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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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was that see him, preached to by him or talked to him? I'm an OAP too


It was at the Crucible Theatre, but we couldn't get in, it was full, so he came outside to Tudor square (which was also full) and did the whole thing again.


I'd done a lot of research of my own since the crash and he was saying a lot of what I'd found out, and what I thought, and the sort of things intelligent people who didn't accept what they were being fed by politicians of the time, were saying about the financial crash, the bankers, corruption in high places, Corporations, lack of investment, the poor getting hammered because of the failure of government, while the rich got richer, and austerity being a Tory diversion for not doing anything to reign in the the bankers, and exactly the wrong thing to do, (which has now been acknowledged by many financial pundits.) And many other things as well. He had plans, he was forthright, funny, intelligent, answered questions, didn't fudge answers, and hung around afterwards chatting with the crowd, and answering more questions. He must have been outside for a couple of hours. I also got the chance to talk to him directly.


He has great charisma but really is the genuine article, or as people like to say these days 'like totally authentic.'

Edited by Anna B
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It was at the Crucible Theatre, but we couldn't get in, it was full, so he came outside to Tudor square (which was also full) and did the whole thing again.


I'd done a lot of research of my own since the crash and he was saying a lot of what I'd found out, and what I thought, and the sort of things intelligent people who didn't accept what they were being fed by politicians of the time, were saying about the financial crash, the bankers, corruption in high places, Corporations, lack of investment, the poor getting hammered because of the failure of government, and austerity being a Tory diversion for not doing anything to reign in the the bankers, and exactly the wrong thing to do, (which has now been acknowledged by many financial pundits.) And many other things as well. He had plans, he was forthright, funny, intelligent, answered questions, didn't fudge answers, and hung around afterwards chatting with the crowd, and answering more questions. He must have been outside for a couple of hours. I also got the chance to talk to him directly.


He has great charisma but really is the genuine article, or as people like to say these days 'like totally authentic.'


It is had for me to believe, he may be authentic, however, i think the people around him, maybe not so, I remember a postman being so and going so wrong

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talked about never lived or work for a change.


Hmm i thought Nigel Benn was true labour and gave up is CHAPAILbackground but His campaign labour son went to!! Benn attended Norland Place School, Westminster Under School, Holland Park School and the University of Sussex where he graduated in Russian and East European Studies. Benn has an older brother, Stephen, a younger sister Melissa and younger brother, Joshua.[2] Reflecting on his upbringing, he said: "I grew up in a household where we talked about the state of the world over breakfast, when we ate at night, and all points in between."[


Corbyn has worked tirelessly as a back bench MP and been elected continuously for Islington North since 1982 so he must be doing something right. He has also combined this with loads of different parliamentary work. He doesn't seek the limelight he just wants to get on with the job.

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I just took a cursory glance at that "Peace Award" and frankly, the Basildon Bond it arrived in is worth more. It's on a par with the Lenin Peace Prize, not Nobel's.


To claim that it's being suppressed by a right media wing conspiracy is beyond laughable. What a hoot! :hihi:

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I just took a cursory glance at that "Peace Award" and frankly, the Basildon Bond it arrived in is worth more. It's on a par with the Lenin Peace Prize, not Nobel's.


To claim that it's being suppressed by a right media wing conspiracy is beyond laughable. What a hoot! :hihi:

have you seen it anywhere? on mainstream media? cos i havent, even those bastions of left wing bias (the bbc) are notably quiet about it.

If May won it it would be all over every front page in the land

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have you seen it anywhere? on mainstream media? cos i havent, even those bastions of left wing bias (the bbc) are notably quiet about it.

If May won it it would be all over every front page in the land


No because it literally isn't worth reporting on unless it's to take the **** that Corbyn would turn up for a nuclear disarmament award named after an IRA fighter that's on a par with the Lenin Peace Prize (sic). It is quite literally worthless.


I really don't think that Mrs May will be winning anything like that so don't worry yourself. Readjust the tin foil and boil up some soup.

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and people like Jeffrey again and again fail to see (by design i think) before the last election how far labour were behind, and how much ground they caught up, soon knocked the stuffing out of the tories without winning

It's those final two words that he and Labour conveniently forget!

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so we have cleared that Corbyn, is from a privileged background, with shooling that he failed, with I guess a better escape route than most, how do you put trust in such a person. Gosh isn't that what Blair did.

You keep banging on about Corbyn coming from a privelidged background, so you think he has no right to represent the working class..?

wow, that really is a blinkered view, so only someone from a poor background should be able to represent the poor??

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You keep banging on about Corbyn coming from a privelidged background, so you think he has no right to represent the working class..?

wow, that really is a blinkered view, so only someone from a poor background should be able to represent the poor??


Corbyn's mother was a Maths teacher and his father was an engineer, so not that priviledged compared to someone like Cameron who was related to royalty and with an aristocratic wife.

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That was certainly true of the Blair government, and exactly what Corbyn was against, (and why he didn't get into high office.) He deliberately chose to make a stand by putting himself forward as a candidate for the Labour Leadership to give people a choice by providing someone who really represented the people, (the many not the few,) even though everyone said he didn't stand a chance.


The last thing the Establishment want is a man who really would represent the people, and they knew that what he had to say would chime with the disillusioned electorate, so they determined to shut him up by giving him 0 exposure and ridiculing his every move. He has had to fight his campaign online and by slogging round the country to public meetings. When the last General Election was called certain media rules about equal airtime came into play and he was finally able to have a voice. It was actually amazing that just from that, he was able to pull back so many votes within a couple of weeks.


Incidently, he is not a multi-millionaire, rejected his priviledged background early on to live simply (he still does,) and refused to send his children to private school, (a clash which ended up with him and his wife divorcing) He also claimed the least expenses (£13) out of all the politicians in the expenses scandal. An honest man with integrity.


Ok . Maybe not Corbyn ( your defence of him is scary) " exactly what he was against " So why has he aligned himself with Thornbury , Benn , etc

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