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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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The War Criminal Blair was many things but never a socialist.





Record level of inequality hits Labour’s image [Financial Times, 7 May 2009]




Yes, in 2 years we went from a happy prosperous country to "bankruptcy".


That's why Mrs Thatcher was voted in after all. People were just so happy with Labour that they thought, let's vote 'em out in a landslide defeat.


Voters are like that, very capricious.


And presumably why Tory MPs wanted her out in 1990


Since the 1950s Germany has a strong manufacturing base, workers who work hard and produce quality goods that the rest of the world wants to buy.


The last decade in which we had much in the way of manufacturing was in the 1970s. Then we had strike happy shirkers who produced dismal rubbish (British Leyland for example).


In 1979 there were 29 million working days lost through strikes (LINK) compared to 0.282 million in 1999.


But by then it was too late.


Although "Fatcher" gets a lot of blame for the decline in British industry, it was self-destructing on its own.


Just the workers that were to blame, not managers, not those that designed the 'dismal rubbish'?

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And presumably why Tory MPs wanted her out in 1990




Just the workers that were to blame, not managers, not those that designed the 'dismal rubbish'?


The designers were rubbish, but then again they were workers. The workers were striking constantly and feckless and idle and dishonest. The managers were too busy trying not to upset the workers and the whole job was how to get people to actually work and arguing with the onions (remember Red Robbo) rather than producing decent cars. It was a nightmare.

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Not sure how Corbyn is going to take Labour. But I think it maybe funny as heck at the next Prime Ministers Question Time. I can't see Corbyn giving Cameron a soft time.


Rumour has it he's only prepared to do one PMQs out of five. I can't see anyone giving Cameron a hard time.

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Thought that up all yourself Ron? Nah, didn't think so:




No I didn't - but I find it funny, and it would have been wrong of me not to share. I accept I should have put with acknowledgement, but, I have no idea how to put a link on here to a twitter link posted on facebook.


---------- Post added 12-09-2015 at 18:40 ----------


I think he looks like a bad Polytechnic/college lecturer in 1970s economics, but that guy's comment was way funnier.

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