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The Conservative Party - all discussion here please.

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He cannot. For the elementary arithmetical reason that a non-trivial amount of British tax income pre-2010 was derived from profits made on high-risk trading activities in the City, which have since been abandoned on the run-up to the Basel III measures and in the face of new British banking regs (globally held by very many economists and financial analysts as a model to follow, and highly envied by many in the EU, the ECB of which keeps fudging the issue).


In simple terms: the financial trading forming the profit base from which Labour enjoyed high tax receipts during the last of their tenure, was a sizeable portion of the very cause of the crisis. That trading vanished with the crisis, so did the tax take.



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Don't preach what you don't practice. That's an end to your petty arguments



The way to sort this Mecky is for you to show a little humility, start to be less abusive and start to debate properly - you know - by answering questions like a reasonable person. I told you that a long time ago and your standard response since then when I've refused to debate with you has been a childish infantilised outburst from yourself.


When you stop that I will start to debate with you again.


No it doesn't all lowering taxation level does is make more profit for greedy business owners; it certainly doesn't create more jobs as some people have tried to claim. As for individuals lower taxation will ultimately mean higher consumer prices as greedy corps say, "I'll have your increased disposable income"


And thus Mecky shows why Labour should never be trusted with a burnt match, let alone the control of a major world economy...


As for your last point, you seem to have ignored everything I've said, why is that?


Because it was complete cobblers I suspect.

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Another cracking rant from Del and spot on again


Just in the last 48 hrs while David Cameron keeps banging on about ' the long term economic plan ' and how not voting for Tory will lead to chaos it has been revealed that 57 patients died because an ambulance did not come to their 999 call because of a cost cutting exercise !! Tens of thousands of cancer patients will be denied a few more years of quality life as cancer drugs are withdrawn from the NHS !! The police union have said that police moral is at a all time low because of cuts and job losses and longer hours !! NHS chiefs have said that all NHS services are on the brink of collapse as 3 more hospitals go into emergency administration !! and foodbank charities say they are running out of food because demand is out stripping supply !! and a record number of claimants of disabled and unemployed benefits received no money over the Christmas period because of sanctions..


MEANWHILE it has been revealed that George Osborne has been working on plans to once again give more tax cuts to people earning over a hundredth and fifty thousand pounds per year within the first few months of being re elected !! and as you look at the list above please do not forget that the Tories took 3 billion pounds from those services to fund their previous tax cut for millionaires...

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Just in the last 48 hrs while David Cameron keeps banging on about ' the long term economic plan ' and how not voting for Tory will lead to chaos it has been revealed that 57 patients died because an ambulance did not come to their 999 call because of a cost cutting exercise !! Tens of thousands of cancer patients will be denied a few more years of quality life as cancer drugs are withdrawn from the NHS !! The police union have said that police moral is at a all time low because of cuts and job losses and longer hours !! NHS chiefs have said that all NHS services are on the brink of collapse as 3 more hospitals go into emergency administration !! and foodbank charities say they are running out of food because demand is out stripping supply !! and a record number of claimants of disabled and unemployed benefits received no money over the Christmas period because of sanctions..


MEANWHILE it has been revealed that George Osborne has been working on plans to once again give more tax cuts to people earning over a hundredth and fifty thousand pounds per year within the first few months of being re elected !! and as you look at the list above please do not forget that the Tories took 3 billion pounds from those services to fund their previous tax cut for millionaires...


It's no wonder I haven't voted in over 25 years


Must be your fault then.

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Ramsey McDonald, Disaster, left country skint.


Clement Attlee, Disaster, left country skint.


Harold Wilson, Russian spy, resigned before exposure, handed over to James Callaghan, disaster, who left country skint.


Tony Blair, war criminal, resigned before being thrown out by his own party, handed over to Gordon Brown, disaster, left country skint.


Winston Churchill, great war time leader.

Anthony Eden, very sick man. Great Foreign Secretary.

Harold Macmillan presided over greatest economic boom in British History.

Ted Heath, undermined by communismts in Labour party and Unions who were all paid and backed by Moscow.

Margaret Thatcher, greatest Prime Minister in UK history.

John Major most under rated PM.

David Cameron. History will show, truly great PM

All of them left power with the economy better than they found it.


Vote Tory ( you know it makes sense).

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Ramsey McDonald, Disaster, left country skint.


Clement Attlee, Disaster, left country skint.


Harold Wilson, Russian spy, resigned before exposure, handed over to James Callaghan, disaster, who left country skint.


