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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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She wasn't considered a weak government at the time. Theresa May called a snap election, expecting to walk it because Jeremy Corbyn was so far behind her and still being treated as a joke in the media. To come forward the way he did from a standing start was a remarkable achievement. That's what subsequently made her a weak government.


Next time the election will be a much more considered affair. Jeremy is now considered far more mainstream, and is slowly getting his point across. Meanwhile Theresa May and the Tories have more and more to answer for. Chickens are coming home to roost. Their methods are ulltimately unsustainable in the post financial crash world and support only the top of the food chain. I think People are finally beginning to see that.


I must disagree he is more polished, had a lot of tuition in manner and dress ( nothing wrong in that), but he still talks at people as an activist and that worries me. I also believe he is in the firm grips of momentum, even more so than the unions. Which again is scary.

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She wasn't considered a weak government at the time. Theresa May called a snap election, expecting to walk it because Jeremy Corbyn was so far behind her and still being treated as a joke in the media. To come forward the way he did from a standing start was a remarkable achievement. That's what subsequently made her a weak government.


Next time the election will be a much more considered affair. Jeremy is now considered far more mainstream, and is slowly getting his point across. Meanwhile Theresa May and the Tories have more and more to answer for. Chickens are coming home to roost. Their methods are ulltimately unsustainable in the post financial crash world and support only the top of the food chain. I think People are finally beginning to see that.


The thing I find with politics is that there is always an answer for everything.


If Corbyn wins election, and the countries economy collapses, then Labour will just do what you accuse Tory's off, blaming the last government.


The fault will be brexit in this case. Tory policy, tory cocked it up, so Corbyn didn't have a chance.

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The thing I find with politics is that there is always an answer for everything.


If Corbyn wins election, and the countries economy collapses, then Labour will just do what you accuse Tory's off, blaming the last government.


The fault will be brexit in this case. Tory policy, tory cocked it up, so Corbyn didn't have a chance.


I think the economy is collapsing all around us as we speak. Carillion is a good example of that. And I don't just blame the Tory government for that, it was / is a world issue. Corporations are not affiliated to any particular country, just themselves and the highest bidder. As long as they're allright that's all they care about. And the Blairite government was just as much in thrall to it as the Tories.


It's so far gone don't even know if Saint Jeremy can turn it around, but at least he'll try...


---------- Post added 17-01-2018 at 01:15 ----------


I must disagree he is more polished, had a lot of tuition in manner and dress ( nothing wrong in that), but he still talks at people as an activist and that worries me. I also believe he is in the firm grips of momentum, even more so than the unions. Which again is scary.


Is he? I think a lot of the Momentum thing is whipped up by the press

Edited by Anna B
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What other realistic choice was there? After years of Margaret Thatcher and the Tories....


You do remember that Thatcher resigned in 1990.


Blair and Labour won in 1997.


Interesting comments from Tony Robinson about Momentum's new power:


Labour 'completely taken over by Leftist clique' says Sir Tony Robinson


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The problem I have with the Labour party (one of them anyway) is their "never give the Tories an inch" mentality.


OK, this can be a strength but also a weakness. It's no good slagging off Toby Young for sexist comments when the party has taken little action on Jared O'Mara or John McDonnell, who have said equally foul things about women.


And this attitude also leads to a circling of the wagons around people like Keith Vaz, who ought to have been deselected years since.

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Anna B "It's so far gone don't even know if Saint Jeremy can turn it around, but at least he'll try..."


By cancelling student debt and ending their course fees, by nationalising electric, gas and water and nationalising the Railways. That would certainly bankrupt the Country. Still if you have Abbott doing the maths I suppose you have a good excuse.



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You do remember that Thatcher resigned in 1990.


Blair and Labour won in 1997.


Interesting comments from Tony Robinson about Momentum's new power:


Labour 'completely taken over by Leftist clique' says Sir Tony Robinson


and who was in government between? she didnt just say thatcher

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