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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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I just don't trust him sorry, he has had a good PR makeover, which other do as well nothing wrong with that. He just comes over as a bit of a bully to me all the time. It just comes over as a bully party take the last PMQs when Thornbury tried to bully off foot him over non proved allegations.https://youtu.be/I8WBphp-nss 4min 40 secs in. Well below the belt. So to speak. She also stumbled trying to make it

Who are we talking about? are you saying Corbyn is a bit of a bully?

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And yet the Tories are adopting his ideas...


As a UKipper (now gone to the dogs) I have little faith in Liebour or the CONservatives, but will say I don't see the Tories wanting to nationalise rail, water, gas, lecky. Or pay off all student debt, oh forgot, St Jezza abandoned that idea as soon as the election was over. I think Abbott must have done the original costings, and got the decimal point in the wrong place.



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I just don't trust him sorry, he has had a good PR makeover, which other do as well nothing wrong with that. He just comes over as a bit of a bully to me all the time. It just comes over as a bully party take the last PMQs when Thornbury tried to bully off foot him over non proved allegations.https://youtu.be/I8WBphp-nss 4min 40 secs in. Well below the belt. So to speak. She also stumbled trying to make it


I've met him, and he's lovely; funny and intelligent.


He might come across as a bit fierce when he's on his soapbox, but that's just because he's passionate about what he believes in.

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As a UKipper (now gone to the dogs) I have little faith in Liebour or the CONservatives, but will say I don't see the Tories wanting to nationalise rail, water, gas, lecky. Or pay off all student debt, oh forgot, St Jezza abandoned that idea as soon as the election was over. I think Abbott must have done the original costings, and got the decimal point in the wrong place.




His £10 per hour minimum wage pledge by 2020 would increase the costs of goods and services, and send manufacturing costs up, in turn forcing some companies to close, anyone fearing Brexit has nowt to come if he ever get's in, the public sector would be the only employer, the UK economy would sink faster than the Titanic ;)

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Aaaaaand here we go again :)


Your stupid Brexicide mentality has already declared that Corbyn would bankrupt the country. Despite the fact that he isn’t in power. Yet.

This is the idea scenario for right wing brexiters. Corbyn gets in to power just as the effects of brexit really start to hit hard. The right blame the problems on Corbyn rather than brexit.

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His £10 per hour minimum wage pledge by 2020 would increase the costs of goods and services, and send manufacturing costs up, in turn forcing some companies to close, anyone fearing Brexit has nowt to come if he ever get's in, the public sector would be the only employer, the UK economy would sink faster than the Titanic ;)


Project Fear 2.


How very original.

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Aaaaaand here we go again :)


Your stupid Brexicide mentality has already declared that Corbyn would bankrupt the country. Despite the fact that he isn’t in power. Yet.


Whereas your dream-team of Sir Nige’ and BoJo the Clown has:


1) caused sterling to drop by 10% overnight


2) leading to a 20% increase in the cost of imported goods


3) we’re giving the EU £tens of billions to leave


4) we’ll have to allow immigrants from all over the world if we want trade agreements with those countries, meaning we have less control of our borders than before.


And all you can say in defence of the car crash you have caused is . . . We don’t know what’s going to happen in future, but Labour will be worse :loopy:


I know why the BBC couldn’t find an intelligent Brexiter to appear in any political debates; it’s because they don’t exist


The only car crash is caused by useful idiot remoaners, are you one?

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More to be fearful of old Jezza than Brexit, so what exactly is your point :huh:

Those predictions you made for the effects of increasing the minimum wage were made when it was introduced and whenever it's been increased but they haven't happened. The same is true for the claims about minimum wages in the US.


You'll have to explain why this time is different if you want people to take your claim seriously.

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