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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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No chance. Blair is still there. So is Mandelson. The Blair-ites are waiting to take over again.


I've got nothing against Labour being a fairly broad church as it always has been but quite honestly the existence of so many avowed neoliberals in the party makes me sick to my stomach.


When they go I might change my mind but not before. I just can't vote for them until they leave that behind.


New Labour had lots of faults, but lets not forget that they managed to put themselves into a position where they could increase spending on health, education and social security.


It's laudable being 100% true to your principles, but if those principles only attract your core voters will you ever be able to be in a situation where you could put those principles into practice by winning a general election?

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It's laudable being 100% true to your principles, but if those principles only attract your core voters will you ever be able to be in a situation where you could put those principles into practice by winning a general election?


I think the question should be asked, do Labour MPs have too wide a range of views.

JC has been a Labour MP all those years, voting against its own party, some issues may not have been a left/right issue.

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Are you a habitual Labour voter though, or maybe someone that voted Labour instead of LibDem because you thought that Clegg sounded a bit Labourish in 2010? You might be a bit more of a lefty and voted green in 2010. You definitely wouldn't vote Conservative in a million years though, no matter what, because it's not something that you would ever do. That's not very unusual in Sheffield.


It's also Corbyn's biggest problem is that he's preaching to the choir, to people like you, or the temporary LibDem or Green voter who left Labour because Labour wasn't the right kind of Labour in 2010.


Here's the kicker; Blair understood that he needed to attract Mondeo Man to vote Labour instead of Conservative. That is how he got power and kept it.


Corbyn is a long long way away from attracting Conservative voters but he doesn't care because of the validation he gets from things like booming membership. People who might vote Conservative don't join the Labour Party. People who habitually vote Labour join Labour. It's a self selecting group if no consequence and probably works against Labour if the floating voter sees a groundswell that is against their basic beliefs.


Corybyn made Labour unelectable to the millions of people who occasionally vote Labour when they are in the middle. Just watch what happens at the local elections next year and remember this post.


Brilliant post.

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I think the question should be asked, do Labour MPs have too wide a range of views.

JC has been a Labour MP all those years, voting against its own party, some issues may not have been a left/right issue.


That's a good question. There are clearly very left wing MPs (Corbyn) and then the very right who are almost bordering on Tories.


This is Labour's problem, how to tackle these MPs to get party unity, and at the same time appeal to the public who are also in both camps. You almost need two parties.

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You have to question the judgement of any mainstream politician who says "I wish I could go back to the 80s and assassinate Margaret Thatcher" but Corbyn didn't, he made him Shadow Chancellor Of The Exchequer.


He said what a lot were thinking

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I have a theory.


When Milliband resigned Chucker Ammonia was interviewed on the Andrew Marr show, at the time he indicated he would be running for leader and looked like a shoe in.


On the program was the Prince of darkness Peter Mandelson, a man who steered Labour to three consecutive election wins.


I reckon Mandie had a quiet with with Chucker, told him that the election was more open than he thought and to back off, keep out of it and await his time.


Let the party go through its ritual cull and await his turn as savior of the party.


Chucker the mooner will lead the Labour party into the 2020 election.


Mandelson is in charge, as he always has been.

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You have to question the judgement of any mainstream politician who says "I wish I could go back to the 80s and assassinate Margaret Thatcher" but Corbyn didn't, he made him Shadow Chancellor Of The Exchequer.

and yet another quote taken out of context....its quite easy to twist words, or play video clips and chop it where it suits to avoid giving a true meaning or context

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He said what a lot were thinking


A lot of people think that capital punishment should be brought back in. He seems like the kind of guy that is open to it. Should the reintroduction of capital punishment be a Corbyn Labour party policy?

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