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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Keep reading you’ll get there ( or maybe not)

As you've pointed out, I suppose the obvious difference between you and me is that I take the trouble to know a bit more. Quite a lot more by the look of it. Your opinion is worth what you've invested in forming it.


Now that Momentum have control of the NEC we'll see just what they are made of. It won't be pretty but it will keep Labour out of power for another ten years. I'm sad that there is no viable opposition to the sitting government.

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As you've pointed out, I suppose the obvious difference between you and me is that I take the trouble to know a bit more. Quite a lot more by the look of it. Your opinion is worth what you've invested in forming it.


Now that Momentum have control of the NEC we'll see just what they are made of. It won't be pretty but it will keep Labour out of power for another ten years. I'm sad that there is no viable opposition to the sitting government.


You mean like Tony Blair's Labour?


He was just another branch of the Tory party, in other words no opposition at all.

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[/b]You mean like Tony Blair's Labour?


He was just another branch of the Tory party, in other words no opposition at all.


If people wanted a Labour party like the one that appears to be forming then why was Blair's so successful? Genuine question..

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If people wanted a Labour party like the one that appears to be forming then why was Blair's so successful? Genuine question..


What other realistic choice was there? After years of Margaret Thatcher and the Tories....


The only reason Corbyn stood for leadership was to give people a real choice, and they've flocked to him in droves.

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And its got them where ? Oh yes in opposition , again . And against a weak government


She wasn't considered a weak government at the time. Theresa May called a snap election, expecting to walk it because Jeremy Corbyn was so far behind her and still being treated as a joke in the media. To come forward the way he did from a standing start was a remarkable achievement. That's what subsequently made her a weak government.


Next time the election will be a much more considered affair. Jeremy is now considered far more mainstream, and is slowly getting his point across. Meanwhile Theresa May and the Tories have more and more to answer for. Chickens are coming home to roost. Their methods are ulltimately unsustainable in the post financial crash world and support only the top of the food chain. I think People are finally beginning to see that.

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