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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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1 hour ago, banjodeano said:

It was pretty much obvious that starmer and co were going to apologise on Labours behalf, anything to undermine the Corbyn movement...

The "movement" is dead, Corbyn and his cronies failed, get over it. 


I see Len McCluskey described the settlement as a "misuse" of party's funds.


Like this Len?


Unite union gave Len McCluskey £400,000 'loan' to buy London flat


Edited by alchresearch
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20 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

Great article here from one of the journalists involved in the Panorama programme.



Absolutely fascinating. 


I can't wait to hear some of this come out in court and see certain people squirming as their lawyers desperately try to justify it.

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2 hours ago, banjodeano said:


Think you are overlooking that the public have already given their judgements on that.   The results are black and white on the cult that is corbynism.


Perhaps the old man could maybe start his own party.  Put his neck on the line and his hand in his pocket.  Let's see some of that courage which his deluded supporters insist he is filled with.  Let's see him standing there on his own to fully absorb  what the wider electorate really think about his policies and his performance -not just his cultish followers.   Perhaps then he might actually get the message - providing a court order doesn't finish him off first.


Anyone fancy a punt - I'm sure the bookies would be interested.



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4 hours ago, banjodeano said:

It was pretty much obvious that starmer and co were going to apologise on Labours behalf, anything to undermine the Corbyn movement...

Interesting post banjodeano.  Had you not seen in Tony's link that Corbyn is now being sued for saying:


“The party’s decision to apologise today and make substantial payments to former staff who sued the party in relation to last year’s Panorama programme is a political decision, not a legal one.


“Our legal advice was that the party had a strong defence, and the evidence in the leaked Labour report that is now the subject of an NEC inquiry led by Martin Forde QC strengthened concerns about the role played by some of those who took part in the programme.


“The decision to settle these claims in this way is disappointing, and risks giving credibility to misleading and inaccurate allegations about action taken to tackle anti-Semitism in the Labour Party in recent years.


“To give our members the answers and justice they deserve, the inquiry led by Martin Forde must now fully address the evidence the internal report uncovered of racism, sexism, factionalism and obstruction of Labour’s 2017 general election campaign.”


Remember when you asked me about three times if I'd read the report which Martin Forde is now investigating the leaking of?  The one with the executive summary that read:


This report thoroughly disproves any suggestion that antisemitism is not a problem in the Party, or that it is all a “smear” or a “witch-hunt”. The report’s findings prove the scale of the problem, and could help end the denialism amongst parts of the Party membership which has further hurt Jewish members and the Jewish community.


Recall that after I pointed that out to you, you admitted to not reading the whole thing because it is 860 pages long?  Remember how I said, fair enough, but the executive summary is on page 11!


Your post looks somewhat unwise.


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