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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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Clearly an atheist republican should be singing a song about an imaginary god saving the monarch.
refuse an invitation to the Privy Council for purposes of advising her Majesty, rather than accept it.



And if he doesn't, he should be bloody well made to!
Too right, can't be doing with them elastic 'principles'! :hihi:
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the not-singing-the-national-anthem thing is not an issue but this bloke is going to make gaffes on a day-to-day basis. He's going to be much worse than Michael Foot was. Foot might have been a spin doctor's nightmare and totally unsuited to being a Labour party leader despite having a wealth of parliamentary experience, but at least unlike this guy Corbyn, Foot had a brain. Right now he's still a bit of an underdog - always a plus with the British - and his novelty value means that some are still going to give him a chance but Corbyn's total lack of any sense of humour will become obvious to everybody very soon, and people will realise that he's actually much more boring than the likes of even Tories like Cameron and Johnson.

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This is the 21st century. . . . . . . .


. . . . . . He clearly chose republicanism over patriotism through his deeds, however you feel about the condemnation (which isn't coming solely from the right of the political spectrum, by the way, far from it: see comments by Kate Green, a member of his own Shadow Cabinet!)


Perhaps a good war is what's needed to remind the many that democratic freedom has a cost, always had, and always will.


It's certainly a minor issue in the grand scheme of all things political. It says much about the man, however. And it will have cost him dearly with the base electorate, which says much about his acumen.


You can be both republican and a patriot without having to sing a song. Remembrance Sunday has precious little to do with the Monarchy, even if they are given queue jumper tickets for the service. Now all we have to do is get rid of the religious side of it and we will have a day for the whole country to remember and show respect to our fallen heroes.


"A Good War" - hmmmm?


"His acumen" - You are confusing Corbyn what a good Conservative would do and to hell with principles.

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All this talk of principles!


Good leadership works like this, you are put there because of your principles but once you are there other people's principles are more important than your own.


It's the subtle but very important difference between leaders and dictators.


People enter politics, I suppose, to change particular things. What's the point of just conforming to everything that you don't agree with once your there?

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Because that is what leaders do whereas dictators insist doing things their way.


I'm not seriously suggesting that Corbyn is a dictator but he's definitely not a leader. He's just a bit useless and I suspect that his so called high principles are the only thing that holds his sanity together. Take them away and he's left with no substance at all.

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You can be both republican and a patriot without having to sing a song. Remembrance Sunday has precious little to do with the Monarchy, even if they are given queue jumper tickets for the service. Now all we have to do is get rid of the religious side of it and we will have a day for the whole country to remember and show respect to our fallen heroes.


"A Good War" - hmmmm?


"His acumen" - You are confusing Corbyn what a good Conservative would do and to hell with principles.


and you are confusing playing for yourself with courting votes from the electorate. roll on remembrance day, roll on the hollyrood elections.

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You can be both republican and a patriot without having to sing a song.
You certainly can. But refusing to sing your own country's national anthem on ideological grounds related to the lyrics of that anthem will certainly dent the perception of others about your degree of patriotism.


If Corbyn is that much of a militating republican, then I'd expect him to opine about, and politick away towards, changing the UK's national anthem to a republican/atheist piece based on Elgar's works or who else.

Remembrance Sunday has precious little to do with the Monarchy, even if they are given queue jumper tickets for the service.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see if Mr Corbyn sings the national anthem on that occasion, then :)

"A Good War" - hmmmm?
A mere figure of speech, don't go twisting your knickers just yet.

"His acumen" - You are confusing Corbyn what a good Conservative would do and to hell with principles.
Not really, since nothing whatsoever to do with the colour of his rosette: how do you think this little "non-singing at the BoB memorial" issue went down with grassroots Joe Public who loves all things Royal, has relatives/friends/acquaintances in the Forces and regularly sings the national anthem on sports pitches all year round?


Front page on broadsheets gives you a strong hint: you'd have got the same outcry if it had been Farage or Clegg, the fact that he's heading the 2nd largest political party in the UK just makes it worse.

Edited by L00b
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the not-singing-the-national-anthem thing is not an issue but this bloke is going to make gaffes on a day-to-day basis.


Yep, and the media are going to jump on every little thing. I bet Farage is relieved they have someone new to pick on.


Why are the media doing this? Hate for the left, Love for New Labour, wanting to stir up trouble, or just a slow news period?

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Just a thought....Had he sung along yesterday, wouldn't he then be branded hypocritical based on his known republican views. He couldn't win either way!

No need to deny what he believes to suit others, he's got as much right to be a Republican as I have to be a Monarchist.

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