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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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58 minutes ago, EUCLID11 said:

Precisely.  He puts himself before country and Party..  He will leave Labour in tatters. 

`I've done a bit of digging about Jeremy [Wikipedia].  He was a failure at school, blew his a levels {grade E], went on to some college or other [funded by his middle class Father] and blew that as well. He then did a brief spell as a journalist, no doubt made a mess of that as well and then got into working for Trade Unions. He worked for Unions representing trades HE NEVER ACTUALLY WORKED IN !! Then, somehow, he got into politics and the gravy train. Photos have appeared showing him at demos being arrested by the police. While he was at these demos, he was still getting wages. The rest of us had to work to support our families AND fight Margaret Thatcher. Jeremy was messing around at demos while I was working in Ironfoundries and steelworks struggling to put bread on the table and pay the rent. He's never had a proper job !!!  When we protested and went on strike we lost wages, once for 7 weeks without a penny. We have too many in Parliament like Jeremy. They pretend to understand the position of the working class but they haven't got a clue.

Jeremy will never make PM while he has a hole in his a....................

So Corbyn was  "messing around" supporting you in the fight against Thatcher?

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1 hour ago, EUCLID11 said:

Precisely.  He puts himself before country and Party..  He will leave Labour in tatters. 

`I've done a bit of digging about Jeremy [Wikipedia].  He was a failure at school, blew his a levels {grade E], went on to some college or other [funded by his middle class Father] and blew that as well. He then did a brief spell as a journalist, no doubt made a mess of that as well and then got into working for Trade Unions. He worked for Unions representing trades HE NEVER ACTUALLY WORKED IN !! Then, somehow, he got into politics and the gravy train. Photos have appeared showing him at demos being arrested by the police. While he was at these demos, he was still getting wages. The rest of us had to work to support our families AND fight Margaret Thatcher. Jeremy was messing around at demos while I was working in Ironfoundries and steelworks struggling to put bread on the table and pay the rent. He's never had a proper job !!!  When we protested and went on strike we lost wages, once for 7 weeks without a penny. We have too many in Parliament like Jeremy. They pretend to understand the position of the working class but they haven't got a clue.

Jeremy will never make PM while he has a hole in his a....................

You sound very bitter and jealous...

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1 hour ago, EUCLID11 said:

Precisely.  He puts himself before country and Party..  He will leave Labour in tatters..........


........Jeremy will never make PM while he has a hole in his a....................

For someone who is useless and will never lead Labour into power, he certainly must be seen as a threat to the established order.


I've never seen so many people with their panties up in a bunch about him. 😂

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19 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

For someone who is useless and will never lead Labour into power, he certainly must be seen as a threat to the established order.


I've never seen so many people with their panties up in a bunch about him. 😂

Yes indeed. 

636 pages on Sheffield Forum for Labour who aren't even in power, compared to 210 pages for the Conservatives who are making a complete hash of Brexit with possibly the worst Tory government ever. 


Trying to deflect attention from theirown shortcomings by criticising others. . .Just shows how worried they are. 

Edited by Anna B
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24 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

For someone who is useless and will never lead Labour into power, he certainly must be seen as a threat to the established order.


I've never seen so many people with their panties up in a bunch about him. 😂

It does make you wonder?

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5 hours ago, banjodeano said:

You sound very bitter and jealous...

No, not bitter or jealous. Just disgusted with Corbyns performance since the Brexit vote. The Torys have been in a rare old mess, very vulnerable to attack, embarrassed by their own greedy team, and Corbyn has just sat there pretending he has some 'masterplan'  to play when the time is right. A Peoples Vote is owed to us, based on the fact that Brexit was campaigned on lies and misinformation. Jeremy doesn't want a Peoples Vote, he wants a General Election. The poor delusional old boy thinks he can win. He's missed a million opportunities to screw the Torys. He doesn't care about us, he cares about himself.

I'm sad to see Labour reduced to such a sorry state.  Not be long now and Mayhem will resign or be booted out and Rees Mogg will become PM. That will be a real disaster, Mogg is a monster...............and Labour, under Corbyns leadership will be responsible for putting him there.

           No my friend, no jealousy or bitterness, just sadness to see a useless old clown destroying  the party I've supported all my life.

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now come on leave corbyn alone he's doing a great job of trying to educate people not to vote labour..  d o we want an other illegal war, do we want a country so deep in debt we are still trying to pay it off with austerity imposed on all of us which by definition  can't afford it...


do want whats left of our gold reserves to be sold off after telling the world we are going to do it to force the price down... yes that happened.

do yo want yor pensions raiding again because there is too much money in them ... and now surprise surprise there isn't enough in them anymore

do we want people sending to eastern europe to try and recruit chaep labour with promises of benefits from the public coffers

im told that both blair and brown both have convictions before they got into politics if thats true how did the rise to such dizzy heights blair its said also was convicted of perjury ....

I do believe very strongly that they should stil both face charges for what they did to the UK and its indigenous people


don't et me wrong i have never thought we can trust the conservatives

but i have never doubted that we can't trust labour


so leave corbyn alone he's doing a better job of messing up labour's chances than ed miliband .... why did they pick milband over his brother .... well i reckon its because his brother might have got them a win.

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17 hours ago, EUCLID11 said:

No, not bitter or jealous. Just disgusted with Corbyns performance since the Brexit vote. The Torys have been in a rare old mess, very vulnerable to attack, embarrassed by their own greedy team, and Corbyn has just sat there pretending he has some 'masterplan'  to play when the time is right. A Peoples Vote is owed to us, based on the fact that Brexit was campaigned on lies and misinformation. Jeremy doesn't want a Peoples Vote, he wants a General Election. The poor delusional old boy thinks he can win. He's missed a million opportunities to screw the Torys. He doesn't care about us, he cares about himself.

I'm sad to see Labour reduced to such a sorry state.  Not be long now and Mayhem will resign or be booted out and Rees Mogg will become PM. That will be a real disaster, Mogg is a monster...............and Labour, under Corbyns leadership will be responsible for putting him there.

           No my friend, no jealousy or bitterness, just sadness to see a useless old clown destroying  the party I've supported all my life.

No, the people who are daft enough to vote Conservative  will be responsible for putting another Conservative government back in place,  

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6 minutes ago, Anna B said:

No, the people who are daft enough to vote Conservative  will be responsible for putting another Conservative government back in place,  

the point is theres no proper credible opposition to the tories for people to vote for instead.

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