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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Some people can not accept that the Labour Party has now returned to its roots, and that its roots were not sucking up to big businesses, some people can not process that, and they have to make an excuse for it, they have to give it a label, they are entryists, they are trots, they are students, or they are drug fueled momentum anarchists...people pass comment about momentum, but they have never even been to a momentum meeting, they have not been and had a look for themselves,but get their interpretation of momentum members from the daily fail...

I think a lot of people dont honestly know how the party was formed, some people dont even realise that the people like Blair are actually the entryists, they are the ones that had hijacked and taken over the party.

people can not process the fact that the Labour party is increasing its membership daily, and its now become one of the biggest socialist movements in Europe, and that people have now been given hope, whereas before they had Tories or lite Tories...

Ok, i am going to bow out of this merry go round forum for the Christmas period, sometimes i find it a pointless exercise..

whatever political persuasion you are, i wish you all a very Merry Christmas..!!


Labour was formed when men worked naked down pits, steam trains pulled the coal to coking plants, from where it went to the gasworks to create town gas for the single mantle supplementing the candles in back to back courtyard homes, where people shared a water hand pump that spread cholera to the children, who left school at 12 to be indentured to apprentice masters for 8 years, where they would learn industrial processes that would cut short their life at 38, pausing only to produce 5 offspring, 2 of which would die before school age and 1 in an industrial accident before 30.


That's my family history, but my family has moved on with the rest of the world.


The "Labour is going back its roots" argument is specious. Let's not use it.

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Some people can not accept that the Labour Party has now returned to its roots


I don't think it has. You had Old Labour and New Labour.


Now you've got a three way split with both of the above, and the Corbynistas.


You are mistaken if you think Old Labour is throwing its support behind Corbyn.


From the Copeland by-election flop, other articles are on the net in a similar vein.


The view from Copeland: 'Lifelong Labour voters want Corbyn out'


Just about everyone – Labour people – I’ve spoken to does not like him,” said Christine Curtin, who described herself on Friday as a dyed-in-the-wool Labour voter. The “him” is Jeremy Corbyn.



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Dianne Abbott visited the Archbishop of Westminster.


She told the Archbishop that Jeremy Corbyn would be attending the next day's Mass and she asked if the Archbishop would kindly point him out to the congregation and say a few words that would include calling Jeremy a saint.


The Archbishop replied, "No. I don't really like the man and there are issues of conflict with the Church over certain of his views."


Abbott then said, "Look, I'll write a cheque here and now for a donation of £250,000 to your church if you'll just tell the congregation that you see Jeremy as a saint."


The Archbishop thought about it and said, "Well, the church can use the money, so I'll work your request into tomorrow's sermon." The money changed hands.



As Abbott had indicated, Jeremy Corbyn appeared for the Sunday worship and seated himself prominently at the forward left side of the centre aisle.


As promised, at the start of his sermon, the Archbishop pointed out that Mr. Corbyn was present.

The Archbishop went on to explain to the congregation:


"While Mr. Corbyn's presence is probably an honour to some, the man is not numbered among my personal favourite personages.

Some of his most egregious views are contrary to tenets of the Church and he tends to flip-flop on many other issues.

Jeremy Corbyn is a petty, self-absorbed hypocrite, a thumb sucker and a nit-wit. He is also a serial liar, a cheat and a thief.

I must say, Jeremy Corbyn is the worst example of a Christian I have ever personally witnessed.

He falsely obtained Union money and is using this wealth to lie to the British People.

He also has a reputation for shirking his representative obligations. The man is simply not to be trusted."


The Archbishop concluded, "But, when compared with Dianne Abbott, Jeremy Corbyn is a saint!"

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Believe it or not banjo, being a Labour super-fan does not give you exclusive insight or knowledge about how Labour originated or what it stands for. We know what it originally stood for.


Merry Christmas!


And reading the Sun and the Daily Mail doesn't make you an expert either. Actually, rather the opposite...

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And reading the Sun and the Daily Mail doesn't make you an expert either. Actually, rather the opposite...

You trying to imply that I read those papers? Based on what? That I pick on your celebrity fantasy boyfriend?


Pathetic Anna. Utterly pathetic.

Edited by Jonny5
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