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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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1 hour ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

Sheffield and most of Yorkshire's voters have got it right.

It's the rest of 'em that keep voting Tory.

Us Yorkies have done more than our share.

It's up to the Suvverners and ten bob millionaires around the north to get their proper heads on and get the Tories out and make damn sure they stay out.

If people are pleased and satisfied with Britain's performance over the last 35 years, then God help us.

Thatcher chucked us off a cliff around 1984/85 and we're still falling.

Let's hope we don't hit the bottom.

Horse crap.   Its backward thinking old fart "yorkies" still blaming Thatcher for anything and everything despite it being nearly 30 years after she left power who are dragging this area down to the bottom.


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Re Gerge Galloway,

I watched the interview on Sky News.

I disagree, usually, with most of what he says, but he was unequivocal that this Begum girl should be prosecuted.He did have reservations as to whether the revocation of citizenship would stand.

He’s a very powerful and persuasive advocate and it’s likely Labour will let him rejoin, given he’s been banned for c 12 years.

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23 minutes ago, altus said:

The Register have a good article on this - data controllers have a duty to keep data secure so Labour might be liable for a fine if there has been illegal access. Some of the comments are enlightening on all parties cavalier attitudes to data protection.

In industry they have been a lot more on it. 


I remember 20 years ago a friend of mine was being interviewed for a promotion in IT/Communications as her job was being phased out. Not getting the promotion meant her being redeployed to another section. She was called into the manager's off to be told that she had been 'close but no cigar'  and another candidate had been given the job. She was told to go straight to her new department to meet her new manager. She said that she needed to get some of her stuff from her office and was told 'You can't do that!' We will grab your stuff and bring it to you.'


Now I've heard of people being sacked from a job and asked to leave the premises immediately to prevent any leaving naughtiness but she was just moving to another section in the same department but was effectively denied access to any data to do with her old job literally from the moment she changed jobs.


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8 minutes ago, Mossway said:

Re Gerge Galloway,

I watched the interview on Sky News.

I disagree, usually, with most of what he says, but he was unequivocal that this Begum girl should be prosecuted.He did have reservations as to whether the revocation of citizenship would stand.

He’s a very powerful and persuasive advocate and it’s likely Labour will let him rejoin, given he’s been banned for c 12 years.

I don't know, he comes across quite submissive here..



Edited by Robin-H
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3 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

But clearly, people don't want a labour government. Look at the Tories. Just take 5 minutes to look at the halfwits who have  had ministerial roles over the past couple of years. Take another 5 minutes and cast your eyes over a decade of austerity. Then look at the leadership.


Then ask yourself why Labour hasn't won an election. Is it really because ed Miliband couldn't eat a bacon sandwich? Is it because corbyn is so prone to media gaffs (my god, I typed "prone" and media gaffs came up on it's own) and he is the very best the Labour party can come up with or is it because the country feels safest down the middle.


I say down the middle, brexit has tossed out the handbook. But still he can't get ahead in the polls. I'd be embarrassed and pass the torch on if you can't get ahead against the maybot and her merry team of incompetent ****wits.


This bunch of independents might rock the boat until the next election then theyre all out on their electoral ears. Then it's business as usual with two parties with internal divisions, the country going nowhere fast and Labour in opposition. Again.

The problem is, and I think you are probably with me on this, that the global economic system has become more volatile and will continue to become more so as climate change accelerates. Centrists will be unable to deal with the unfolding crises, as they are only able to take timid steps. The political future belongs to radicals because they will be prepared to take the radical measures needed to respond to crisis. Ultimately, people will realise this, but almost certainly after it's too late.

Edited by Bob Arctor
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The paranoia in the Labour Party is frightening.


I've just watched an interview with Jess Phillips on Channel Four News and she mentioned the 'Palestine Lives' tweet in response to the resignation of Luciana Berger. She described it as an example of 'appalling antisemitism'.


Now I like Jess Phillips and the Labour Party could do with more feisty working class women like her but really Jess? Antisemitic to tweet in support of Palestine when a former Director of Labour Friends of Israel leaves your party?


Get a grip lass. You are better than that! 😡

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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The paranoia in the Labour Party is frightening.


I've just watched an interview with Jess Phillips on Channel Four News and she mentioned the 'Palestine Lives' tweet in response to the resignation of Luciana Berger. She described it as an example of 'appalling antisemitism'.


Now I like Jess Phillips and the Labour Party could do with more feisty working class women like her but really Jess? Antisemitic to tweet in support of Palestine when a former Director of Labour Friends of Israel leaves your party?


Get a grip lass. You are better than that! 😡

The misreporting is also alarming. It was reported last year that Margaret Hodge had received 252 anti-Semitic comments from "Labour Party supporters".  She no doubt did receive those messages and that is disgusting and those people are scum. But the less dramatic reality, much less widely reported, is that of the 111 people who made those comments, 20 were Labour members. Now obviously it's dreadful that those people are in the Labour Party and they need kicking out if they are racist - may already have been, as they were all subject to the disciplinary process. But it means that 82% of the comments were from people who were and are not Labour members and may not even be Labour supporters or voters. If someone putting a #JC4PM in front of an anti-Semitic tweet is now evidence of racism inside the Labour Party then all reason is lost.

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27 minutes ago, Bob Arctor said:

The problem is, and I think you are probably with me on this, that the global economic system has become more volatile and will continue to become more so as climate change accelerates. Centrists will be unable to deal with the unfolding crises, as they are only able to take timid steps. The political future belongs to radicals because they will be prepared to take the radical measures needed to respond to crisis. Ultimately, people will realise this, but almost certainly after it's too late.

Even trump and/or corbyn are only ****ing about round the edges, they’re both just waving something appealing in one hand, knowing full well they’re going to have to shake hands with the global economy on with the other. There isn’t a politician on the planet who has the will or support to do what really needs doing, and it needs to be global. You’re dead right with your last sentence.

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