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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Tinfoil hats all round then!


Just look at yourselves. The evidence that Corbyns movement is full of toxicity is overwhelming but you still come out with excuse on top of excuse on top of whataboutism.


It's embarrassing seeing grown adults act and think like this.


Yep, I also would have accepted "a bigger boy did it and ran away".


Its not new. From 2015:


Umunna is talking about threats made by the increasingly influential Momentum organisation to Labour MPs who have publically disagreed with Corbyn.



Edited by alchresearch
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Umunna is a Tory; I think we already covered this a few pages ago.


Basically anyone who says anything against Corbyn is a Tory or a puppet of the right wing media.


It's absolutely pathetic and the opposite of democracy and as for free speech well, you can have all the free speech you want as long as you agree that Corbyn is like totally amazing. If not watch your back.

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“ Corbyn’s movement”

The Labour Party has been around for over100 years ever since working people have recognised that they are stronger working collectively. You either share its values aspirations and beliefs or you don’t. You clearly don’t, that’s ok. You should move on

Edited by Ridgewalk
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I share all of those beliefs and I'm 100% sure that Momentum and probably even Corbyn doesn't.


Which is why I find him, his zealot followers and Momentum so objectionable.


I'm afraid you are going to have to deal with that because I'm not going away :D

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I share all of those beliefs and I'm 100% sure that Momentum and probably even Corbyn doesn't.


Which is why I find him, his zealot followers and Momentum so objectionable.


I'm afraid you are going to have to deal with that because I'm not going away :D

ok, lets put some meat on the bones here, which beliefs do you think Corbyn or Momentum doesnt share which you do, and give reasons to prove your point

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The evidence is already overwhelming. And we both know that if I spend an hour or two compiling it all, you will not read it and will only put it down to me referencing "the right wing press" so yeah I won't be doing that.


Not trying to be funny here...

but you made the statement that Corbyn doesn't share those beliefs, and i kindly asked you for examples, yeah of course dubious right wing rags and blairite posts will be called out for what they are, just bias rubbish, but i didnt really want you to supply a copy and past from dubious links, i just wanted your opinion in your own words on why you think that Corbyn doesn't share those values mentioned prior, that the labour party was formed by working class people for working class people, that they formed a union to protect themselves from unscrupulous employers, and thus they formed the labour party to give themselves a political voice, not a party that sucks up to the businesses like the Blairites want..

So are you saying Corbyn doesnt support union principles? are you saying Corbyn doesn't support fairness, equality and democracy?

as you made the statement "I'm afraid you are going to have to deal with that because I'm not going away"...then great, please stay, but if you are staying then argue your point, please dont dodge and awkward questions, otherwise what is the point staying?

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The evidence is already overwhelming. And we both know that if I spend an hour or two compiling it all, you will not read it and will only put it down to me referencing "the right wing press" so yeah I won't be doing that.


No need to spend that length of time attempting to discredit an honourable man.


Just state one thing that you believe in that Jeremy or Momentum doesn't.

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So are you saying Corbyn doesnt support union principles? are you saying Corbyn doesn't support fairness, equality and democracy?


I'm sure at the minute he's embracing the unions:


Unite union accused of ‘rigging’ selection for Jeremy Corbyn ally in Labour target seat



Which leads us nicely onto "fairness, equality and democracy", where pro-Momentum candidates are being parachuted in.

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I'm sure at the minute he's embracing the unions:


Unite union accused of ‘rigging’ selection for Jeremy Corbyn ally in Labour target seat



Which leads us nicely onto "fairness, equality and democracy", where pro-Momentum candidates are being parachuted in.[/quote

Erm...? ACCUSED?

Parachuted in?

You mean democratically elected? Whats wrong with democracy, or is it only acceptable if it goes the way you want? The party has become more democratic under Corbyn, why is that a problem?

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