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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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Nothing short of disgraceful how parts of the media have took the **** out of corbyn. Is this democracy?

Its so transparent....it just makes our media outlets look very stupid indeed.


They ripped into Cameron and Osborne, Still do - where's the protest about that?


"Is it coz they iz Tory?"


If Corbyn seriously wants to play big boy games he needs to get used to it. He will face far far worse critique from the media, his fellow MPs and us, the general public if he ever gets into a position of power.


Its very easy surrounding yourself with your fan club making a few speeches. Lets see how well he copes with a chamber filled with opposing views and a millions of cynical centre and right voters.

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People hate to be hoodwinked...the guy hasnt even won yet...


---------- Post added 12-09-2015 at 00:00 ----------


It's enlightening how the Guardian came up against him. They're all for the hard left when they're in power in other countries but not in the UK, but too many so-called "lefties" in the UK aren't prepared to have their lifestyles affected by changing how things are run in this country.


Lets see a scrutiny of policy...the personal attacks and propoganda is nothing short of a joke.


---------- Post added 12-09-2015 at 08:42 ----------


All this business about socks and trainers...the guys cycling...give him a break.


---------- Post added 12-09-2015 at 08:45 ----------


They ripped into Cameron and Osborne, Still do - where's the protest about that?


"Is it coz they iz Tory?"


If Corbyn seriously wants to play big boy games he needs to get used to it. He will face far far worse critique from the media, his fellow MPs and us, the general public if he ever gets into a position of power.


Its very easy surrounding yourself with your fan club making a few speeches. Lets see how well he copes with a chamber filled with opposing views and a millions of cynical centre and right voters.


That panarama program was a proper hatchet job...they cant lay a finger on corbyn.


Agree. The litmus test is when the tories tear into his economy policies and immigration. It will be relentless.


---------- Post added 12-09-2015 at 08:46 ----------


That's why I avoid buying any of these rags. I'm sure the Daily Mail is trying to become the UK's first self-parodying newspaper.


Its endemic from the guardian to daily mail...they dont seem to get it...the attacks just make this guy stronger.

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That's not the issue. The issue was that someone made out UKIP had taken loads of Labour votes in England. I pointed out the imbalance in their respective number of MPs.


The current system favours the "big two". Surely you must have realized that by now?


UKIP vote: 5 million [LINK]


Labour Vote: 9.8 million [LINK]


Since UKIP got 5 million votes in 2015 but under a million in the 2010 general election [LINK], they've gained 4 million votes from somewhere (stop me if I'm going too fast).


Since the Conservatives won, it's not very likely that many were lost to UKIP there.


Tom Watson launches investigation into why Labour lost votes to UKIP


Labour admits: We underestimated Ukip in the election, they stole our votes


Labour figures admit underestimating Ukip threat cost them seats in the general election

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The current system favours the "big two". Surely you must have realized that by now?


UKIP vote: 5 million [LINK]


If you read your own link you'll see it says UKIP actually got 3.8 million votes. The 5 million is the UKIP and Green vote combined. Surely you must have realized that by now.


Labour's vote, despite Scotland, actually went up this year compared to 2010. It was the Lib-Dem vote that collapsed. Labour lost overall seats though because of Scotland.


I'm not saying Labour didn't lose votes to UKIP but overall they gained votes, even more than the Tories did. They were so far behind from 2010 though that the gain in votes in England wasn't enough even to offset the loss of votes and seats in Scotland.


The Kippers are trying to distort that by arguing that Labour lost out to UKIP much more than they actually did. They are arguing that because they want to spread the idea that UKIP is to replace Labour as the main opposition to the Tories. That ain't gonna happen.

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if corbyn wins it will keep labour out of power for 10 -15 years,


Perhaps not...


• He supports a publicly run NHS, a position supported by 84% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the railways, a position backed by 66% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the energy companies, a position supported by 68% of the public.

• He believes the Royal Mail should be publicly owned, a position supported by 67% of the public.

• He supports rent controls, a position supported by 60% of the public.

• He has long pushed for the withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan, a position favoured by 82% of the public. he will Make Labour Back to Labour. Vote jeremy

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if corbyn wins it will keep labour out of power for 10 -15 years, while I no longer support labour this will be bad for uk politics and the uk.


If the majority of Labour MP's don't support the new leader, perhaps there is a chance there will be another leadership election before the next general election . Cameron said he wasn't going to run for another term, therefore there might be two new leaders for the two main parties shortly before the next general election .

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If you read your own link you'll see it says UKIP actually got 3.8 million votes. The 5 million is the UKIP and Green vote combined. Surely you must have realized that by now.


Labour's vote, despite Scotland, actually went up this year compared to 2010. It was the Lib-Dem vote that collapsed. Labour lost overall seats though because of Scotland.


I'm not saying Labour didn't lose votes to UKIP but overall they gained votes, even more than the Tories did. They were so far behind from 2010 though that the gain in votes in England wasn't enough even to offset the loss of votes and seats in Scotland.


The Kippers are trying to distort that by arguing that Labour lost out to UKIP much more than they actually did. They are arguing that because they want to spread the idea that UKIP is to replace Labour as the main opposition to the Tories. That ain't gonna happen.


but then the tories would have got a majority in the commons even if the entire population of scotland had voted labour instead of most voting snp.


---------- Post added 12-09-2015 at 10:09 ----------


If the majority of Labour MP's don't support the new leader, perhaps there is a chance there will be another leadership election before the next general election . Cameron said he wasn't going to run for another term, therefore there might be two new leaders for the two main parties shortly before the next general election .


actually behind the scenes the battles are already raging. many labour mps are desperately trying to rig the rules to prevent corbyn selecting his own left wing cabinet. corbyn and the unions are trying to rig the party rules to allow him to deselect mps who don't toe his line. it seems like the opposition will spend 5 years fighting themselves. who knows how many labour mps elected in 2015 won't be standing as labour mps come 2020.

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