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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Perhaps not...


• He supports a publicly run NHS, a position supported by 84% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the railways, a position backed by 66% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the energy companies, a position supported by 68% of the public.

• He believes the Royal Mail should be publicly owned, a position supported by 67% of the public.

• He supports rent controls, a position supported by 60% of the public.

• He has long pushed for the withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan, a position favoured by 82% of the public. he will Make Labour Back to Labour. Vote jeremy


.....and no clue as to how it will be actually paid for.


You can say anything you like when you are in opposition. Its easy.


Bit harder when you actually are in power and have to deliver it. Even harder when you no longer have the sole support of your sheepy followers and the militant unions. Try showing the centre ground and high earners that re-nationalisation is the answer. Payment by magic beans and fairy dust is not very convincing.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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My initial thought was Corybn would be a gift to the tories however...


I cant help thinking his trump card my be getting large numbers of voters particularly younger ones who previously did not vote to turn out and vote for him.


It will be the young and naïve who vote for him. Those who have little life experience. Oh and the old dinosaurs of the labour left particularly in the PRSY. It is concerning.

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My initial thought was Corybn would be a gift to the tories however...


I cant help thinking his trump card my be getting large numbers of voters particularly younger ones who previously did not vote to turn out and vote for him.


i have little doubt that corbyn will increase the labour vote in labour held seats that they have controlled for years. i think that will be scant compensation for the hundreds of thousands of votes they will lose in the marginals that they don't.

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