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The Conservative Party - all discussion here please.

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OK, I've just got off the phone to both David Laws and Liam Byrne. They have agreed to come round to your house to provide sworn statements. They will also bring the letter for you to inspect and I'll arrange for a handwriting and forgery specialist to attend to also assess authenticity (subject of course to you scrutinising their CV and qualifications). Following that we're off to the Jeremy Kyle studios to record a show called "The money's all gone... but was the note planted by my ex-boyfriend's gay lover working for MI5?" Don't go away... lie detector results next.


So you don't like to admit you're wrong then?

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So you don't like to admit you're wrong then?


You are wrong.


It has been mentioned in Parliament many times, never denied by Labour, just uncomfortable smiles by the person who wrote it.


You are going to ask for proof or tapes of that next aren't you?

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So you don't like to admit you're wrong then?


I'm certain you don't. You were wrong about the economy in march 2013, you were wrong about school playing fields, were wrong about the causes of financial collapse, and you are wrong about this. It's been admitted to by the perpertrator, by the finder, by all who commented on it in public, by all those who saw the document, from all sides of the house, from those who commented in Hansard on it, in TV interviews on it, everywhere.


The existence of the document is not in doubt in anywhere apart from Meckyland. You are either a troll, or are not in complete command of your mental faculties. I can't figure out which though.

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You are wrong.


It has been mentioned in Parliament many times, never denied by Labour, just uncomfortable smiles by the person who wrote it.


You are going to ask for proof or tapes of that next aren't you?


No, why don't you understand? I'm not saying the letter didn't exist, I'm saying nobody has seen it. It's no big deal if such a letter existed anyway, why are people trying to make an issue out of it?


---------- Post added 28-01-2015 at 06:19 ----------


Anyway, another classic from Del. Don't like his writing style but he certainly makes you think, well, for those of you who can ...


Edited for swearing


So as we shuffle ever nearer to judgement day come May, in what will be the most important general election I believe of a generation, David Cameron flew stateside to grovel for the approval from a man who has somehow managed to be a bigger disappointment and more of a complete waste of time for his own country than even Cameron has managed to be, and believe me that takes some right doing.

Yes, Barack Obama begrudgingly left the golf course to welcome that pasty faced annoying little twerp with the giant shiny forehead from the UK, who insists on phoning him up every day to see if there is anyone who needs killing somewhere in the world to protect the freedoms and the way of life of Gary Barlow and the rest of Take That and to beg Obama to make the UK the 51st state of America.

Before flying out to the states David Cameron told his adoring British public that after the recent events in France we should never let the terrorists alter the way we live our lives and our right to free expression and protest which is quite ironic as I don't think Al-Qaeda have recently purchased water cannons and thousands of high voltage batons while chipping away at our human rights to food, water, shelter, freedom, justice, and work!!

I do not remember seeing in the 2015 Al-Qaeda manifesto plans to make it against the law to strike unless you have a 50% favourable vote !! Er just remind me what percentage did the Tories have in the last election that allowed the Bullingdon club to seize power and force grinding austerity on 99% of the country ? and just to remind the terrorists that non of their ghastly deeds will ever change the way we live our lives he now wants to ban digital encryption which would mean the end of sending messages on most social media sites like Facebook messenger and apple facetime or WhatsApp !! So in your face Al-Qaeda we are still living the dream here, the only problem being that dream is a ****ing Tory nightmare !!!

The truth is that David Cameron loves a crises, he was like a rat up a drainpipe when it all kicked off in Paris !! He was straight on twitter telling the country to brace it's self for this kind of hideous attack and that he was chairing a meeting of Cobra and talking to our security services and that he had been on the blower to Obama and then he was off to France to march with the French citizens in a show of unity !! But when a British soldier was hacked to death in broad daylight on a busy London street it did not attract the intense world media coverage as the multiple slayings in Paris. So a despondent Dave gave a One minute twenty two second speech and then flew off to Ibiza for happy hour and a foam party !!

That alone tells you all you need to know about the kind of man David Cameron is !! No doubt if private Lee Rigby had been more high profile, then on the same day we saw Lee's mother weeping at the floral tributes left at the site of his terrible murder we would have not seen pictures taken on the very same day of David Cameron sipping coffee in the Ibiza sunshine laughing his head off with that ridiculous woman who agreed to marry the doughnut .

One final little bit of media whoring that David Cameron managed to squeeze out of his US trip was to get Obama to say on camera what a good job the Tories were doing on the UK economy !! It was so contrived and cheesy I thought I was actually going to lose consciousness at one point.

