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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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37 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

It was funny listening to a number of individuals / Labour activists on Saturday afternoon, after the announcement that Starmer had been leader, all now down playing the previous, "We want a Northern, female leader" call. 


All were saying, through gritted teeth, what a great result it was that Starmer had won but you could fair hear the disappointment, even when Heeley MP, Louise Haigh was interviewed.   The funniest comment I heard from one activist was they had now got the dream ticket in Starmer & Raynor, "A Southerner & a Northerner".   What's this obsession some Labour supporters have with geography? 


As Melthebell hints at, the Labour infighting will continue as you still have a large number of Socialists who are still there, as is Corbyn & not forgetting the large number Momentum followers who are still entrenched in Labour's hierarchy.  They ain't going to go away quietly. 


The calls for wanting a "northern, female leader" were always just a proxy for arguing for the Corbyn continuity candidate, who just happened to be northern and female. If the leading candidate hadn't been Starmer but a northern, female on the right of the party they'd have found some other reason to argue it should have been Long-Bailey. Alternatively, if the only northern, female candidates has been a Blairite, they'd have happily argued that a southern male candidate, who just happened to be a Corbynite, was the ideal person to lead the party.

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It'll be interesting to see how Starmer deals with the NEC & particularly Jon Lansman? 


And what of the much vaunted 'Youth' following that was going to carry Corbyn to an outright victory at the last election? 


Now that Labour has a leader who could be considered to be a member of the the 'establishment' & not the previous 'rebel' the hich attracted the younger element to the Party, will that support melt away? 



Edited by Baron99
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7 hours ago, West 77 said:

Her support for the IRA and hoping the British army would be defeated when she had a different hairstyle hasn't helped her to be a popular MP.

People grow up.


At about the same time Boris Johnson  was a member of the Bullingdon Club.





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3 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The Joker asked why there was open hatred for Diane Abbott. I gave one possible reason. I don't believe everyone shares your blase attitude towards British politicians who have previously supported the IRA.  I personally believe the Labour Party are more electable now that they no longer have a leader, a shadow Home Secretary and a shadow Chancellor who previously sympathised or supported the actions of the IRA. 

Oh i dont know, the Tories have a councillor who was actually an active member of the IRA and it didnt stop them becoming electable...

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