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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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Rubbish. He moved the target in light of new information. Only a belligerent idiot would have ignored it.


This all happened in 2012.



The only new information in 2012 was generated from the consequences of his policies and the fact that his cabinet would not or could not implement the level of cuts he wanted, not that he suddenly found a load more debt he wasn't previously aware of

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I never said it was. I'm arguing that the plan he set out in 2010 was a failure. I think his current plan will fail too because he's the chancellor who can't stop borrowing and can't stop spending.






His borrowing doubled our debt. Maybe he'll go for the triple :(


oh dear oh dear. are you still banging that drum?


you come across like a guy who turns up at a motorway pile up and blames the ambulance crew for the casualties and the clear up teams for the time it is taking the remove the damaged vehicles.


the driver that caused the pile up is to blame. the pile up of our economy happened whilst labour were at the wheel. they overspent when times were good and there were no brakes when they needed them. that's why labour aren't trusted with the economy.




repeated denials only makes it worse, and your repeated pushing of the same failed line that cost labour the election makes the hole deeper. all good. that and the nutter that you've just elected to lead the party into oblivion should keep them out of power for a generation.:thumbsup:


here's a nice bit of telly that will roll and roll. it is almost as good as brown saying " an end to boom and bust"



Edited by drummonds
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Great news from Labour. The socialist agenda concerning the economy has been addressed. Happy days are here again, the deficit will be expunged, In his address to the party faithful the shadow chancellor will set out his policies.


They will be;


An enquiry.


Fabulous, all the BS all the bluster and the Labour policy to the economy will be to invite three anti austerity eggheads to prepare a report that will be meaningless and unworkable.


Oh Ed Milliband where are thou?

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With the interview I saw with the new Shadown Chancellor, it's clear what Labour are up to.


No longer is this a crisis caused by Labour's inpet handling of the economy, nor is it Labours lack of foresight and divorce from Prudence.


It's not even their inability to put money in the piggy bank for a rainy day.


And wait for it - it's not even the fault of the bankers.

No the Newspeak language now is that austerity is caused by the actions of, and is being run for the benefit of the "rich elite few".


That's basically everyone who earns more than the figure they will pluck out of their backsides. Basically, everyone who they don't need to win the next election.


Marxism is alive and well. "Redistribution" of the wealth - that's the 98% income tax to you and me. I wouldn't bet that the base rate of tax would be get stuffed up considerably if this lot got in.


That is of course for anyone who actually earns a modest amount. Those on really low incomes, you know the bottom third will just take from the top two thirds.


Tax and spend - Labour of old. The Loony Left are back in force, but they are still in the asylum and not in the driving seat fortunately.


Well hes spot on with that.

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