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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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Yes quite a lot actually. We're in entirely different times now,


Not really. Corbyn's ideas are straight out of the 1983 manifesto, indeed I doubt his ideas have changed since.




Nuclear disarmament and cancelling of Trident, renationalising the industries, a national investment bank, increase investment in new technology, stop selection in schools, withdraw from the EEC.


No different to his policies now.


Edit: you can also throw in uniting Ireland and a weak stance on the Falklands.


It's like Corbyn still lives in the early 1980s.

Edited by the_bloke
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Appeasement is never the answer. Never. Terrorists need to be wiped off the face of the earth, not invited round for tea and biscuits at number 10.


Oh, you mean similar to when Major and Blair invited Irish terrorists round to no. 10, as they knew eventually that 'jaw jaw' was the Only way to stop the troubles in Ireland after years of terrorist activities. :roll:


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 16:11 ----------


Jeremy Corbyn looks like a supply teacher that uses permanent marker on the interactive whiteboard.


The press are now attacking him for his attire, how petty.


Frankly, I wouldn't care if he turned up wearing 'hot pants', it's his policies that matter most.

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Not really. Corbyn's ideas are straight out of the 1983 manifesto, indeed I doubt his ideas have changed since.




Nuclear disarmament and cancelling of Trident, renationalising the industries, a national investment bank, increase investment in new technology, stop selection in schools, withdraw from the EEC.


No different to his policies now.


Edit: you can also throw in uniting Ireland and a weak stance on the Falklands.


It's like Corbyn still lives in the early 1980s.


Germany doesn't have trident. Doesn't need Trident. In the UK there is significant support for banning nuclear weapons


Germany has state dominated industries that are very successful, e.g. Deutsche Bahn which owns parts of our railways


France too in the energy sector, e.g. EDF which owns parts of our energy sector


In 1983 those sectors weren't even privatised in the UK anyway


He's not alone in questioning the value of the EU is he?


Germany has a successful national investment bank


Investment in new technology and infrastructure: badly needed


Scrapping PFI: badly needed


Reducing tuition fees: will be very popular


Super tax for mega earners: significant support in UK


Opposing war: popular



Listen, these are mainstream policies that work elsewhere in predominantly capitalist countries. It's not straight socialism. It's certainly not Marxism

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Oh, you mean similar to when Major and Blair invited Irish terrorists round to no. 10, as they knew eventually that 'jaw jaw' was the Only way to stop the troubles in Ireland after years of terrorist activities. :roll:

Didn't stop 7/7 did it? :roll: I say again. Appeasing terrorists is never the answer. You appease one group and it encourages many others do attacks us thinking that they will end up getting appeased as well.

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Oh, you mean similar to when Major and Blair invited Irish terrorists round to no. 10, as they knew eventually that 'jaw jaw' was the Only way to stop the troubles in Ireland after years of terrorist activities. :roll:


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 16:11 ----------



The press are now attacking him for his attire, how petty.


Frankly, I wouldn't care if he turned up wearing 'hot pants', it's his policies that matter most.


Amply demonstrating why Tory trolls on here love their lickspittle hacks in the gutter press....They deserve one another.

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The thing about renationalisation is that it doesn't have to be done all in one go. The East Coast Mainline shows that ;)


That's the problem in this country now. Everying is all or nothing, black or white. People can't comprehend there might be middle ground, grey areas, ways to compromise.


Of course this lack of intelligence of the population is meat and drink for Labour and Tory spin doctors who want to distill everything down to simple binary arguments, button pushing and dog whistle politics. Hopefully Corbyn can break through that.


This was explained to you a while ago. East Coast Mainline would have been very different from the moment that they had to make any infrastructure investment. Using that as a successful example is like saying that my car will go forever without spending any money on it.


Of course this lack of intelligence of the population is meat and drink for Labour and Tory spin doctors who want to distill everything down to simple binary arguments, button pushing and dog whistle politics.


You might want to rephrase that to read

Of course this lack of intelligence of the population is meat and drink for Corbyn spin doctors who want to distill everything down to simple binary arguments, button pushing and dog whistle politics.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 17:35 ----------


In the UK there is significant support for banning nuclear weapons

Now who's spinning?


Do you mean "banning nuclear weapons" or do you mean "unilateral disarmament". Corbyn is for the latter. The former is an meaningless soundbite that I'd support like most level headed people would but we also know it's a waste of breath to talk about it.


Let's see your numbers to support your big statement please.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 17:37 ----------


Amply demonstrating why Tory trolls on here love their lickspittle hacks in the gutter press....They deserve one another.


I suggest you look up the meaning of troll and apply it to yourself. ;)

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This was explained to you a while ago. East Coast Mainline would have been very different from the moment that they had to make any infrastructure investment. Using that as a successful example is like saying that my car will go forever without spending any money on it.




You might want to rephrase that to read

Of course this lack of intelligence of the population is meat and drink for Corbyn spin doctors who want to distill everything down to simple binary arguments, button pushing and dog whistle politics.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 17:35 ----------


Now who's spinning?


Do you mean "banning nuclear weapons" or do you mean "unilateral disarmament". Corbyn is for the latter. The former is an meaningless soundbite that I'd support like most level headed people would but we also know it's a waste of breath to talk about it.



Infrastructure is not the responsibility of the train companies but that is another story.


Nope don't want to rephrase anything. Labour and Tory spin doctors rely on the bulk of the electorate being thick.


No spin on nuclear weapons. All the polls suggest the majority of the public do not want Trident.





You are going to have to try much harder than this.

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Oh, you mean similar to when Major and Blair invited Irish terrorists round to no. 10, as they knew eventually that 'jaw jaw' was the Only way to stop the troubles in Ireland after years of terrorist activities.


The Tories were having secret talks with the IRA as far back as 1972. It took another 25 years to realise that talking was a better way of finding peace than bombing was.




---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 18:15 ----------


Didn't stop 7/7 did it? :roll: I say again. Appeasing terrorists is never the answer. You appease one group and it encourages many others do attacks us thinking that they will end up getting appeased as well.


As the July 7th bombers blew themselves up it's unlikely that appeasement figured on their list of achievable aims.

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Infrastructure is not the responsibility of the train companies but that is another story.


Nope don't want to rephrase anything. Labour and Tory spin doctors rely on the bulk of the electorate being thick.


No spin on nuclear weapons. All the polls suggest the majority of the public do not want Trident.





You are going to have to try much harder than this.


Apologies, infrastructure was a poor choice of word but I was referring to the trains which are part of the infrastructure of the business. The first thing that Virgin had to do when it took on the franchise was to spend hundreds of millions on new business infrastructure (trains). The government got away without spending that money so it is a totally false premise that it was somehow profitable in public hands but not in private hands.


Your spin on nuclear weapons is complete but expected since I knew that you would refer to that. A random phone poll is hardly a way to get an educated response (see your point about spin) but even so, who wouldn't prefer a cheaper replacement or an international ban on nuclear weapons? I would. Only an idiot wouldn't. It's not exactly practical though and you can't use it as evidence because you're not dealing with an idiot. ;) I mean, I could give you this poll that says that the Tories are much more trusted on defence, including decisions on Trident https://yougov.co.uk/news/2015/04/14/tories-have-edge-defence-trident/

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