in a mess, and only the Conservatives had the guts to tackle the economy. They are accused by Milipede of supporting the rich and robbing the poor. That's an old chestnut and if that's all he's got to say then he's an idiot. Without the Conservatives and Lib Dems in power, the L.D. presenting the voice of reason, we would be worse off than Greece, handing over our Treasury for the E.U. 'Gnomes' to dictate everything. Greece is such as bad mess that it will take a generation of poverty in all classes before any substantial improvement can be achieved.


I have many axes to grind with the Tories, e.g. for scrapping the Money Lenders Act, which limited interest to 49%, and allowing people to get themselves into impossible debt, but without a strong economy we would be using the begging bowl as Harold Wilson did. For all their faults, the Tories can be relied upon to achieve economic stability, and that is where fair play for all begins.


Finally, don't dismiss Nick Clegg. He and his party have played a vital role in the recovery. Of course they've had to renage on some of their policies, but that's what a coalition is, it wouldn't work without give and take. I think they have done a magnificent job, and it would be cutting one's nose off to spite ones face if we didn't support them at the next election.


My politics ?. I see the strengths and weaknesses in all men, and women by the way. If I was forced to vote it would be for stability rather than DOOM again. Don't allow the spin doctors violate your common sense and intelligence, don't be taken in by 'schoolyard politics', and send Millipede scurrying back to obscurity.

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We all know that you love to tell lies. Why not post something to back up your lie that the budget deficit is now higher than it was in 2010. It will be a tricky one to do to find something to back up that particular lie.


The national debt has now gone up to £1.4 Trillion.

I've also clearly read that the deficit has also gone up. I can't remember where it was. I'll try and find the link to coroborate this.

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Remember the state of the U.K. when the 2B's left office ?. Someone at the Treasury left a note on his desk which read, 'Don't look for any cash, there isn't any'. The country was in a mess, and only the Conservatives had the guts to tackle the economy. They are accused by Milipede of supporting the rich and robbing the poor. That's an old chestnut and if that's all he's got to say then he's an idiot. Without the Conservatives and Lib Dems in power, the L.D. presenting the voice of reason, we would be worse off than Greece, handing over our Treasury for the E.U. 'Gnomes' to dictate everything. Greece is such as bad mess that it will take a generation of poverty in all classes before any substantial improvement can be achieved.


I have many axes to grind with the Tories, e.g. for scrapping the Money Lenders Act, which limited interest to 49%, and allowing people to get themselves into impossible debt, but without a strong economy we would be using the begging bowl as Harold Wilson did. For all their faults, the Tories can be relied upon to achieve economic stability, and that is where fair play for all begins.


Finally, don't dismiss Nick Clegg. He and his party have played a vital role in the recovery. Of course they've had to renage on some of their policies, but that's what a coalition is, it wouldn't work without give and take. I think they have done a magnificent job, and it would be cutting one's nose off to spite ones face if we didn't support them at the next election.


My politics ?. I see the strengths and weaknesses in all men, and women by the way. If I was forced to vote it would be for stability rather than DOOM again. Don't allow the spin doctors violate your common sense and intelligence, don't be taken in by 'schoolyard politics', and send Millipede scurrying back to obscurity.

Ah yes the memories.







UK budget deficit 'to surpass Greece's as worst in EU'

European commission's spring forecasts put UK budget deficit this year at 12% of GDP – the highest in the European Union and worse than Treasury estimates


Katie Allen

The Guardian, Wednesday 5 May 2010 16.26 BST


The European commission forecast for the UK budget deficit is higher than Alistair Darling's.

Whoever wins the election must make sorting out the public finances the top priority, the European commission warned on the eve of the poll, as it predicted the British budget deficit would swell this year to become the biggest in the European Union, overtaking even Greece.


The commission's spring economic forecasts put the UK deficit for this calendar year at 12% of GDP, the highest of all 27 EU nations and worse than the Treasury's own forecasts.


The country's budget shortfall was the third largest in the EU last year but will overtake both Greece and Ireland this year, according to the forecasts. Greece's measures to tackle its public finances problems are projected to cut its deficit to 9.3% of GDP.


Worries about Britain's public finances – in their worst state since the end of the second world war – continue to unnerve financial markets and analysts are divided over whether a hung parliament will have the clout to rapidly reduce the deficit.

Edited by roosterboost
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The national debt has now gone up to £1.4 Trillion.

I've also clearly read that the deficit has also gone up. I can't remember where it was. I'll try and find the link to coroborate this.


What a shame that in an intelligent and open discussion you have to make unpleasant libellous remarks. Such a shame.

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The deficit has not come down,




You trot this one out again despite being shown where you were wrong last time - why do you feel the need to continually lie about this?


The deficit is falling. See here..




nor has the national debt for that matter. It's true the global crash happened in 2008 but Labour is not responsible for other countries economies. If anything the deregulation of the banking industry in 1980 and the exporting of those very banking practices around the western world is to blame according to the Despatches programme on Channel 4.


And of course Labour didn't have well over a decade and massive unassilable majorities with which to change this?

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You trot this one out again despite being shown where you were wrong last time - why do you feel the need to continually lie about this?


The deficit is falling. See here..






And of course Labour didn't have well over a decade and massive unassilable majorities with which to change this?


I'm not wrong thought and you know it. That's why you're sweating

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