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Cameron saying he won't stand for a 3rd term? He hasn't got a 2nd yet! Arrogant or what


If this is arrogant: David Cameron has told the BBC he will not serve a third term as prime minister if the Conservatives remain in government after the general election.



Then so was this: Tony Blair last night reshaped the landscape of British politics by announcing that he will fight the coming general election and, if re-elected, serve a full third term as prime minister...



In the future after the 2020 election, which leader will have stayed true to his word on the above subject?

Edited by Berberis
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If this is arrogant: David Cameron has told the BBC he will not serve a third term as prime minister if the Conservatives remain in government after the general election.



Then so was this: Tony Blair last night reshaped the landscape of British politics by announcing that he will fight the coming general election and, if re-elected, serve a full third term as prime minister...



In the future after the 2020 election, which leader will have stayed true to his word on the above subject?



oops, I just put my back out picking to your dummy up


---------- Post added 24-03-2015 at 18:08 ----------


The grey vote ... oh dear http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/mar/24/pensioners-mock-david-cameron-at-age-uk-conference-nhs

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Setting aside the tit'for'tat, party X suspends candidate / MP does Y. As this happens in ALL parties irrespective of their colour. Next week it could be Labour or the Lib Dems, or probably UKIP :)


Why do people hate the Tory party so much?


Are you being ironic Berberis ?

Apologies for answering a question with a question but could you share something of your background with us, birth origins, school you went to, area you were brought up in, what your parents did for a living, books/literature that influenced your thinking, life experiences that caused you to think the way you do ?


I realise I'm asking for War and Peace here so don't bother answering but I think you might know where I'm coming from with those sort of questions

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Are you being ironic Berberis ?

Apologies for answering a question with a question but could you share something of your background with us, birth origins, school you went to, area you were brought up in, what your parents did for a living, books/literature that influenced your thinking, life experiences that caused you to think the way you do ?


I realise I'm asking for War and Peace here so don't bother answering but I think you might know where I'm coming from with those sort of questions


But that is what sums up a typical Labour voter - you are more bothered about other people's past and the life they have led, instead of trying to advance your own life.

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But that is what sums up a typical Labour voter - you are more bothered about other people's past and the life they have led, instead of trying to advance your own life.


Not really. There are plenty of Tory voters on here who love to argue that people who vote Labour do so because their parents / grandparents did so. Or that they are 'Champagne Socialists', or that they are welfare scroungers, or that they are public sector workers, or they are members of ethnic minorities etc etc. Isn't that exactly the same?


---------- Post added 29-03-2015 at 16:33 ----------


Hang on a minute Iain Duncan Smith has said that Cameron won't serve a full second term, which contradicts Cameron's own statement.


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Not really. There are plenty of Tory voters on here who love to argue that people who vote Labour do so because their parents / grandparents did so. Or that they are 'Champagne Socialists', or that they are welfare scroungers, or that they are public sector workers, or they are members of ethnic minorities etc etc. Isn't that exactly the same?


---------- Post added 29-03-2015 at 16:33 ----------


Hang on a minute Iain Duncan Smith has said that Cameron won't serve a full second term, which contradicts Cameron's own statement.



The Work and Pensions Secretary became the first Conservative Cabinet minister to accept there would have to be a leadership contest before the 2020 election.


I would have thought it obvious that they would have a leadership contest before the 2020 election, otherwise they wouldn't have a leader to lead them after the election.

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The latest from Del and spot on again:


David Camero is obviously rattled after his shifty appearance on the channel 4 leaders debate . So has now resorted to that old Tory tactic of personal insults towards his opposite number Ed Miliband.


With the latest snap poll showing a Labour surge that has now put them 4 points clear of the Tories, David Cameron has sunk into the gutter with childish insults to try and discredit Miliband as a person.


But the glaring truth that undermines Cameron's argument that Miliband is weak and has absolutely no leadership skills, is ironically that it is Cameron himself that has tried to worm out of any face to face confrontation with Miliband in a TV debate.

Cameron is your typical Bullindon club bully, who is a frightfully loud obnoxious over bearing bore of a man when surrounded by his equally like minded entourage with all their name calling and insults in their tormenting of people.


But Cameron is absolutely spineless and looks like a nasty little boy lost when faced with having to stand alone and actually face the person he has been name calling and insulting and tormenting.


After five years of being insulted and ridiculed by the Tory press and inparticular from the Murdoch owned media outlets , after being called just about every name under the sun that has even included a smear campaign against his late father, a world war 2 hero , Ed Miliband is still very much ready and willing to come out to play with the big boys, where as Cameron is still hiding behind his Bullingdon club mates shouting insults from a far.


The one fact that Cameron can not answer to, or bluster his way out of. Is that his five year reign of "we are all in it together" austerity program, has seen the biggest shift of wealth from the poorest to the richest of any government in previous modern history, and that includes Thatchers, and he knows that Miliband can destroy him with the fact that he has mercilessly robbed the poor to pay the rich, and no amount of spin can detract from this glaring stone cold and forged in steel, FACT !!


The banks brought this country to its knees with their criminal speculating and ridiculous lending ! all so individuals in the various banks could claim huge bonuses for themselves, and while we have had to bail them out and live with austerity to pay their debt , Cameron and Osborne have continually heaped huge financial rewards onto them, and allowed the rubber stamping of huge bonuses, that in some cases would take the average man in the street over 2 hundred years to earn in wages !! and still the banks have persisted in criminal behaviour particularly Barclays and HSBC whose former chairman Lord Green , oversaw huge tax avoidance for his wealthiest customers that robbed the country of multiple billions, but instead of being prosecuted, has now astonishingly been invited into the very heart of this Tory government , by David Cameron.

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Have to agree with the previous poster, quite how Cameron has the nerve to criticise Milibands weakness when it is he who has bottled out of the debate is beyond me.


Latest opinion polls and results from the debate are interesting, I thought Miliband did much better than expected and definitely won the Paxman discussions and now it seems (fingers crossed) he's starting to win over the public and we may yet get a Labour victory.

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Have to agree with the previous poster, quite how Cameron has the nerve to criticise Milibands weakness when it is he who has bottled out of the debate is beyond me.


Latest opinion polls and results from the debate are interesting, I thought Miliband did much better than expected and definitely won the Paxman discussions and now it seems (fingers crossed) he's starting to win over the public and we may yet get a Labour victory.


Katie Hopkins says she'll leave the country if Labour get in. I can already sense that Miliband will make Britain a nicer place to live in.

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I would have thought it obvious that they would have a leadership contest before the 2020 election, otherwise they wouldn't have a leader to lead them after the election.



when will they have this leadership election? 6-8 months before the May 2020 poll? (because they can't really have it any later than that). A year? Two years? Will they want to have time for the new PM to bed in and grow into the job, or will they gamble on the new PM having a honeymoon period a la 'Brown's Bounce'? Tory leadership elections take at least six weeks from the date of the leader's resignation until the time the new leader emerges. This means that the leadership election has to happen at the very latest in late 2019 to give the public a chance to get to 'know' their new PM and really the best time is about midway through the parliament at around the same time Blair went.

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