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The Conservative Party - all discussion here please.

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It's up to you to provide the links Mecky - if you can't then it's just more of your bluster and lies as far as I'm concerned, and probably most of the other readers of this thread are concerned as well...


I don't have to post anything nor do I have to try and justify myself to anyone, least of all someone like you.

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I don't have to post anything nor do I have to try and justify myself to anyone, least of all someone like you.


Someone like me? You want to clarify that you are skirting dangerously close to saying something unfortunate there...


If you want people to take your arguments seriously Mecky you really do need to justify them, lest people come along and rubbish them publically, as has happened again....

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Someone like me? You want to clarify that you are skirting dangerously close to saying something unfortunate there...


If you want people to take your arguments seriously Mecky you really do need to justify them, lest people come along and rubbish them publically, as has happened again....


Stop picking on the poor dear.


He flips 'tween far-left and far-right opinion so often, he's even making me dizzy.

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A bit more on Operation Fernbridge and the blame game http://web.orange.co.uk/article/news/terrier_vaz_is_chasing_may_over_abuse_inquiry






I notice neither of these stories specifically mention Operation Fernbridge (Child sex abuse scandal linked to the 1980's UK government) but that's what both stories are linked to. Perhaps the sensationalism of Operation Yewtree is simply to try and overshadow OF?

Edited by Mecky
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Mecky, you can't complain about national debt and deficit in one breath and in the next complain about cuts and austerity. The fact is that the current government inherited a huge national debt, commitment to massive spend (including about £40 billion in interest payments each year) and an economic downturn that means there is less money coming in. You either have austerity to reduce the deficit or you keep borrowing and increase the debt... which would you have us do?


We are in this mess because Labour fell for it's own propaganda (no more boom or bust), spent recklessly during a global boom time and as a result accrued debt instead of savings for rainy days in the future. Their recklessness means we have no money to tide us over and maintain the standard of living we were use. Whilst the current government may be making a bit of a hash of the clean up operation, and the cuts are not nice to endure, we should not forget who is responsible for the making the mess... Labour.

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A bit more on Operation Fernbridge


Ah the old let's start a new storyline and hope no one will ask me about my previous faux pas...


Come on Mecky where are these statistic and proof about the deficit then? It's not a tricky thing to post up your links so where are they?

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Cameron has only to turn up to win the next election, true UKIP will dent the overall Tory vote and if Labour had a credible front bench they should walk into power, but with Milliband as leader, Balls, Cooper (retch), Eagle, Burnham and all the other losers infesting the opposition benches Cameron is laughing all the way into a Tory majority.

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Cameron has only to turn up to win the next election, true UKIP will dent the overall Tory vote and if Labour had a credible front bench they should walk into power, but with Milliband as leader, Balls, Cooper (retch), Eagle, Burnham and all the other losers infesting the opposition benches Cameron is laughing all the way into a Tory majority.


You could be right Alan, but I don't think it will be an overall majority.

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You could be right Alan, but I don't think it will be an overall majority.


Current prediction would be for both major parties to take around 290 seats. Well well short of a majority. SNP may take most of Scotland and hold 40 /50 seats. Lds perhaps 30.


Of course the Tories are in power. If like Labour did last time they had a massive give away and bribed the electorate with a bit of sugar it could easily give them a couple of %. It might make there 290 become 305 and Labour back to 275.

If that were to happen the LDs and a few minor parties in support could take the day.

But what if Cameron offered the SNP a big fish in exchange for not having Scottish MPs vote on English matters.

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