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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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to whom are you in tune with and why?


Said it before , working class background , come from a family of steelworkers ,miners and engineering . I have worked in many jobs , building sites , steelworks ,engineering etc . My party of choice are the tories ( for all their faults) , would never vote for Labour party (have a look on our own doorstep to see why) . The only labour leader I ever thought would be any good was the late John smith . Now how about you ?

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ok, lets break it down for you....

Hackney lad said "Hes not in tune with This working man", meaning Corbyn is not in tune with him.....So i asked him "To whom are you in tune with" meaning who do you (Hackney Lad) feel in tune with?...IE, what political party represents you..?

is it really that hard?


so let say that you support a campaign type labour party activist, that throughout his non-career has always had a fallback plan, so who is the mug, after private schooling who could not pass to get into university and has the audacity on gogglebox to proudly say he did not go to university, how can you support him.

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so let say that you support a campaign type labour party activist, that throughout his non-career has always had a fallback plan, so who is the mug, after private schooling who could not pass to get into university and has the audacity on gogglebox to proudly say he did not go to university, how can you support him.


But thats not what i was talking about, i was asking Hackney Lad who he felt represnted him, who he aligned himself to, and who he was in tune with him, and you jumped in talking about the working class with a Duh comment?

We were talking about political parties and leaders,


---------- Post added 10-12-2017 at 22:48 ----------


Said it before , working class background , come from a family of steelworkers ,miners and engineering . I have worked in many jobs , building sites , steelworks ,engineering etc . My party of choice are the tories ( for all their faults) , would never vote for Labour party (have a look on our own doorstep to see why) . The only labour leader I ever thought would be any good was the late John smith . Now how about you ?

why do you think the Tories would represent you better than a working class party?

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I don't doubt his beliefs, however, he has gone over a fundamental change since the last GE, more polished more establishment, can you not see that, can you not just see he has been just a political hack that has been overlooked, during the Blaire era and now has found it place but as deposed opposite equally will do no good.


No, he has not undergone a fundamental change since the last GE, he is a conviction politician and his beliefs have not changed. He has however grown in confidence and undergone a surface polish, which is something everyone in the media seems to have to agree to, and that does not make him 'more establishment.' He is however canny enough to know that appearances count. He should do, heaven knows he's been criticised endlessly in the media for being scruffy.


He was not overlooked in the Blair era, he was simply not selected because his beliefs did not align with those of the Blairite regime. If his only intention was to achieve high office he could have compromised his views and put himself forward. He also voted against Blair's proposals when he disagreed with them, so not a way to get into Blair's good books. He doesn't lie and that would have made him a liability in a Blair government. He is no Toady, and nobody's 'yes' man, and not one of the Oxbridge club. His genuine desire is only to deliver the success, care, and wellbeing of the many, not the few.


These are not just words he hopes will get him elected, he really means them. He has enough trouble trying to get them across now as Leader of the opposition, what chance did he have of getting them across as a deeply unfashionable backbench MP. Nevertheless, the amount of experience, his wide ranging, high level cross party involvement, foreign participation and good work he has done is evident from his Wikipedia entry. I urge you to read it.

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But thats not what i was talking about, i was asking Hackney Lad who he felt represnted him, who he aligned himself to, and who he was in tune with him, and you jumped in talking about the working class with a Duh comment?

We were talking about political parties and leaders,


---------- Post added 10-12-2017 at 22:48 ----------


why do you think the Tories would represent you better than a working class party?


Lets hear about you first


---------- Post added 10-12-2017 at 22:53 ----------


No, he has not undergone a fundamental change since the last GE, he is a conviction politician and his beliefs have not changed. He has however grown in confidence and undergone a surface polish, which is something everyone in the media seems to have to agree to, and that does not make him 'more establishment.' He is however canny enough to know that appearances count. He should do, heaven knows he's been criticised endlessly in the media for being scruffy.


He was not overlooked in the Blair era, he was simply not selected because his beliefs did not align with those of the Blairite regime. If his only intention was to achieve high office he could have compromised his views and put himself forward. He also voted against Blair's proposals when he disagreed with them, so not a way to get into Blair's good books. He doesn't lie and that would have made him a liability in a Blair government. He is no Toady, and nobody's 'yes' man, and not one of the Oxbridge club. His genuine desire is only to deliver the success, care, and wellbeing of the many, not the few.


These are not just words he hopes will get him elected, he really means them. He has enough trouble trying to get them across now as Leader of the opposition, what chance did he have of getting them across as a deeply unfashionable backbench MP. Nevertheless, the amount of experience, his wide ranging, high level cross party involvement, foreign participation and good work he has done is evident from his Wikipedia entry. I urge you to read it.


Are you a script writer for Momentum ?

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Lets hear about you first


nothing to hide here Hackney Lad...

i thought i had pretty much nailed my colours to the mast, i am left through and through, a socialist at heart, a union supporter.

although i would not call myself a Marxist or commie, just a socialist that cares about his fellow man

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nothing to hide here Hackney Lad...

i thought i had pretty much nailed my colours to the mast, i am left through and through, a socialist at heart, a union supporter.

although i would not call myself a Marxist or commie, just a socialist that cares about his fellow man


And your working life and background ?

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