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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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5 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:


6 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Well maybe you need to ask a wider circle then.   The Tories got 13.6 million votes last election - that's a hell of a lot of billionaire elites isn't it.


The "few" as Corbyn keeps banging on about is pretty large by the looks of it.  




Why are you a Tory?

Edited by Mister Gee
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6 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Can’t someone just vote for someone based on a manefesto without being Tory or labour or whatever? I voted for all the main parties (but, ominously never picked a winner). All this tribalist ******** never helps anyone. 

I’m just asking the wider circle.

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25 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

Why are you a Tory?

It's none of your business what I am.


I vote for whichever candidate appeals to me the most at the appropriate time and once I have considered all the options and read all the literature and research upon them.


As the only thing we the general public have a say on is our local MP,  they are the ones that are focus my attention on. 


I don't follow the herd.  I don't aimlessly support a colour.  I don't mindlessly do whatever a particular brand of newspaper tells me to do.   I don't blindly accept opinion pieces or pledges or statements or criticism or meaning soundbites from a single source. 


I wish more people would wise up and follow these actions and then we might end up with a more varied and balanced parliament instead of the repeated two horse race we have now.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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9 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

It's none of your business what I am.


I vote for whichever candidate appeals to me the most at the appropriate time and once I have considered all the options and read all the literature and research upon them.


As the only thing we the general public have a say on is our local MP,  they are the ones that are focus my attention on. 


I don't follow the herd.  I don't aimlessly support a colour.  I don't mindlessly do whatever a particular brand of newspaper tells me to do.   I don't blindly accept opinion pieces or pledges or statements or criticism or meaning soundbites from a single source. 


I wish more people would wise up and follow these actions and then we might end up with a more varied and balanced parliament instead of the repeated two horse race we have now.


isnt that a bit rude? he was only asking, and we are debating politics after all

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7 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

isnt that a bit rude? he was only asking, and we are debating politics after all

We are debating politics but I don't agree with all this asking and I'll informed assumptions on who someone has or hasn't voted for just because of their comments.  


It's absolutely irrelevant who I have voted for. 


The point I was trying to counter is this lazy stereotype which is too often thrown around that all Tory voters are somehow poshies with lots of money in the bank.   That clearly cannot be the case when over 13.6 million people voted for them at last election.


People need to be choosing their vote on wider issues and the actual candidates instead of simply and moronicly following some heard and picking a colour.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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39 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

I wonder how many Tories are rude and opinionated  🤫

In other, unsurprising news, Keith Vaz is joining the exodus from parliament. I presume that he’s off to pursue other interests 


1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

We are debating politics but I don't agree with all this asking and I'll informed assumptions on who someone has or hasn't voted for just because of their comments.  


It's absolutely irrelevant who I have voted for. 


The point I was trying to counter is this lazy stereotype which is too often thrown around that all Tory voters are somehow poshies with lots of money in the bank.   That clearly cannot be the case when over 13.6 million people voted for them at last election.


People need to be choosing their vote on wider issues and the actual candidates instead of simply and moronicly following some heard and picking a colour.

You have actually highlighted one of the main paradoxes of our inadequate voting system, ie you can no longer divide the electorate simply into 2 factions, never moreso when you throw Brexit into the mix as well.  Which is why we probably need Proportional Representation. However we are stuck with a 2 party system which means we have to use crude methods of identity division for the sake of speed.


I prefer the 1% vs 99% when it comes to discussion of money, entitlement, power and influence as that seems much nearer the mark even if still not totally accurate, or the 'Many and the few.' 


Which begs the question, why do we allow the super- rich Elite 1%, who, make no mistake, have got the system nicely rigged in their favour, to dictate terms to the rest of us?

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