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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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22 hours ago, banjodeano said:

The man has fought against racism all his life, he was fighting against apartheid when everyone was cool with it, he is well respected in the Jewish community, he has many Jewish members in the party who fully support him, dont fall for the nonsense that he hates Jews because he doesnt like to see the way the Palestinians are being treated, only a fool would fall for all this propaganda...

You dont hear much about our part played in the atrocities committed in Yemen, but we hear every day about how Corbyn is dangerous, thousands of children starving to death in Yemen in which we are partly to blame is what i call dangerous.

The man has for for peace and equality all his life, he must laugh at people like you who have just jumped on the antisemitism band wagon

Now the folk who have left the Labour Party because of alleged antisemitism are now going to take the Party to Court. This could prove very interesting for St Jeremy and his acolytes.




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40 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Now the folk who have left the Labour Party because of alleged antisemitism are now going to take the Party to Court. This could prove very interesting for St Jeremy and his acolytes.

Don’t be ridiculous!


The Labour Party’s response was that some of those involved in the Panorama programme were disgruntled ex-employees. Nobody was named so any court action is going to fall at the first hurdle.


It is interesting that the right wing of British politics used to be fanatics about law and order but now most right wingers are completely clueless when it comes to understanding the law and what it actually means in practice.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Don’t be ridiculous!


The Labour Party’s response was that some of those involved in the Panorama programme were disgruntled ex-employees. Nobody was named so any court action is going to fall at the first hurdle.


It is interesting that the right wing of British politics used to be fanatics about law and order but now most right wingers are completely clueless when it comes to understanding the law and what it actually means in practice.

Jesus, is there anything Corbyn can do before you stop blindly supporting him.


These people were on camera named and identifiable on national television.  What makes you think a court will throw out the case on the grounds that they were not sufficiently "named"


As soon as it was broadcast the party's official statement from the party's own press office published that these people were "disaffected former officials" and stated they "always opposed Jeremy Corbyn" then it continued to publicly attack them by stating that they "worked to actively to undermine" and that they "have both personal and political axes to grind" and finally without detailing any supportive evidence they chucked out there that the party had "doubt on their credibility"


That is quite a response from a party's official press office to take.     Hope they can back it up or an adverse Judgment will just be more fuel poured on a burnt out shell of a party.


Today's papers have reported that the ECHR investigation is being rammped up with at least 30  (YES - THIRTY) more people are ready to give evidence.   Peers leaving the party, MPs turning against him and he still sits there pretending he is doing a good job and everything is all under control.


Not everyone has consumed the Corbyn Kool-Aid.    Some of us are starting to form our own opinion of exactly the sort of person he is and the sort of party Labour is becoming under his dictatorship.





Edited by ECCOnoob
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3 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Jesus, is there anything Corbyn can do before you stop blindly supporting him.


These people were on camera named and identifiable on national television.  What makes you think a court will throw out the case on the grounds that they were not sufficiently "named"


As soon as it was broadcast the party's official statement from the party's own press office published that these people were "disaffected former officials" and stated they "always opposed Jeremy Corbyn" then it continued to publicly attack them by stating that they "worked to actively to undermine" and that they "have both personal and political axes to grind" and finally without detailing any supportive evidence they chucked out there that the party had "doubt on their credibility"


That is quite a response from a party's official press office to take.     Hope they can back it up or an adverse Judgment will just be more fuel poured on a burnt out shell of a party.


Not everyone has consumed the Corbyn Kool-Aid.    Some of us are starting to form our own opinion of exactly the sort of person he is and the sort of party Labour is becoming under his dictatorship.





To be honest, the quotes that you have posted seem pretty accurate to me, i cant see how anyone could deny those facts

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1 minute ago, ECCOnoob said:

Jesus, is there anything Corbyn can do before you stop blindly supporting him.

Blindly supporting him?  You have clearly missed my countless posts calling for Corbyn to be dropped by the Labour Party if they want to win the next election.


Also, what on earth has Corbyn got to do with the Panorama programme?

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Don’t be ridiculous!


The Labour Party’s response was that some of those involved in the Panorama programme were disgruntled ex-employees. Nobody was named so any court action is going to fall at the first hurdle.


It is interesting that the right wing of British politics used to be fanatics about law and order but now most right wingers are completely clueless when it comes to understanding the law and what it actually means in practice.

I think as a Corbyn fanatic you may be in for a shock, St Jeremy might just crash and burn over this antisemitism row. Even some of his besties are dubious of his teams actions.


A snippet from the Financial Times.


" Several former staff members of Britain’s Labour party have told an investigation by the BBC’s Panorama programme that Jeremy Corbyn’s team interfered in the complaints process for incidents of alleged anti-Semitism, on some occasions processing them from his Westminster office. Eight former Labour officials, seven from the party’s complaints and disputes department, spoke to the broadcasters. They claimed there had been a big increase in anti-Semitism complaints since Mr Corbyn — a life-long critic of the Israeli government — became leader in 2015."

" Tom Watson, deputy leader, said “very serious questions now have to be answered ”.


There is much more information, but as you will no doubt not accept its validity there is no point putting it on here.



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13 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Blindly supporting him?  You have clearly missed my countless posts calling for Corbyn to be dropped by the Labour Party if they want to win the next election.


Also, what on earth has Corbyn got to do with the Panorama programme?

Asking a question like that proves my point.

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7 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Well it was either a mistake or Corbyn actually supports the view that there is a Jewish bankers’ conspiracy.


What do you think is the more likely? 


My friend works at Sheffield Children’s Hospital and ‘liked’ and ‘shared’ a facebook post sent to her, which supported the Alfie Evans facebook campaign in Liverpool. At the time, supporters of that same facebook campaign were finding the home addresses and phone numbers of staff at the Alder Hey and sharing them online, encouraging people to send death threats and make abusive phone calls to those staff.


So was my friend’s ‘liking’ and ‘sharing’ that facebook post a mistake, or would you say that she was genuinely supporting threats and abuse to NHS staff (of which she is one)?

If a Tory with a history of accusations of anti black racism and a history of calling groups who want to eradicate the black race his friends, shared a tweet about black men being drug dealers would you be so forgiving?


The evidence is overwhelming.

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10 minutes ago, JamesR123 said:

If a Tory with a history of accusations of anti black racism and a history of calling groups who want to eradicate the black race his friends, shared a tweet about black men being drug dealers would you be so forgiving?


The evidence is overwhelming.

then please share it with us....

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