Firstly getting any kind of indorsment from Obama means very little in the real world !! Here was the man that was going to rebuild and give a voice to the many millions of Americans who were ignored by the Bush administration, the great hope they called him in the US media and now they call him the great dope !! Obama became Americas Nick Clegg in that nobody could really see the point in him, many politicians on capital hill scratched their head and wondered if Obama did not want to use the Presidency then perhaps somebody else could borrow it for a while !!

Secondly when Obama said that the UK and America must be doing something right in reference to their economic growth, I was a little puzzled as both countries had tackled the problem of the banking crash of 2008 in complete opposite ways in that the US spent its way out of trouble and protected jobs and services and tackled it's debt in a balanced and calm manner which is now putting them back on course to once again being a world economic powerhouse. Where as the UK started out doing much the same thing, which by 2010 had seen the country back in economic growth and ready to tackle it's debt in a even handed way AND THEN the Tories got in and immediately cut the country to the bone and sent us back into what was nearly a treble recession of which 4 years later we have only just come out of with a tiny bit of growth which was then downsized within a couple of weeks, and there are warning signs that we could very well be heading into recession territory again even with the Tories adding a few billion here and there with colourful book keeping and the profits from drugs and prostitution.

The cold naked truth is that in nearly five years the Tories have taken away a massive chunk of public services and jobs, the Nazis burned books where as the Tories simply closed libraries and further education centres. They have shrunk the welfare state under the pretext that all unemployed or sick people are scroungers or criminals, aided in this by the Tory and Murdoch press machine and television channels like channel 5 which is owned by a Tory donor who churns out benefit scrounging programmes on a weekly basis to poison the well for everybody. A Prime example of how the Tory supporting Murdoch newspapers operates happened last week when every national paper on Tuesday had on its front pages a independent report on the demise of an NHS in crisis, all that is apart from Rupert Murdoch's Sun or Scum newspaper that had a full front page story for two days running of a family of overweight benefit claimants, and that is what we are up against in this coming election is Tory sensationalism and sowing seeds of fear that the country will collapse if they are not in charge of the purse strings.

I would like to apologise for being missing in action of late but I am having hospital treatment once again and I have been pretty poorly of late, but I promise I will do my best to expose the Tory lies and lead the charge of truth in this upcoming election, and I can only pray to God that we can defeat these self serving conservative filth who are being led by a man who only became a politician because he was to lazy and pampered by his daddy's millions and who had no real qualifications to get a proper career job and so preferred to hang out in the restaurants and private clubs and bars of Westminster living it up on tax payers money and who then accidentally became prime minister as a protest vote of the Iraq war with out even winning an election !! and the majority of us have been paying for it ever since...

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No, why don't you understand? I'm not saying the letter didn't exist, I'm saying nobody has seen it. It's no big deal if such a letter existed anyway, why are people trying to make an issue out of it?


---------- Post added 28-01-2015 at 06:19 ----------


Anyway, another classic from Del. Don't like his writing style but he certainly makes you think, well, for those of you who can ...


Edited for swearing


So as we shuffle ever nearer to judgement day come May, in what will be the most important general election I believe of a generation, David Cameron flew stateside to grovel for the approval from a man who has somehow managed to be a bigger disappointment and more of a complete waste of time for his own country than even Cameron has managed to be, and believe me that takes some right doing.

Yes, Barack Obama begrudgingly left the golf course to welcome that pasty faced annoying little twerp with the giant shiny forehead from the UK, who insists on phoning him up every day to see if there is anyone who needs killing somewhere in the world to protect the freedoms and the way of life of Gary Barlow and the rest of Take That and to beg Obama to make the UK the 51st state of America.

Before flying out to the states David Cameron told his adoring British public that after the recent events in France we should never let the terrorists alter the way we live our lives and our right to free expression and protest which is quite ironic as I don't think Al-Qaeda have recently purchased water cannons and thousands of high voltage batons while chipping away at our human rights to food, water, shelter, freedom, justice, and work!!

I do not remember seeing in the 2015 Al-Qaeda manifesto plans to make it against the law to strike unless you have a 50% favourable vote !! Er just remind me what percentage did the Tories have in the last election that allowed the Bullingdon club to seize power and force grinding austerity on 99% of the country ? and just to remind the terrorists that non of their ghastly deeds will ever change the way we live our lives he now wants to ban digital encryption which would mean the end of sending messages on most social media sites like Facebook messenger and apple facetime or WhatsApp !! So in your face Al-Qaeda we are still living the dream here, the only problem being that dream is a ****ing Tory nightmare !!!

