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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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If I buy a machine in this year I get tax relief on it. If I know capital allowances will be reduced next year and won't get the tax relief on it next year then I have avoided paying tax. What would you do?


You outed yourself as a tax cheat...backtrack all you want...

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I'm not back tracking at all. What would you do? Pay extra tax?


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 21:22 ----------


Go on I dare you - answer my questions.


You think processing sales in a low tax region is acceptable...equals tax cheat...

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The problem with your analysis is Osborne's record borrowing.


You make it sound like he's running a tight ship. He isnt. He's making decisions that could haunt us. Corbyn is doing something that wasn't happening before and that is to challenge the reasoning behind current policy. Who knows, maybe it will turn out there is no alternative but Osbornes rapid escalation of the national debt needs to be questioned.


You're confusing deficit with debt again. ;)


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 21:30 ----------


And why should QE work for banks and not for people?

I see no reason a national bank will not work...


You could start with the teeny weensy inconvenient fact that it is illegal.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 21:32 ----------


Do we give the banks £350bn? Or do we say take it or leave it, we're still going to create £350bn of QE money but the banks won't be getting it all; £50bn of it is going towards infrastructure, kind of like a simultaneous rescue of banks and economic stimulus.


That is illegal.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 21:35 ----------



He says he wants to consider reopening mines in tandem with developing carbon capture tech. It might be impractical but let's cost it.

Why bother. It is impractical like you say.

Let's have a debate about the Falklands. He'll most probably end up on the wrong side of it but there is substantial international pressure to open dialogue with Argentina.


There is absolutely no international pressure. The barking mad posturing by friends on an irrelevant minor UN committee doesn't count.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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Tax avoidance is what everyone does, not just the wealthy. It’s what we do when we save in Isas and pensions, or in Junior Isas for our children.



Tax avoidance is what we do when we invest in tax-free National Savings accounts, which were invented, after all, by the state, and granted their special tax status as an inducement to save.



Tax avoidance is what we do when we fill in tax returns and carefully recall the legitimate expenses with which to reduce taxable profits.


Tax avoidance is what these pages encourage and help readers do every week. And the equivalent pages in other papers, whatever their political persuasion, do the same.


Tax avoidance is not illegal, and it’s not immoral.


Most people expect, and are fully prepared, to pay their due taxes. Not wanting to pay more tax than that isn’t something to be ashamed of. It’s not “dodgy” or morally questionable or anti-social. It’s natural.



Still waiting for an answer to two questions TCJ1 - Why did you vote tory?

Which taxes do you voluntarily pay in addition to those due?

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You're confusing deficit with debt again. ;)


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 21:30 ----------



You could start with the teeny weensy inconvenient fact that it is illegal.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 21:32 ----------



That is illegal.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 21:35 ----------



There is absolutely no international pressure. The barking mad posturing by friends on an irrelevant minor UN committee doesn't count.


Actually I think k its you that is getting deficit and debt the wrong way round.


The debt has increased rapidly because Osborne failed to control the deficit as planned.


QE is not illegal. What are you talking about?


UN backs Argies over Falklands:


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Of course you are confusing deficit and debt. ISTR that somebody picked you up on this a few days ago. Debt can only goes up while ever there is a deficit. Or would you prefer harder cuts to reduce the deficit faster?


Corbyn's QE is illegal under Article 123 of the Lisbon Treaty. This is really basic stuff for a senior politician.



You actually went and cited the pointless UN committee that I alluded to! Amazing! You'll be quoting the EU Luncheon Club next! The UN Decolonization Committee can bluster all it likes, the right of people to self determination trumps everything, especially claims of ownership by a country that didn't even exist when the native people took residence.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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Actually I think k its you that is getting deficit and debt the wrong way round.


The debt has increased rapidly because Osborne failed to control the deficit as planned.



that's the sort of line miliband kept pedalling. it is the line that will keep labour in opposition for a decade. labour are not tusted on the economy.


i love this clip



i could watch that clip over and over again.

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