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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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On 19/06/2020 at 17:40, Arnold_Lane said:

That is as bad as what El Cid wrote.


Kids a grammar school?  Good parents.

Kids at comp?  Bad parents.


Garbage.  Absolute garbage.  Several families had and have kids in both type of schools.

No, that's not what I meant at all.

But there is no doubt that kids with supportive parents do better than kids without, no matter what class they are. And indeed, kids at Comp can have just as supportive parents as those at grammar school, and do just as well. 


However, some parents cannot be as supportive as they would like for all sorts of reasons, and disadvantaged parents can have extra problems. For instance they may have had problems at school themselves which has left them with hangups about education and educators, or may not be well educated themselves and be unable to help with homework, they may have all sorts of other difficulties to worry about like money, poor housing, poor peer groups, joblessness etc. or work long, irregular hours which have to take priority.


It may never occur to them that it might be possible to get their child into grammar school, and not know how to go about it or know the right contacts to ask. Nor are Grammar schools distributed evenly across the country anyway; the south doing considerably better than the north of England.

There is no doubt that some kids' life chances are stacked against them, in spite of well-meaning but often futile attempts to even things up. I repeat that it is not a level playing field for all kids. Life is not fair, and never has been.




Edited by Anna B
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8 hours ago, melthebell said:

Tbf does it mean Starmer means business and wont pussyfoot about?

If he did mean business he should have had her whip withdrawn so she would be deselected from running as a labour candidate in the future. At the moment all that has happened is she has been sacked from the front bench and still remains as a Labour politician.

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This reminds me of Kinnock a few decades ago when he stared to take on the left wing of the party, could be a long process.


However I suspect the  torries will be much more fearful of him than Corbyn, bit like night and day infact!  

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20 hours ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Rebecca Long Bailey has been sacked.


Will anyone notice a difference?

Yes, centre left have took notice and starting to drift back now that the Corbynites are being purged. 


For years, Corbyn's followers have called us "Blairites" and that we're not welcome in Labour.  How ironic to see the boot on the other foot.  You had your time running the party.  It didn't work, so its time for you to go and let someone else take a different direction.  England isn't as left wing as you like to think it is.


Its quite funny to see the fallout  and people claiming to have quit them membershup using the same old photo of a cut up card and talk of defecting to this party:




Cry and threaten to leave, or actually leave.  We don't care.  For each Corbynite that goes, a "Blairite" as you call us, will return.  We've been patiently sat waiting.


Even more interesting to see Diane Abbot on Twitter sharing a petition to reinstate  Long-Bailey but refusing to comment on it.  How long has she got left? Hopefully days.



Edited by alchresearch
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47 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Yes, centre left have took notice and starting to drift back now that the Corbynites are being purged. 


For years, Corbyn's followers have called us "Blairites" and that we're not welcome in Labour.  How ironic to see the boot on the other foot.  You had your time running the party.  It didn't work, so its time for you to go and let someone else take a different direction.  England isn't as left wing as you like to think it is.


Its quite funny to see the fallout  and people claiming to have quit them membershup using the same old photo of a cut up card and talk of defecting to this party:




Cry and threaten to leave, or actually leave.  We don't care.  For each Corbynite that goes, a "Blairite" as you call us, will return.  We've been patiently sat waiting.


Even more interesting to see Diane Abbot on Twitter sharing a petition to reinstate  Long-Bailey but refusing to comment on it.  How long has she got left? Hopefully days.



yeah loads of my lefty "labour" mates are currently spitting feathers on facebook lol

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