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The Conservative Party - all discussion here please.

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I found out last night that Mrs Doom intends voting Conservative.


I didn't have Mrs Doom down as a Tory, I thought she'd probably go Liberal.


Her reasoning was the steady improvement of the economy under the Tories. Fair play to her, at least she's going to take the trouble to vote.





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Lol. Conservatives. In Sheffield. :hihi:


Does such a thing exist?


Very few I reckon, some proclaiming to be be tories don't actually live in sheffield


---------- Post added 20-05-2014 at 07:29 ----------


We Tories have had so many perfect MPs , sir Irvine was there to redress the balance.


Cameron, Osborne and Iain Duncan Smith are three you might want to add to the balance of redress

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Those nasty public services again http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27504422


She was very brave taking on the police federation. It's not of course the police service she was referring to it was the pf. The police trades union. The people that helped to try to manufacture the case in the so called and by the sounds of it inaccurate " pleb gate ".


The PF is not a public service.


---------- Post added 22-05-2014 at 08:22 ----------


They are the party that rob from the poor and give to the rich


Just silly lies.


They tax the wealthy more than the poor. The richer you are the more tax you pay simple as. Don't try to pretend it is anything different


The poor are supported by the wealthy through subsidies and entrepreneurs providing employment for people. No they don't do it for altruistic reasons but it is a virtuous circle of creating wealth.


Just cause people repeat a lie often enough doesn't make it true.

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I find it a bit rich. A Politician lecturing the Police because a percentage of the Public don't trust them. Don't look in the mirror Teresa!


btw - The Police Federation represent Officers up to the rank of Inspector. They are not responsible for Police Tactics or Decisions or Hillsborough.

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A good day to hide bad news :hihi:


European influx into the UK rises by 27% in a year in a fresh blow to Cameron's target to reduce net migration to 'tens of thousands'


201,000 EU citizens arrived in the UK in 2013, up from 158,000 in 2012

Net migration stood at 212,000, double the Tories election target

Ukip accuse Cameron of breaking a 'solemn promise to the British people'



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2636077/European-influx-UK-rises-27-year-fresh-blow-Camerons-target-reduce-net-migration-tens-thousands.html#ixzz32RUyhnfN

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"David Davis: Voters say Tories lack 'clarity and courage'"




Perhaps they do David, but they've kicked just about everyone in the head and demonised everyone from the army to the disabled in the press whilst rewarding their rich friends. It's no wonder the public have turned and given these nasty people a good kicking back.

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