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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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blah... blah...


Behind the obviously sensationalised headlines some of the contents of those articles make fair statements about him. Just becuase you dont like it doesn't mean it can be ignored. The press are entitled to judge, give opinion and speculate. That's what they do.


Impressions count in that business. Its well known to anyone entering politics, particuarly someone with his experience that everything to say, everywhere you go, every action you take, the company you keep, the people you meet or even what you think about is watched, scrutanised, picked over and used either to support or use against you. Maybe he needs to take that on board more.


Ulimately, if he cant stand the heat then he needs to get out the kitchen.


I say before and I will say again. 35 years he has been a politician, he should be tough enough to handle it by now.


Enough with this constant whining about media bias, establishment and unfair treatment. Its politics and he is well and truely part of that "establishment". He has been getting a pay cheque from it since 1983.


Dont pretend like the Tories have not had exactly the same treatment by the press, public and MPs over the decades. You are certainly not going to tell me that Corbyn has not thrown plenty of barbs at his opponents over the years and played the media like a fiddle when he thinks can get something out of it.


Where were your criticisms about the bad press, personal ridicule and abuse on a daily basis Blairites received during his terms?


How about the disgusting comments, chanting, ridicule and venomous abuse that was almost being encouraged about following the departing of Margaret Thatcher


More recently we have the savage press criticism, twitter abuse and even abuse from his own colleagues that Nick Clegg suffered durng his coilition term.


Lets not pretend its all about precious Corbyn - that's just naive.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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For god’s sake, if the PM and the leader of the opposition weren’t at each other’s throats like demented school kids, Prime Ministers Question Time might as well be abandoned. This isn’t SF, where members have no knowledge of each other and often make things up in order to take a step forward, or as normally happens, backwards. Parliament is a vey confined work place where members must know much about each other’s little frailties, best to take care before attacking someone who knows who you’re sleeping with. ;)

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I'm not sure I ever accused Mrs May by name, but seeing as you ask, do you not watch PM's questions 12.05pm Wednesdays? Hardly a week goes by without her having a personal pop at him. Mind you, I suspect it's all been written for her by some backroom script writer, she doesn't do 'off the cuff' very well.


Tories have called him a 'Terrorist sympathiser,' 'an apologist,' an anti-semite,' 'a traitor,' 'that he 'sold secrets to the communists' (he sued and won £100,000 damages from Tory MP Ben Bradley for that one, which he gave to charity,) and worse, all heavily reported with glee in the press, and remembered by the public, (although when refuted with evidence it somehow doesn't make it into the news.)


Not to mention a plethora of personal ridicule and abuse, ('stupid,' 'a joke,' 'a mutton headed mugwump'...


Jeremy (and Labour) are watched continuously, like hawks, for the slightest blip which can be blown up into a great smear story. While Theresa May, arguably the worst PM ever, has problems but gets a relatively easy, and more importantly, a respectful ride.












I've already explained this.


You singled out Corbyn by name. A fair comparison is therefore Mrs May. I do watch PM Questions, and I don't recall any vicious personal attacks at all. Perhaps you would like to provide an example.


I'm not claiming that no Tory has said anything personal or disparaging towards Corbyn, but you surely aren't claiming that no-one from the Labour side has ever said anything personal or disparaging towards a Tory, are you? And if you aren't, why are you now suddenly moving the goalposts?

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I've already explained this.


You singled out Corbyn by name. A fair comparison is therefore Mrs May. I do watch PM Questions, and I don't recall any vicious personal attacks at all. Perhaps you would like to provide an example.


I'm not claiming that no Tory has said anything personal or disparaging towards Corbyn, but you surely aren't claiming that no-one from the Labour side has ever said anything personal or disparaging towards a Tory, are you? And if you aren't, why are you now suddenly moving the goalposts?


Ok, Compare it with these, all of them 2" Headlines in today's DM paper:


'May outguns Boris in showdown.'


'Superhuman Resiliance' (Theresa has shown...)


'Triumph for May, vital for our nation.'


'Ironlady May has crushed the egos and the Weasels.'


Bravo! Bosses back PM's Brexit 'big step forward'.


Then their are the smaller headlines, like 'Theresa May has pulled together a cabinet whose brawls spilled out onto the street' and the complimentary comments and credits embedded within business articles, putting Britain's 'growth and prosperity' down to May's 'strong and stable' leadership etc etc etc.


But the front page headlines go to Boris who had the temerity to criticise Mrs May, with 'Boris in 4 letter attack on May' which left fellow ministers 'stunned' by his 'betrayal.' so no bias there then... :roll:

Edited by Anna B
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Ok, Compare it with these, all of them 2" Headlines in today's DM paper:


'May outguns Boris in showdown.'


'Superhuman Resiliance' (Theresa has shown...)


'Triumph for May, vital for our nation.'


'Ironlady May has crushed the egos and the Weasels.'


Bravo! Bosses back PM's Brexit 'big step forward'.


Then their are the smaller headlines, like 'Theresa May has pulled together a cabinet whose brawls spilled out onto the street' and the complimentary comments and credits embedded within business articles, putting Britain's 'growth and prosperity' down to May's 'strong and stable' leadership etc etc etc.


But the front page headlines go to Boris who had the temerity to criticise Mrs May, with 'Boris in 4 letter attack on May' which left fellow ministers 'stunned' by his 'betrayal.' so no bias there then... :roll:


That has absolutely nothing to do with what was being discussed, though I think that's deliberate. I take it you therefore think May also deserves the respect that you accord Corbyn for not making personal attacks.


What does your comment prove exactly? You've hand selected a few headlines that show May in a positive light from one newspaper. I can do the same, but ones that put her in the opposite light, from a different newspaper. This proves what exactly?

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Victorian parliamentary debates were far more brutal than those of today, with some arguments escalating into duels. I couldn’t help but think what S/F ‘debates’ would be like if they were conducted on a face to face basis. :shocked:.

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That has absolutely nothing to do with what was being discussed, though I think that's deliberate. I take it you therefore think May also deserves the respect that you accord Corbyn for not making personal attacks.


What does your comment prove exactly? You've hand selected a few headlines that show May in a positive light from one newspaper. I can do the same, but ones that put her in the opposite light, from a different newspaper. This proves what exactly?


One paper, on one day. Multiply it by lots of papers, every day, and you can see the bias at work. You won't believe the LSE report on bias and now you won't accept it when it's laid out before you.

This isn't personal and ordinarily wouldn't be important, but we've got to the point where it is so biased that the media are virtually choosing our governments for us, and that's not right.

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One paper, on one day. Multiply it by lots of papers, every day, and you can see the bias at work. You won't believe the LSE report on bias and now you won't accept it when it's laid out before you.

This isn't personal and ordinarily wouldn't be important, but we've got to the point where it is so biased that the media are virtually choosing our governments for us, and that's not right.


Why have you abandoned the topic that was being discussed to gone back to media bias yet again? That wasn't what we were talking about.


Of course media is biased. Some papers are left leaning, some papers are right leaning. Papers tailor their content to their audience, and the general population of the UK is slightly right leaning, and so those papers cater to a larger audience.

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Why have you abandoned the topic that was being discussed to gone back to media bias yet again? That wasn't what we were talking about.


Of course media is biased. Some papers are left leaning, some papers are right leaning. Papers tailor their content to their audience, and the general population of the UK is slightly right leaning, and so those papers cater to a larger audience.


I suppose that it’s a case of all papers that say nice things about Labour are telling the truth, whilst the ones that ask questions of them are lying Tory rags, such is forum political debate. ;)

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