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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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Really? Would you care to back this up with some real evidence please, rather than simply showing your ignorance.

Really Anna, you are the last person in the world that should be throwing around the word ignorance. At least you didn't double down and call me deluded. That would be too much!!

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nothing to hide here Hackney Lad...

i thought i had pretty much nailed my colours to the mast, i am left through and through, a socialist at heart, a union supporter.

although i would not call myself a Marxist or commie, just a socialist that cares about his fellow man


so we have cleared that Corbyn, is from a privileged background, with shooling that he failed, with I guess a better escape route than most, how do you put trust in such a person. Gosh isn't that what Blair did.

Edited by phil752
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But thats not what i was talking about, i was asking Hackney Lad who he felt represnted him, who he aligned himself to, and who he was in tune with him, and you jumped in talking about the working class with a Duh comment?

We were talking about political parties and leaders,


---------- Post added 10-12-2017 at 22:48 ----------


why do you think the Tories would represent you better than a working class party?


A working class party led by multi millionaires such as Corbyn , Benn , Thornbury etc . They are only working class in their minds

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A working class party led by multi millionaires such as Corbyn , Benn , Thornbury etc . They are only working class in their minds


I agree but Benn is not his father's son, in believes. I know its late but weird how there are not a reply

Edited by phil752
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Lets hear about you first


---------- Post added 10-12-2017 at 22:53 ----------



Are you a script writer for Momentum ?


Not at all. I am a little OAP with a lot of history and experience under my belt, who has voted for all three main parties in my time.


I only became interested in Corbyn because the press were always so contemptuous of him, yet my son was always defending him. So I went to see him for myself when he was in Sheffield. I was very impressed and liked him, and what he had to say enormously.


I hate the unfair way he isn't being given an level playing field; never have the Establishment been forced to play their hand so crudely. Nevertheless, IMO he is the right man, in the right place, at the right time. Cometh the hour, cometh the man.

Edited by Anna B
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Not at all. I am a little OAP with a lot of history and experience under my belt, who has voted for all three main parties in my time.


I only became interested in Corbyn because the press were always so contemptuous of him, yet my son was always defending him. So I went to see him for myself when he was in Sheffield. I was very impressed and liked him, and what he had to say enormously.


Cometh the hour, cometh the man. IMO Corbyn is the right man, in the right place, at the right time.


was that see him, preached to by him or talked to him? I'm an OAP too

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Not at all. I am a little OAP with a lot of history and experience under my belt, who has voted for all three main parties in my time.


I only became interested in Corbyn because the press were always so contemptuous of him, yet my son was always defending him. So I went to see him for myself when he was in Sheffield. I was very impressed and liked him, and what he had to say enormously.


Cometh the hour, cometh the man. IMO Corbyn is the right man, in the right place, at the right time.


this doesn't half sound like a Back to the future scene :hihi:

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A working class party led by multi millionaires such as Corbyn , Benn , Thornbury etc . They are only working class in their minds


That was certainly true of the Blair government, and exactly what Corbyn was against, (and why he didn't get into high office.) He deliberately chose to make a stand by putting himself forward as a candidate for the Labour Leadership to give people a choice by providing someone who really represented the people, (the many not the few,) even though everyone said he didn't stand a chance.


The last thing the Establishment want is a man who really would represent the people, and they knew that what he had to say would chime with the disillusioned electorate, so they determined to shut him up by giving him 0 exposure and ridiculing his every move. He has had to fight his campaign online and by slogging round the country to public meetings. When the last General Election was called certain media rules about equal airtime came into play and he was finally able to have a voice. It was actually amazing that just from that, he was able to pull back so many votes within a couple of weeks.


Incidently, he is not a multi-millionaire, rejected his priviledged background early on to live simply (he still does,) and refused to send his children to private school, (a clash which ended up with him and his wife divorcing) He also claimed the least expenses (£13) out of all the politicians in the expenses scandal. An honest man with integrity.

Edited by Anna B
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That was certainly true of the Blair government, and exactly what Corbyn was against, (and why he didn't get into high office.) He deliberately chose to make a stand by putting himself forward as a candidate for the Labour Leadership to give people a choice by providing someone who really represented the people, (the many not the few,) even though everyone said he didn't stand a chance.


The last thing the Establishment want is a man who really would represent the people, and they knew that what he had to say would chime with the disillusioned electorate, so they determined to shut him up by giving him 0 exposure and ridiculing his every move. He has had to fight his campaign online and by slogging round the country to public meetings. When the last General Election was called certain media rules about equal airtime came into play and he was finally able to have a voice. It was actually amazing that just from that, he was able to pull back so many votes within a couple of weeks.


Incidentally, he is not a multi-millionaire, rejected his privileged privileged background early on to live simply (he still does,) and refused to send his children to private school, (a clash which ended up with him and his wife divorcing) He also claimed the least expenses (£13) out of all the politicians in the expenses scandal. An honest man with integrity.

talked about never lived or work for a change.


Hmm i thought Nigel Benn was true labour and gave up is CHAPAILbackground but His campaign labour son went to!! Benn attended Norland Place School, Westminster Under School, Holland Park School and the University of Sussex where he graduated in Russian and East European Studies. Benn has an older brother, Stephen, a younger sister Melissa and younger brother, Joshua.[2] Reflecting on his upbringing, he said: "I grew up in a household where we talked about the state of the world over breakfast, when we ate at night, and all points in between."[

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