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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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On 02/05/2020 at 16:45, Anna B said:

Maybe it's time for the Labour party to split. The Labour MPs that undermined the general election can start their own party, or join the Lib Dems, like the Gang of Four did many years ago, and then the real Labour party 'for the many, not the few,' can get on with redressing the balance back towards the welfare of the people of this country, rather than the big Corporations and Ultra Capitalists.

You mean like they did in 1996 with Socialist Labour?  Remind me again how that turned out!


You talk of Labour MPs who should leave and join the Lib Dems.  What if they were the majority and its the minority of Corbyn worshippers who need to leave?



Edited by alchresearch
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Regarding the Cummings affair / fiasco & a number of calls from certain Labour MP's for him to be Sacked. 


Have you cleared this with your leader? 


If I was Starmer, I'd want Cummings to remain where he was as he'd be a useful stick to occasionally bring out to beat the PM with. 

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Let's not forget this dithery old pensioner flouting the rules.




I look forward to seeing the press hounding him outside the front door and Piers Morgan spitting venom all over Twitter and morons waving placards as he walks down the street and the house demanding he resign immediately and his leader publicly condemning him for his actions.......  Wishful thinking though.   

Edited by ECCOnoob
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3 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Let's not forget this dithery old pensioner flouting the rules.




I look forward to seeing the press hounding him outside the front door and Piers Morgan spitting venom all over Twitter and morons waving placards as he walks down the street and the house demanding he resign immediately and his leader publicly condemning him for his actions.......  Wishful thinking though.   

I see that even Jeremy's t-shirt's are woke. 

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I hear Sir Keir was doing a virtual Q & A with the good folk of Doncaster today? 


I wonder if anyone asked him why he appears to be terminally embarrassed at any mention that he's a millionaire? 


He should be proud with his working class roots to have achieved so much.  Makes you wonder why he doesn't like people mentioning it? 

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5 hours ago, CaptainSwing said:

Let me guess, he's a champagne socialist - am I right?


Guys, you're going to have to do better than this.  You're really struggling if that's all you can come up with.  Surely you can concoct a spurious antisemitism charge or something?

No Starmer should be chuffed that he's ended up millionaire from his humble working class background as a child of a nurse & a toolmaker, in that he's achieved so much. 


He should be out there, pointing out to the Labour supporters that if he can achieve so much with his lowly start in life, by knuckling down to some hard work, they could be looking at similar rewards in later life.


They could start out, just as he did by going to grammar school... Oh dear, the wheels have come off that plan already. 

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On 28/05/2020 at 22:49, Baron99 said:

No Starmer should be chuffed that he's ended up millionaire from his humble working class background as a child of a nurse & a toolmaker, in that he's achieved so much. 


He should be out there, pointing out to the Labour supporters that if he can achieve so much with his lowly start in life, by knuckling down to some hard work, they could be looking at similar rewards in later life.


They could start out, just as he did by going to grammar school... Oh dear, the wheels have come off that plan already. 

".....his lowly start in life, by knuckling down to some hard work, they could be looking at similar rewards in later life."


oh please do give it a rest.  Perhaps some tugging of the forelock too.

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On 28/05/2020 at 22:49, Baron99 said:

No Starmer should be chuffed that he's ended up millionaire from his humble working class background as a child of a nurse & a toolmaker, in that he's achieved so much. 


He should be out there, pointing out to the Labour supporters that if he can achieve so much with his lowly start in life, by knuckling down to some hard work, they could be looking at similar rewards in later life.


They could start out, just as he did by going to grammar school... Oh dear, the wheels have come off that plan already. 

Why would a grammar school make any difference?



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