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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Jonny5 seems to have gone away after all, in response to your polite request for more information.


Maybe he's having a think. Let's hope he's doing some research before getting back to us.


I gave one so why is Corbyn in favour of Trident?

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The people did want him , they voted him in . Then along came Momentum and decided he wasn't their man , even though , the people wanted him


and the people will probably still vote for the new labour councillor, they didnt have a choice before if they were loyal to the labour party, they had to vote who was chosen for the job, now people with more socialist principles are being put forward, the party has moved to the left, nothing wrong as far as i am concerned, democracy working just fine

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and the people will probably still vote for the new labour councillor, they didnt have a choice before if they were loyal to the labour party, they had to vote who was chosen for the job, now people with more socialist principles are being put forward, the party has moved to the left, nothing wrong as far as i am concerned, democracy working just fine


so answer an answer to your question why is he in favour of Trident?

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ooops, i missed your answer to my question

he is not though is he, has he said he is in favour of it?


what? is that double speak?


---------- Post added 20-12-2017 at 00:06 ----------


he is not though is he, has he said he is in favour of it? didnt he say he wanted to keep the subs but without the nuclear missiles?


Trident is the missiles our sub are the delivery system.

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