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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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It's a non-story, used simply to associate Jeremy Corbyn with some vile internet trolls. Not even worth debating.


yup, any stick with which to beat Corbyn with, and the brain dead soak it up like nobodies business.

I notice nobody has even mentioned the abuse that Diane Abbott faced with someone blackening their face to mock her....some people are so selective over their outrage of abuse....it was only Abbott so that doesn't matter

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So glad you think someone being taunted in such a vile way is a "non story".


If it was a Tory supporter doing that you'd be baying for May's blood.


It's not about the vile abuse, which is totally wrong in anyone's book. That goes without saying.


It's the blatant attempt to associate / blame Jeremy Corbyn for it.

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It's not about the vile abuse, which is totally wrong in anyone's book. That goes without saying.


It's the blatant attempt to associate / blame Jeremy Corbyn for it.


I refer you back to this post:


Actually Anna if you bothered to read the articles properly you would be aware that its Corbyn's actions in the house by demanding that hekcling MP should be "called out" and his fellow Labour MPs publicly naming them which is the catalyst for all this online abuse.


I further read that several of the vile postings are proudly displaying the hashtag "JC4PM" which is clearly of his his many disciple deluded cult groups.


I also have absolutely no doubt that his most powerful cult group Momentum had a hand in fuelling this torrent.


Jeering and Heckling in the house shouldn't be accepted I would agree but annonymous cat calls in debates is one thing, to turn it into a demand for open public abuse is a completely different thing.


You cannot honestly sit there are say that there is no evidence these are Corbyn's trolls. Its absolutely laughable.

It was CORBYN's own party MPs who threw the bucket of sludge and CORBYN's own support groups who have started the fans.



Which you just skimmed over with a glib reply and tried to deflect it with a bizarre reference to Jo Cox.


Feel free to respond to Ecconoobs points, or just pop on your blinkers like you did last time.

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I refer you back to this post:





Which you just skimmed over with a glib reply and tried to deflect it with a bizarre reference to Jo Cox.


Feel free to respond to Ecconoobs points, or just pop on your blinkers like you did last time.


Jeremy Corbyn has said publicly that he utterly deplores this sort of behaviour.

In no way would he endorse it, encourage it or approve it.


I believe him, as do all right minded people.


End of discussion.

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Jeremy Corbyn has said publicly that he utterly deplores this sort of behaviour.

In no way would he endorse it, encourage it or approve it.


I believe him, as do all right minded people.


End of discussion.


I agree with this.


I don't believe that Jeremy Corbyn is the leader of a movement that acts on his behalf; there is a movement that acts on its own behalf and is using him to be their figurehead in parliament.

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Jeremy Corbyn has said publicly that he utterly deplores this sort of behaviour.

In no way would he endorse it, encourage it or approve it.


I believe him, as do all right minded people.


End of discussion.


But surely as the leader of the party ,if he deplores it, he has the power to crack down on it

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