Tony Blair, war criminal, resigned before being thrown out by his own party, handed over to Gordon Brown, disaster, left country skint.


Winston Churchill, great war time leader.

Anthony Eden, very sick man. Great Foreign Secretary.

Harold Macmillan presided over greatest economic boom in British History.

Ted Heath, undermined by communismts in Labour party and Unions who were all paid and backed by Moscow.

Margaret Thatcher, greatest Prime Minister in UK history.

John Major most under rated PM.

David Cameron. History will show, truly great PM

All of them left power with the economy better than they found it.


Vote Tory ( you know it makes sense).


Hang on,if 70% of all our decisions are now made by the EU what it is that Cameroon did that was so great? I must have missed it.do please remind us.


I do remember however so many ideas that hes done uturns on which all cost us all big amounts of cash




and I also remember every question he answers is really no answer.Ive never seen a pm ride so much on the word COULD.


The latest COULD is that he COULD give us a referendum




"David Cameron signals he could bow to pressure and rush forward in/out EU vote"


Ive been round long enough to know that Could means it wont happen.Replace the word with WILL and I might buy it but I know that isn't going to happen.

we will get a con renegosiation,and the referendum will be pulled.


Great indeed! More like GRATE!

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Winston Churchill, great war time leader.

Anthony Eden, very sick man. Great Foreign Secretary.

Harold Macmillan presided over greatest economic boom in British History.

Ted Heath, undermined by communismts in Labour party and Unions who were all paid and backed by Moscow.

Margaret Thatcher, greatest Prime Minister in UK history.

John Major most under rated PM.

David Cameron. History will show, truly great PM

All of them left power with the economy better than they found it.


Vote Tory ( you know it makes sense).


Thatcher's premiership was marked by high unemployment and social unrest. Thatcher has been criticised for being divisive and for promoting greed and selfishness.


"Black Wednesday" caused billions of pounds to be wasted in a futile attempt to defend our currency. John Major came very close to resigning as Prime Minister


Camerons premiership is marked by high unemployment(it is now almost 2 million, its highest for almost 20 years) and social unrest.

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Ramsey McDonald, Disaster, left country skint.


Clement Attlee, Disaster, left country skint.


Harold Wilson, Russian spy, resigned before exposure, handed over to James Callaghan, disaster, who left country skint.


Tony Blair, war criminal, resigned before being thrown out by his own party, handed over to Gordon Brown, disaster, left country skint.


Winston Churchill, great war time leader.

Anthony Eden, very sick man. Great Foreign Secretary.

Harold Macmillan presided over greatest economic boom in British History.

Ted Heath, undermined by communismts in Labour party and Unions who were all paid and backed by Moscow.

Margaret Thatcher, greatest Prime Minister in UK history.

John Major most under rated PM.

David Cameron. History will show, truly great PM

All of them left power with the economy better than they found it.


Vote Tory ( you know it makes sense).


Still pushing your master's cause Xenia? You do know that you won't get more than one vote, even though you've had at least 5 different user names on here!

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Ramsey McDonald, Disaster, left country skint.


Clement Attlee, Disaster, left country skint.


Harold Wilson, Russian spy, resigned before exposure, handed over to James Callaghan, disaster, who left country skint.


Tony Blair, war criminal, resigned before being thrown out by his own party, handed over to Gordon Brown, disaster, left country skint.


Winston Churchill, great war time leader.

Anthony Eden, very sick man. Great Foreign Secretary.

Harold Macmillan presided over greatest economic boom in British History.

Ted Heath, undermined by communismts in Labour party and Unions who were all paid and backed by Moscow.

Margaret Thatcher, greatest Prime Minister in UK history.

John Major most under rated PM.

David Cameron. History will show, truly great PM

All of them left power with the economy better than they found it.


Vote Tory ( you know it makes sense).


If that were all true the Tories would never have lost an election, would they? But they have now not won a majority for over 20 years and it's not looking good for them this year.


Churchill lost the 1945 and 1950 general elections. Attlee gave us the NHS with Churchill voting against.


Wilson was not a Russian spy. Only you and Xena think that.


---------- Post added 14-01-2015 at 20:28 ----------


Hang on,if 70% of all our decisions are now made by the EU what it is that Cameroon did that was so great? I must have missed it.


You miss a lot of things. Most of reality in fact.


The EU does not make 70% of our decisions. The UK government still has control of defence, taxation, health, education, the environment, law and order, internal security, housing, economic policy, etc, etc.

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