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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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2 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

If people want a tory government, let them get on with it i say.....

you just dont get it do you? YOU are part of the problem, YOU are allowing the tories unfettered rule, thats unforgivable

Edited by melthebell
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3 minutes ago, melthebell said:

you just dont get it do you? YOU are part of the problem, YOU are allowing the tories unfettered rule, thats unforgivable

No, you dont get it, i am part of no problem, its called democracy, if people want a tory government, it is not my  problem, let them get on with it, but there is no way that i will support a labour party led by a Tory lite, i would support a socialist labour party only, if we are going to be a tory lite party, i may as well go vote for the liberals....

Have you ever read the book "ragged trousered philanthropist"? one section tells how the starving impoverished working class poor, barely able to feed themselves denounce socialism as a nasty evil power, the story goes on to tell to you how the two groups of people wave their flags, some  for the tories and some for the liberals, they debate and fight each other and come to blows about which party would be best, but none of them realise that their life will not be changed one iota when their party gets elected, they will still be poor and starving, but they are happy because their party got elected.....

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14 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

No, you dont get it, i am part of no problem, its called democracy, if people want a tory government, it is not my  problem, let them get on with it, but there is no way that i will support a labour party led by a Tory lite, i would support a socialist labour party only, if we are going to be a tory lite party, i may as well go vote for the liberals....

Have you ever read the book "ragged trousered philanthropist"? one section tells how the starving impoverished working class poor, barely able to feed themselves denounce socialism as a nasty evil power, the story goes on to tell to you how the two groups of people wave their flags, some  for the tories and some for the liberals, they debate and fight each other and come to blows about which party would be best, but none of them realise that their life will not be changed one iota when their party gets elected, they will still be poor and starving, but they are happy because their party got elected.....

funny thing you brought that up as because of the infighting in the labour party, i sadly think the impoverished ARENT going to be helped in any shape or form. you dont get to help people being eternally in opposition without power.

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1 hour ago, banjodeano said:

I think i dislike them on equal terms, but at least with the tories you know who the enemy is..

so what do you think of the leaked report that showed top party members were deliberately using fake  anti semitism as a weapon to make sure the party was unelectable?

Who commissioned and who wrote the leaked report?

People claiming fake anti-Semitism is exactly the reason Starmer fired RLB.

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aaaanyway in other labour news, just been reading this from april



seems we may get the results of an inquiry in july?

so soon then?


It is understood that the NEC agreed that the investigation should strive to deliver its report by mid-July. The terms of reference are expected to be published soon.

Momentum, the grassroots organisation set up to support Corbyn, which has several supporters among NEC members, said Starmer had told the meeting that disciplinary action could be brought against people named in the report who had broken the rules.

“We welcome Keir Starmer’s commitment to disciplinary action,” a Momentum spokesperson said. “Ordinary members would rightly face disciplinary action if they engaged in such activity, senior staff members should be held to even higher standards.”

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11 minutes ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Who commissioned and who wrote the leaked report?

People claiming fake anti-Semitism is exactly the reason Starmer fired RLB.


11 minutes ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Who commissioned and who wrote the leaked report?

People claiming fake anti-Semitism is exactly the reason Starmer fired RLB.

Nope, RLB was fired because she shared a post that he deemed to be anti semitic, if you actually read about it, it was actually just criticism of Israel, but now anything that is critical of Israel is classed as anti semitic, but to be honest, it was just an excuse to get rid of Corbyn supporter out of the cabinet...

As for the leaked report, it has been swept under the carpet, the media were all over any connection between Corbyn and ant semetism, when this internal report came out giving details about fake antisemetism to bring down Corbyn, the media didnt want to run with it, funny that isnt it?

Why did starmer not suspend people named in the report? that is the usual protocol?  Chris Williamson and Ken Livingstone  were suspended immediately on fake AS claims..

Now that the labour party has signed  up to the "board of deputies" programme, anyone that is actually accused of AS, and is defended by another member, then that member automatically becomes guilty of AS, 

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7 minutes ago, banjodeano said:


Nope, RLB was fired because she shared a post that he deemed to be anti semitic, if you actually read about it, it was actually just criticism of Israel, but now anything that is critical of Israel is classed as anti semitic, but to be honest, it was just an excuse to get rid of Corbyn supporter out of the cabinet...

As for the leaked report, it has been swept under the carpet, the media were all over any connection between Corbyn and ant semetism, when this internal report came out giving details about fake antisemetism to bring down Corbyn, the media didnt want to run with it, funny that isnt it?

Why did starmer not suspend people named in the report? that is the usual protocol?  Chris Williamson and Ken Livingstone  were suspended immediately on fake AS claims..

Now that the labour party has signed  up to the "board of deputies" programme, anyone that is actually accused of AS, and is defended by another member, then that member automatically becomes guilty of AS, 

I asked who commissioned the report and who wrote it. Do you know? 


Anyway; again you mention fake anti-Semitism.


The most hilarious, tragic, absurd and unbelievable thing about the entire Corbyn legacy is that his supporters still think anti-Semitism was something dreamed up by the Jews to discredit Corbyn.


Never has there been such a clear example of irony in politics.

Edited by Arnold_Lane
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