The truth is that David Cameron loves a crises, he was like a rat up a drainpipe when it all kicked off in Paris !! He was straight on twitter telling the country to brace it's self for this kind of hideous attack and that he was chairing a meeting of Cobra and talking to our security services and that he had been on the blower to Obama and then he was off to France to march with the French citizens in a show of unity !! But when a British soldier was hacked to death in broad daylight on a busy London street it did not attract the intense world media coverage as the multiple slayings in Paris. So a despondent Dave gave a One minute twenty two second speech and then flew off to Ibiza for happy hour and a foam party !!

That alone tells you all you need to know about the kind of man David Cameron is !! No doubt if private Lee Rigby had been more high profile, then on the same day we saw Lee's mother weeping at the floral tributes left at the site of his terrible murder we would have not seen pictures taken on the very same day of David Cameron sipping coffee in the Ibiza sunshine laughing his head off with that ridiculous woman who agreed to marry the doughnut .

One final little bit of media whoring that David Cameron managed to squeeze out of his US trip was to get Obama to say on camera what a good job the Tories were doing on the UK economy !! It was so contrived and cheesy I thought I was actually going to lose consciousness at one point.

Firstly getting any kind of indorsment from Obama means very little in the real world !! Here was the man that was going to rebuild and give a voice to the many millions of Americans who were ignored by the Bush administration, the great hope they called him in the US media and now they call him the great dope !! Obama became Americas Nick Clegg in that nobody could really see the point in him, many politicians on capital hill scratched their head and wondered if Obama did not want to use the Presidency then perhaps somebody else could borrow it for a while !!

Secondly when Obama said that the UK and America must be doing something right in reference to their economic growth, I was a little puzzled as both countries had tackled the problem of the banking crash of 2008 in complete opposite ways in that the US spent its way out of trouble and protected jobs and services and tackled it's debt in a balanced and calm manner which is now putting them back on course to once again being a world economic powerhouse. Where as the UK started out doing much the same thing, which by 2010 had seen the country back in economic growth and ready to tackle it's debt in a even handed way AND THEN the Tories got in and immediately cut the country to the bone and sent us back into what was nearly a treble recession of which 4 years later we have only just come out of with a tiny bit of growth which was then downsized within a couple of weeks, and there are warning signs that we could very well be heading into recession territory again even with the Tories adding a few billion here and there with colourful book keeping and the profits from drugs and prostitution.

The cold naked truth is that in nearly five years the Tories have taken away a massive chunk of public services and jobs, the Nazis burned books where as the Tories simply closed libraries and further education centres. They have shrunk the welfare state under the pretext that all unemployed or sick people are scroungers or criminals, aided in this by the Tory and Murdoch press machine and television channels like channel 5 which is owned by a Tory donor who churns out benefit scrounging programmes on a weekly basis to poison the well for everybody. A Prime example of how the Tory supporting Murdoch newspapers operates happened last week when every national paper on Tuesday had on its front pages a independent report on the demise of an NHS in crisis, all that is apart from Rupert Murdoch's Sun or Scum newspaper that had a full front page story for two days running of a family of overweight benefit claimants, and that is what we are up against in this coming election is Tory sensationalism and sowing seeds of fear that the country will collapse if they are not in charge of the purse strings.

I would like to apologise for being missing in action of late but I am having hospital treatment once again and I have been pretty poorly of late, but I promise I will do my best to expose the Tory lies and lead the charge of truth in this upcoming election, and I can only pray to God that we can defeat these self serving conservative filth who are being led by a man who only became a politician because he was to lazy and pampered by his daddy's millions and who had no real qualifications to get a proper career job and so preferred to hang out in the restaurants and private clubs and bars of Westminster living it up on tax payers money and who then accidentally became prime minister as a protest vote of the Iraq war with out even winning an election !! and the majority of us have been paying for it ever since...


For a change Mecky I agree with every word you say and endorse your sentiments.

Get well soon, we need your discussions on here.



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No, why don't you understand? I'm not saying the letter didn't exist, I'm saying nobody has seen it. It's no big deal if such a letter existed anyway


You think that Labour having spent all the money and put the country in hock for a generation isn't a big deal?


Well that's straight from the donkeys mouth that - Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money.

