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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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10 hours ago, banjodeano said:

A crowdfund to support the legal expense of Corbyn is already reportedly to have passed over £200,000 ....i dont think the BBC have mentioned it though...



Antisemites fundraise for an antisemite would be a strange thing to lead on News At Ten. Perhaps they can give free PR to the KKK and National Front while they are at it - a sort of equal opportunities for bigots. That will tick the diversity boxes I suppose. 


It does lead us to question their collective brainpower though because the very last thing that Corbyn will want to do is to defend his antisemitism in a court. He spent years not suing the many people who called him an antisemite and racist but now he's not in charge it's not his decision. This is going to be really interesting when it gets to court. 


Usually, bad people can only exist by working in the shadows, sowing doubt among the fearful, the powerless, the vulnerable, so that they can exploit them for support. It's a common path seen time and again throughout history. They hate their ideas being properly scrutinised where they don't have the chance to twist the truth.


Years ago we did something similar with the BNP on this very forum. We gave their followers the oxygen to have their say but in a way so that they had to defend it. I happened to be a SF Admin at the time so we were able to take those sort of decisions. They were exposed, humiliated and very soon ceased to exist as a force as they burned out in public. It was a wonderful thing to be a part of - exposing actual racists right here on Sheffield Forum. Have a little search because many of those threads are still open and viewable.


I hear that one or two of them turned themselves around after the veil was drawn back. They seized the chance to get the darkness out of their life because this little internet forum shined a bright light on actual bigots and racists. 


When's Corbyn in court?

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1 hour ago, Tony said:

Antisemites fundraise for an antisemite would be a strange thing to lead on News At Ten. Perhaps they can give free PR to the KKK and National Front while they are at it - a sort of equal opportunities for bigots. That will tick the diversity boxes I suppose. 


It does lead us to question their collective brainpower though because the very last thing that Corbyn will want to do is to defend his antisemitism in a court. He spent years not suing the many people who called him an antisemite and racist but now he's not in charge it's not his decision. This is going to be really interesting when it gets to court. 


Usually, bad people can only exist by working in the shadows, sowing doubt among the fearful, the powerless, the vulnerable, so that they can exploit them for support. It's a common path seen time and again throughout history. They hate their ideas being properly scrutinised where they don't have the chance to twist the truth.


Years ago we did something similar with the BNP on this very forum. We gave their followers the oxygen to have their say but in a way so that they had to defend it. I happened to be a SF Admin at the time so we were able to take those sort of decisions. They were exposed, humiliated and very soon ceased to exist as a force as they burned out in public. It was a wonderful thing to be a part of - exposing actual racists right here on Sheffield Forum. Have a little search because many of those threads are still open and viewable.


I hear that one or two of them turned themselves around after the veil was drawn back. They seized the chance to get the darkness out of their life because this little internet forum shined a bright light on actual bigots and racists. 


When's Corbyn in court?

Where is your evidence that Corbyn is antisemitic? The fact that he shared one silly meme or something? and where is your evidence that all the crowd funders are also antisemites? Lots of generalisation there ..

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20 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

Where is your evidence that Corbyn is antisemitic? The fact that he shared one silly meme or something? and where is your evidence that all the crowd funders are also antisemites? Lots of generalisation there ..

Since he is being sued in an independant libel court we are going to find out under the direction of a judge with the assistance of barristers. Happily, it is not subject to any reporting restrictions under the Defamation Act and there is no jury to influence, so we can discuss it to our heart's content throughout. I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure that we'll all have a little chuckle at the antisemite's conspiracy theories along the way, just as they did when preparing the report into Labour antisemitism under Corbyn.  :)  


Even more happily, with the exposure of the malignant hard left fascistic marxists as the pond life they are, the Labour Party can try to cut out the cancer and begin to move on from this very dark period. So long as it manages to stay solvent (by no means certain) Labour can rebuild itself into a credible opposition with a potential for government. 

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2 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Perhaps you'd prefer the Guardian then, I'm sure they've never supported the wrong side in the past.....



What aboutry at its finest...

1 hour ago, the_bloke said:

So did the Daily Mirror.

But I didn't quote the mirror, I was responding to someone quoting the fail, I don't care for newspapers to be honest, they all have their own agenda,  

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1 minute ago, banjodeano said:

Probably not, he doesn't really have the establishment on his side does he..

How the mighty have fallen.  At one time he had everyone on his side - even Tories who joined Labour for £3 and voted for him!  When papers like The Mirror and Guardian no longer support him, you know his time is over.


His best bet is to quietly fade away into obscurity and retirement with all his millions.   All this talk from his worshippers about forming a new socialist party are as much a joke as he is.

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Ouch. Anyone would think that the Graun 

Just now, banjodeano said:

Probably not, he doesn't really have the establishment on his side does he..

Courts work on evidence and law. He can only lose if those those things are against him, not what the "Establishment" thinks even if we suspend our disbelief that Corbyn isn't a fully paid up gold plated member of that very Establishment.


No doubt lots of evidence will be wheeled out. It will be fascinating to watch if the country's unluckiest anti-racist (always in the wrong place, with the wrong people, at the wrong time) is nailed as a full on racist. 


So I'll ask you the question again, since he can only be sued on evidence and law, do you think he will win in court? Yay or Nay?

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