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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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It’s just that Diane Abbott does. She has a  History degree from Newnham  College. At the time, she was quite a rarity at Cambridge. Working class black girls simply didn’t get to go there at the time.


I find all the Abbott bashing in the media and on social media, rather distasteful.

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13 hours ago, Pettytom said:

It’s just that Diane Abbott does. She has a  History degree from Newnham  College. At the time, she was quite a rarity at Cambridge. Working class black girls simply didn’t get to go there at the time.


I find all the Abbott bashing in the media and on social media, rather distasteful.

So what?  All that reinforces is that degrees aren't worth the paper they're written on!


And besides her 2.2 (snigger), what bearing does it have on her ability to count or do her job in the shadow cabinet?

I have a degree but it doesn't automatically mean I'm qualified or skilled to be an MP.

Edited by alchresearch
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2 hours ago, georgethedog said:

Oh don't be so petty, she is an embarrassment to the Labour Party, and has finally realised that she is better off away from the front bench.



Why do you think she was an embarrassment to anyone? Given her accomplishments I'd say everyone should be proud that we have people like her among us.

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55 minutes ago, max said:

Why do you think she was an embarrassment to anyone? Given her accomplishments I'd say everyone should be proud that we have people like her among us.

What's going on with her charity?


Diane Abbott Foundation spent nearly £30,000 on awards ceremony, accounts reveal

Diane Abbott spent virtually all her education charity’s annual budget on an awards ceremony event in Parliament that cost nearly £30,000, the organisation’s accounts have revealed.






What happened after that is a bit of a mystery.


The 'Events' section on the charity's website doesn't appear to have been updated since June 2019; while on the home page there's a video link to a 2014 awards ceremony.


Abbott has just filed the papers at Companies House for the year ending 2018 — and it does not make for pretty reading.


There were no donations, no sponsors and no awards ceremony that year. The charity reportedly lost £866 and was kept afloat by one of its directors.

ANDREW PIERCE: Just what has happened to Diane Abbott's charity?


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20 minutes ago, max said:

People who accomplish things.

Really, what has she "accomplished" that is any different to any other member of the shadow cabinet? or any other member of the Cabinet, you know the one that actually has to make decisions that runs the country, 

By your definition she is no different to any other MP is she not?


Do you think she was/is an effective shadow HS? if so, how.

Edited by sheffbag
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16 hours ago, Pettytom said:

It’s just that Diane Abbott does. She has a  History degree from Newnham  College. At the time, she was quite a rarity at Cambridge. Working class black girls simply didn’t get to go there at the time.


I find all the Abbott bashing in the media and on social media, rather distasteful.

I'm sure the fact she went to a Grammar school helped.

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