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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Apparently the majority of people that voted for Corbyn were under 30. No wonder these are the people who have had to pay for their university fees at £9k a year, leave with £30k -£40k debts, can't get housing benefit for a one bedroom flat if under 35. Tories now want to stop all HB for under 25s next year, and will never afford to buy a home due to rents costing more than mortgages and therefore unable to save for a deposit. Yet their rent can pay for their landlord's mortgage. What a future for the next generation.


These "young people" expecting life to be handed to them on a plate. Yes, well done vote for Corbyn. Let the highest earners and highest contributors to the public purse be taxed to hell and driven out.


Lets develop a society who go through mandatory free education to 16, then optional free college education to 18, then the newly reformed free university education (with reintroduced top up grants for living expenses), no student loan to pay back, oh then of course you can drift as long as you want jobless with generous benefits, get social housing and housing benefit for all ages....


..... on it goes.


Until of course one factor. Who is paying for all this. Who is actually putting into the system.


High earners - NOPE - you have driven all those away


Middle earners - NOPE - they have given up trying. What's the point if they are just going to be taxed to support those who cannot be bothered.


Low earners - NOPE - because they are on a minimum wage and don't pay tax.


So... Oops purse has run dry. Oops there is no money left. Better hand it back to those "nasty" tories to sort it all out again.

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These "young people" expecting life to be handed to them on a plate. Yes, well done vote for Corbyn. Let the highest earners and highest contributors to the public purse be taxed to hell and driven out.


Lets develop a society who go through mandatory free education to 16, then optional free college education to 18, then the newly reformed free university education (with reintroduced top up grants for living expenses), no student loan to pay back, oh then of course you can drift as long as you want jobless with generous benefits, get social housing and housing benefit for all ages....


..... on it goes.


Until of course one factor. Who is paying for all this. Who is actually putting into the system.


High earners - NOPE - you have driven all those away


Middle earners - NOPE - they have given up trying. What's the point if they are just going to be taxed to support those who cannot be bothered.


Low earners - NOPE - because they are on a minimum wage and don't pay tax.


So... Oops purse has run dry. Oops there is no money left. Better hand it back to those "nasty" tories to sort it all out again.


youre talking drivel. Its precisely the fear based rhetoric weve been getting from parts of the press.


No fact.

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Because he is charismatic and good at convincing the naïve. His policies need to be shown up for what they are. We need to address them. Otherwise more naïve people will believe them.


Address them then. Properly. Show them up. Tell us what is wrong.

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These "young people" expecting life to be handed to them on a plate. Yes, well done vote for Corbyn. Let the highest earners and highest contributors to the public purse be taxed to hell and driven out.


Lets develop a society who go through mandatory free education to 16, then optional free college education to 18, then the newly reformed free university education (with reintroduced top up grants for living expenses), no student loan to pay back, oh then of course you can drift as long as you want jobless with generous benefits, get social housing and housing benefit for all ages....


..... on it goes.


Until of course one factor. Who is paying for all this. Who is actually putting into the system.



Well many big businesses aren't putting into the system that's for sure. A collection of all the taxes they owe would wipe this deficit out overnight.


But many big businesses and high earners are avoiding paying tax NOW, :rant: and that's under a Tory Government, 'the government of big business'.


It's pure greed. No wonder this country is on its knees.

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Well many big businesses aren't putting into the system that's for sure. A collection of all the taxes they owe would wipe this deficit out overnight.


But many big businesses and high earners are avoiding paying tax NOW, :rant: and that's under a Tory Government, 'the government of big business'.


It's pure greed. No wonder this country is on its knees.


40 to 120 bn....tax avoidance is killing our growth and killing poor people.

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but weren't tuition a labour idea in the first place. i tell you, i would really be chocked off if i'd just done a university degree and emerged with £30k owing in tuition fees only to find that tuition fees were to abolished and as well as my own fees, i would have to contribute extra tax to pay everyone else's as well.


Indeed that would be harsh. But let us attribute to New Labour the policies of New Labour - which was the charging of tuition fees for University while all of us older people had a fantastic free education. So called New Labour deemed this a decent market driven policy. Now we know, it will cost the tax payers as much, if not more than the old system, as so many graduates will never pay back their loans. However, it puts youngsters in debt for a life time and affects their ability to qualify for a mortgage or any other loan. This policy is a total mess. The only honourable route out of this situation is for the State to absorb all debts caused by this policy. I can see no fair alternative.

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Address them then. Properly. Show them up. Tell us what is wrong.


These "young people" expecting life to be handed to them on a plate. Yes, well done vote for Corbyn. Let the highest earners and highest contributors to the public purse be taxed to hell and driven out.


Lets develop a society who go through mandatory free education to 16, then optional free college education to 18, then the newly reformed free university education (with reintroduced top up grants for living expenses), no student loan to pay back, oh then of course you can drift as long as you want jobless with generous benefits, get social housing and housing benefit for all ages....


..... on it goes.


Until of course one factor. Who is paying for all this. Who is actually putting into the system.


High earners - NOPE - you have driven all those away


Middle earners - NOPE - they have given up trying. What's the point if they are just going to be taxed to support those who cannot be bothered.


Low earners - NOPE - because they are on a minimum wage and don't pay tax.


So... Oops purse has run dry. Oops there is no money left. Better hand it back to those "nasty" tories to sort it all out again.


This pretty much does it - thank you.

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These "young people" expecting life to be handed to them on a plate. Yes, well done vote for Corbyn. Let the highest earners and highest contributors to the public purse be taxed to hell and driven out.


Lets develop a society who go through mandatory free education to 16, then optional free college education to 18, then the newly reformed free university education (with reintroduced top up grants for living expenses), no student loan to pay back, oh then of course you can drift as long as you want jobless with generous benefits, get social housing and housing benefit for all ages....


..... on it goes.


Until of course one factor. Who is paying for all this. Who is actually putting into the system.


High earners - NOPE - you have driven all those away


Middle earners - NOPE - they have given up trying. What's the point if they are just going to be taxed to support those who cannot be bothered.


Low earners - NOPE - because they are on a minimum wage and don't pay tax.


So... Oops purse has run dry. Oops there is no money left. Better hand it back to those "nasty" tories to sort it all out again.


The problem with your analysis is Osborne's record borrowing.


You make it sound like he's running a tight ship. He isnt. He's making decisions that could haunt us. Corbyn is doing something that wasn't happening before and that is to challenge the reasoning behind current policy. Who knows, maybe it will turn out there is no alternative but Osbornes rapid escalation of the national debt needs to be questioned.

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I'm a business owner and I know its wrong...thats why osborne has put 750m to raking in tax....why should the poor and working poor pay for this?

Corbyn no matter if we agree with all policies has held up a mirror to a national disgrace.

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