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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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I'm absolutely convinced that any such pledge would be worthless.


The Conservatives made a pledge before the 2010 election to reduce net migration to less than 100,000 a year. How did that work out?


David Cameron immigration pledge 'failed spectacularly' as figures show net migration almost three times as high as Tories promised [The Independent, 26 February 2015]


Labour's record is even worse.






And if you don't believe Andrew....






"with the annual net figure quadrupling during their time in office". Why on earth should anyone trust any Labour or Conservative election promises in this area?



i agree. at least the tories tried to cut immigration but were overwhelmed by eu regulations. the saving grace is they will deliver on the promised eu referendum. we are able to vote our way out of the eu, after which we will be able to close our borders to anyone we do not wish to enter the country. this would allow the government to achieve its immigration targets and i will be voting for it.


---------- Post added 23-09-2015 at 08:47 ----------


The last labour government deliberately set out to wreck Britain. Deliberately and irreversibly introducing multiculturalism. Silencing those who objected with cries of Wacism.

I think the reason given was "to wipe the smile off the tories' faces".


but then they elected corbyn as their leader to put it back.

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Post of the week :hihi:


it does cheer one up as did reading the analysis of the latest opinion polls regarding corbyn and his performance..


" the numbers on national security - Trident, the military, patriotism - and on the economy are dire. A majority in the ComRes data actually think Labour's leader is a positive danger to national security. The overall picture, away from specific policies, is just awful. A majority of voters trust Corbyn only on the NHS, and that by a mere seven points: far worse figures than Miliband's even at his nadir. He is underwater on the economy by 17 points, even at the start of his leadership. Leftists are enthused,something that may well help Labour survive in an era of local campaigning and Individual Voter Registration. But worried centrists and swing voters are alienated. The really worrying thing about this is how Ukip voters have responded. ORB data which only covers what voters are thinking of doing, or might do, has to be treated with caution. But it's revealing. 20 per cent of past Ukip voters are now more likely to vote Labour; but 42 per cent are now more likely to vote Conservative. I thought Ukip might be a source for Corbyn to find some of the new votes Labour desperately needs. So far, the signs aren’t good.



Corbyn starts off on YouGov data with a negative rating of -18: 38 percentage points below where Miliband began as leader (that -18 per cent figure is backed up by the ComRes numbers reweighted for those actually likely to vote). Those numbers alone ought to frighten Labour headquarters out of its wits, for personal ratings are more likely to fall than rise in the medium term. His numbers are somewhat above the truly abysmal that Mr Miliband's plumbed: the fear, given how far ahead of Corbyn the latter started, is that similar numbers are not far away.".

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Noticed corbyn not trending this week, people bored already?


i was rather amused by the opinion polls which showed "no corbyn bounce". it seems the polls have always shown a positive gain in popularity when a new leader is appointed. corbyn didn't get one at all. even ed miliband boosted labour's poll rating for the first few months. it seems that the bounce this time was cancelled out totally and then some.


he is no longer box office news. it goes down hill from here.

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i was rather amused by the opinion polls which showed "no corbyn bounce". it seems the polls have always shown a positive gain in popularity when a new leader is appointed. corbyn didn't get one at all. even ed miliband boosted labour's poll rating for the first few months. it seems that the bounce this time was cancelled out totally and then some.


he is no longer box office news. it goes down hill from here.


The only way is down


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 11:14 ----------


Keep seeing headlines about differences with the party and cabinet.


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 11:16 ----------




Another non story. The benefits cap is a tiny issue compared to the bigger policies.


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 11:16 ----------


Not heard much on the economy

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The only way is down


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 11:14 ----------


Keep seeing headlines about differences with the party and cabinet.


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 11:16 ----------




Another non story. The benefits cap is a tiny issue compared to the bigger policies.


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 11:16 ----------


Not heard much on the economy


i wouldn't worry too much. labour are not trusted on the economy. corbyn has made that worse.


"" the numbers on national security - Trident, the military, patriotism -and on the economy are dire. A majority in the ComRes data actually think Labour's leader is a positive danger to national security. The overall picture, away from specific policies, is just awful. A majority of voters trust Corbyn only on the NHS, and that by a mere seven points: far worse figures than Miliband's even at his nadir. He is underwater on the economy by 17 points, even at the start of his leadership. Leftists are enthused,something that may well help Labour survive in an era of local campaigning and Individual Voter Registration. But worried centrists and swing voters are alienated. The really worrying thing about this is how Ukip voters have responded. ORB data which only covers what voters are thinking of doing, or might do, has to be treated with caution. But it's revealing. 20 per cent of past Ukip voters are now more likely to vote Labour; but 42 per cent are now more likely to vote Conservative. I thought Ukip might be a source for Corbyn to find some of the new votes Labour desperately needs. So far, the signs aren’t good."



the tories certainly don't want corbyn to be replaced before 2020. there is certainly already enough to do the job on the run up to the election.


i suspect the snp are thinking pretty much the same right now. they are set to flay labour in less than 8 months time. hopefully the labour nut jobs will blame it on the party being not far enough to the left. after all they are the ones with the loudest voices..and "Leftists are enthused," :hihi:

Edited by drummonds
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I will predict the results of the next election now, the Tories will win easily, and Labour will - as usual - blame everyone but themselves. They'll blame the Tories, the LibDems, the media, and most of all, the people. "Why can't they just see?", they will wail. "Why are they voting against their own best interests?" And this will continue until either a) Labour learns to listen to people instead of telling people that they know what is best for them, or b) the Tories make a right pigs ear of the economy.

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