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Conspiracy theories Mecky? That's a new low for you....


Why is it a conspiracy?


---------- Post added 16-11-2014 at 08:02 ----------


More fair points from Del, some of which we have known for years, even since before 2010, but some will never, let alone would like, to admit to:



So what this page has been trying to show for nearly two years will now be published in print come Monday, and already the Tory donating press are trying to water it down and keep it from the public eye.


A independent research and landmark report will be published on Monday by the School of Economics and the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex and will reveal that the Tory led coalition has been engaged in a significant transfer of income from the least well-off half of the population to the more affluent and wealthy, every year for the past four years. Those with the lowest incomes have been hit hardest.



The report will also show that the transfer of funds from the poorest half of the country to the more affluent did not contribute anything to the deficit reduction.


In plain simple terms all thiis austerity and all those cuts and all this suffering has not benefited the country , it has only benefited wealthy individuals.


This tiny little island of our's, now has more billionaires per head than any other country and non of that wealth is trickling down to the people that work for many of their companies at ground level, The wealthy have embraced Tory austerity that has allowed them to keep wages low and employ over a million people on zero hour contracts, at minimum wage, and of course avoid billions in tax.


This added with the never ending attack by the Tories on the welfare state, coupled with the highest amount of personal debt since records began and high energy bills, which have all created a climate of fear about losing any kind of job, even if that job is now a throw back to Victorian times where you are paid pennies and you and your family are completely at the mercy of your employer with absolutely no working rights.


Such as 80% of the staff who work at "" Sports Direct "" who are employed on minimum wage and zero hour contracts while the company is making hundreds of millions of pounds of profit for its multi billionaire owner Mike Ashly who instead of giving proper jobs and a living wage as a reward to his shop floor staff, prefers to buy football clubs. Mr Ashly must be loving austerity Britain and the conveyor belt of young people he can exploit in his shops, who most have no security and no rights in the workplace, and can be told they have no work at a moment's notice, and once you are forced into one of these jobs you are trapped in it because if you walk you will be left to starve by your country !! because you will be entitled to NOTHING.


We have six months to go before the biggest election this country has EVER seen !! Should the Tories win it, even with another inept coalition, then a curtain will be drawn around this small island of our's, and dark times, very dark times shall befall over half of its people, from which they may never recover or see the light of hope again. In their, and perhaps even their children's life times.



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this tiny little island of ours.


The so common usage of that expression has always amused me.


It's the 10th largest island, in the world.


There are hundreds of thousands, of islands in the world. And out of all of them, the main British island, is the 10th largest. There is nothing 'tiny' about it, at all.

Edited by blake
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this tiny little island of ours.


The so common usage of that expression has always amused me.


It's the 10th largest island, in the world.


There are hundreds of thousands, of islands in the world. And out of all of them, the main British island, is the 10th largest. There is nothing 'tiny' about it, at all.


You win 'Pedant of the Week'.


But your point would have been more accurate and more relevant if you had thought for a second and realised the point Mecky was trying to make.

He's still wrong.


The Uk is:-

73rd largest country by size.

10th largest island (which has no relevance!)

6th largest economy.

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When some clown refers to Britain being a 'tiny little island' when it is fact one of the largest there is, then there is likely to be at least some suspicion that perhaps the rest of the text might also be well off the mark.

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When some clown refers to Britain being a 'tiny little island' when it is fact one of the largest there is, then there is likely to be at least some suspicion that perhaps the rest of the text might also be well off the mark.


So, it's only a tiny little island when it's referred to in immigration terms is it?

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Britain's food self-sufficiency is in long-term decline, warn farmers

NFU says year's food supply 'would run out today without imports', with homegrown food making up only 60% of total




I don't need the NFU to tell me that, I already knew. Leaving the EU is going to make food more expensive and drive up living costs making the UK even more uncempetitive than it is now.

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I'm loving the numbers but they are pointless unless they have some relevance.


Population 60-70 million yet Happ Hazzard says it should be 3 - why?


We produce only 60% of our food and our self sufficiency is in decline - so what? Are we suggesting that we send some merchant bankers into the fields with the Eastern Europeans so that we can feed ourselves?


Come on guys a little less of the knee jerk sound bites and a little bit of informed comment is needed.

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