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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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Looks like JC is on target to be elected LIEbour leader on Saturday, opinion polls seem to have him well in front. if it does happen will it show the "quality" of the three stooges who stood to be leader, none could be elected in front of the man who will send Liebour to the wilderness for years to come.



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Looks like JC is on target to be elected LIEbour leader on Saturday, opinion polls seem to have him well in front. if it does happen will it show the "quality" of the three stooges who stood to be leader, none could be elected in front of the man who will send Liebour to the wilderness for years to come.




The worrying thing is that the next election battle could be between Corbyn and Boris Johnson

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I guess we can't complain, we think we have it bad, what about the USA with Trump being front runner for the Republican nomination! :o


Apart from having the worst wig ever seen amongst the history of world leaders, he just cannot stop himself saying weird and creepy things. Just like the time he was talking about his daughter, he said:


"Although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps, I would be dating her.”
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Imagine Boris in charge of our nuclear deterrent, and Trump in charge of the Americans. I think my views on abolishing nuclear weapons might have changed!
Well yes, there is that. Sobering thought :|


Oh well. Ever the optimist, I'll just ask you to look on the bright side, then: at least, we'll have had really good laughs during the campaign :D


Cameron vs Milliband, 2015 = QT-Xfactor hybrid.


Johnson vs Corbyn, 2020 = It's a Knockout.


Come on, you know you want it to, really :D:thumbsup:

Edited by L00b
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