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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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1 hour ago, The Joker said:

Let's examine the facts.



Firstly, he sounds like a Northerner, and you'd think that would count in his favour, given that we'll all be relying on foodbanks soon, but the ignorant folk of this fair county have made it quite clear we secretly want to be lorded over by a bunch of entitled, privileged, privately-school yobs who cut the Police force and NHS over the last decade, as long as we can openly hate on immigrants.


On the other hand, Sir Kier is titled, and went to Oxford as a postgrad, so will appeal to the landed gentry.





It wasn't no secret that the ignorant folk of this fair country wanted a bunch of entitled privately-schooled yobs (didn't titled Kier attend a private school?), they openly voted for them.


Wiki (assuming it's correct):    


"Starmer has called for a reform to the EU free movement rules following Brexit and for a "fundamental rethink of immigration rules from start to finish".[45] In his first interview after being appointed to the Shadow Cabinet, Starmer argued that immigration was too high and called for it to be reduced as Britain leaves the EU, despite Corbyn ruling out any cap.[46] Starmer told Politico in April 2016 that negotiations with the EU should start on the understanding that there must be "some change" to freedom of movement rules, given that remaining in the EU single market is no longer a reality.[47]

In May 2017, Starmer said that "free movement has to go", but that it was important to retain "free movement of labour", given the importance of immigration for the UK's economy.[48] Starmer was a supporter of a second referendum on Brexit,[49] with this position becoming Labour Party policy in their 2019 General Election manifesto.[50] "

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On 04/04/2020 at 11:12, iansheff said:

Is he the right choice for Labour? only time will tell.



He was the best of a bad bunch.


He'll certainly go some way to getting the centre left back into the fold much more than the others, especially "continuity Corbyn".


I'm not sure about Rayner though.


And thank God Abbot has gone.  She was another doing the party more harm than good.



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1 hour ago, alchresearch said:

He was the best of a bad bunch.


He'll certainly go some way to getting the centre left back into the fold much more than the others, especially "continuity Corbyn".


I'm not sure about Rayner though.


And thank God Abbot has gone.  She was another doing the party more harm than good.



What an accolade.  Keir Starmer, "The best of a bad bunch. '


Maybe Labour could put that on their next election literature? 

Edited by Baron99
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On 04/04/2020 at 20:46, Mister Gee said:

Maybe it’s because they’ve not been in power for a decade?

If you believe the Blair haters (you know the ones, the "true" labour fans) they haven't been in power for over 40 years.


Well done to Labour for voting in a leader who might actually win an election. Be interesting to see if our Corbyn lovers will support the Sir on here. 

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45 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

If you believe the Blair haters (you know the ones, the "true" labour fans) they haven't been in power for over 40 years.


Well done to Labour for voting in a leader who might actually win an election. Be interesting to see if our Corbyn lovers will support the Sir on here. 

Saw something posted on facebook earlier by Atilla the stockbroker (lifetime socialist and labour supporter) and he had posted a cry for unity as apparently loads of "socialists" have threatened to leave the party.


Again we come down to the same problem, in fighting, no unity, the country has shown there sadly is no appetite for socialism, so surely its better to get into power with a slightly less socialist party than spend a lifetime in opposition and the tories in power doing untold damage?

Aswell as a different leadership they also need better propaganda mouthpieces and a media savvy division as Dominic Cummings propaganda in the media and social media was second to none, people STILL hate Jeremy Corbyn because hes a spy etc

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14 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Saw something posted on facebook earlier by Atilla the stockbroker (lifetime socialist and labour supporter) and he had posted a cry for unity as apparently loads of "socialists" have threatened to leave the party.


Again we come down to the same problem, in fighting, no unity, the country has shown there sadly is no appetite for socialism, so surely its better to get into power with a slightly less socialist party than spend a lifetime in opposition and the tories in power doing untold damage?

Aswell as a different leadership they also need better propaganda mouthpieces and a media savvy division as Dominic Cummings propaganda in the media and social media was second to none, people STILL hate Jeremy Corbyn because hes a spy etc

HAd a quick look at the JC4PM page on facebook. That looks dead now and its changed its web address to Corbyn4PM  but there is a new group called "Let's Help Get a Labour Government for the People 2024" which is using the JC4PM web address. The reaction to Starmer winning is interesting


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3 hours ago, alchresearch said:

And thank God Abbot has gone.  She was another doing the party more harm than good.


I've never understood the hatred some people have for Diane Abbott.


Now, I don't like that Abbott was opposed to Grammar schools (until she sent her son to one) but that was years ago.  Get over it.  I have  :roll:


I am also aware that Abbott muddled some numbers up during an interview and received a deluge of criticism - but wow, Tory MPs openly lie, lie again, and lie further about their policies and statistics, and nobody but NOBODY challenges them on this.


Why the hatred for Diane Abbott?


It's completely out of proportion for the relatively minor infractions she's made - certainly she's done nothing on the scale of Shagger in Chief and Head Spaffer of Public Money, BoJo the Clown.


And he got voted in as PM.


Alch, I'm going to go out on a limb here and publically state that I consider you to be a reasonable person, even though you're a Tory.


Please, in your own words, tell me why there's such open hatred for Diane Abbott.


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It was funny listening to a number of individuals / Labour activists on Saturday afternoon, after the announcement that Starmer had been leader, all now down playing the previous, "We want a Northern, female leader" call. 


All were saying, through gritted teeth, what a great result it was that Starmer had won but you could fair hear the disappointment, even when Heeley MP, Louise Haigh was interviewed.   The funniest comment I heard from one activist was they had now got the dream ticket in Starmer & Raynor, "A Southerner & a Northerner".   What's this obsession some Labour supporters have with geography? 


As Melthebell hints at, the Labour infighting will continue as you still have a large number of Socialists who are still there, as is Corbyn & not forgetting the large number Momentum followers who are still entrenched in Labour's hierarchy.  They ain't going to go away quietly. 


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