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For a change Mecky I agree with every word you say and endorse your sentiments.

Get well soon, we need your discussions on here.




I didn't say it though and that's the thing. Whilst I agree I don't like his writing style and his choice of words he does give you food for thought

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  • 4 weeks later...

From Del. Here's another example of people thinking they're better than they actually are:


Thought for the day! I wonder why the day after labour pledged to close tax avoidance loopholes that are solely exploited and used by the very wealthy did multi millionaire celebrities Ant and Dec ( who have ploughed millions of pounds of their own money into various tax avoidance schemes ) release a statement through the Tory Murdoch Sun ( or Scum ) newspaper, stating that as life long labour supporters they feel that they can no longer vote for or support the party that is entrenched in the city that they grew up in ?

First of all they are liars ! They are not life long labour supporters after they let slip in the Daily Mail in july 2013 that they voted for the Tory Party in the 2010 election. To add insult to injury they have both spoken freely about the dire poverty they were surrounded by growing up under a Tory government on Tyne side. So what fortunes have befallen their home city and community since they decided to vote Tory in 2010 ?

Well according to the office of national statistics in the last five years Newcastle has seen a sharp rise in homelessness, working poverty, out of work poverty , child poverty, there are now seven foodbanks feeding the hungry, there have been And E closures and ward closures, mental health care has been slashed by 60% between the three trusts including hospital beds allocated to mental health patients , day centres for the elderly have been closed down as well as libraries and centres for the disabled, and slum landlords now own whole streets with houses one charity described as worse than victorian slums.

So now those good old down to earth geordie boys want to inflict another five years of Tory rule on their home city from the comfort of their millionaire mansions in West London, even going as far as lending their celebrity voices to the Tory propaganda merchant Rupert Murdoch and his papers. They do this not for what is right or what is wrong, or to support the community they grew up in, but they do this for nothing more than their own selfish need to accumulate more wealth, and to be free to avoid tax and not to have to answer any awkward questions on the millions they have invested in companies who's sole purpose is to hide money and not pay tax, and their pathetic whiney little effort to blame Miliband for their not so sudden change of heart, is about as transparent as their grubby little greed for the vasts amount of money that is thrown at them for their lame TV shows and their poor man's Morecombe and Wise rip off routine...

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From Del. Here's another example of people thinking they're better than they actually are:


Thought for the day! I wonder why the day after labour pledged to close tax avoidance loopholes that are solely exploited and used by the very wealthy did multi millionaire celebrities Ant and Dec ( who have ploughed millions of pounds of their own money into various tax avoidance schemes ) release a statement through the Tory Murdoch Sun ( or Scum ) newspaper, stating that as life long labour supporters they feel that they can no longer vote for or support the party that is entrenched in the city that they grew up in ?

First of all they are liars ! They are not life long labour supporters after they let slip in the Daily Mail in july 2013 that they voted for the Tory Party in the 2010 election. To add insult to injury they have both spoken freely about the dire poverty they were surrounded by growing up under a Tory government on Tyne side. So what fortunes have befallen their home city and community since they decided to vote Tory in 2010 ?

Well according to the office of national statistics in the last five years Newcastle has seen a sharp rise in homelessness, working poverty, out of work poverty , child poverty, there are now seven foodbanks feeding the hungry, there have been And E closures and ward closures, mental health care has been slashed by 60% between the three trusts including hospital beds allocated to mental health patients , day centres for the elderly have been closed down as well as libraries and centres for the disabled, and slum landlords now own whole streets with houses one charity described as worse than victorian slums.

So now those good old down to earth geordie boys want to inflict another five years of Tory rule on their home city from the comfort of their millionaire mansions in West London, even going as far as lending their celebrity voices to the Tory propaganda merchant Rupert Murdoch and his papers. They do this not for what is right or what is wrong, or to support the community they grew up in, but they do this for nothing more than their own selfish need to accumulate more wealth, and to be free to avoid tax and not to have to answer any awkward questions on the millions they have invested in companies who's sole purpose is to hide money and not pay tax, and their pathetic whiney little effort to blame Miliband for their not so sudden change of heart, is about as transparent as their grubby little greed for the vasts amount of money that is thrown at them for their lame TV shows and their poor man's Morecombe and Wise rip off routine...


Here is how journalism works.


Celebrities interviewed.


One comment of interest is noted, and turned into a 2 page story.


There is no planning in it.


Stop being bitter and have a cup of tea to calm down.

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