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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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to me, i dont know the show as such but it seems like a topical subject on a show that do controversial shows.

The title of the show shows that "the big conversation", the presenter even calls it "controversial"


Im still watching it, tbh most of the opinions dont seem anti semetic, as i said, seperatating the states actions against palestinians and the general jewish populace is not anti semitism


Exactly. Discussing a very difficult situation is not 'antisemitic.'

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So you think it is appropriate for Ken Livingstone to appear on Iranian Government TV on Holocaust Memorial Day to discuss "Has the Holocaust been exploited to oppress others?"


I am genuinely stunned. I didn't have you down for promoting antisemitism.


Anna B is not antisemitic, neither is she promoting it.


Given that Livingstone said nothing antisemitic on the broadcast, and you seem to consider what he said on it to be non-relevant


....I didn't ask you about what he said. I asked if it was appropriate for him to do it....


what exactly is it you consider to be inapproriate about him appearing on Holocaust Memorial Day to discuss "Has the Holocaust been exploited to oppress others?


For example, would it have been OK for him to do it on a day other than Holocaust Memorial Day?

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But is it appropriate Mel?

On Holocaust Memorial Day.

On the TV station of a government that wants to 'wipe Israel off the map'.

To discuss "Has the Holocaust been exploited to oppress others?"

For a man with recent antisemitism charges.


Is that really appropriate?


Only if you're antisemitic.



"The Jewish Socialists’ Group sees the current fearmongering about antisemitism in the Labour Party for what it is – a conscious and concerted effort by right-wing political forces to undermine the growing support among Jews and non-Jews alike for the Labour Party leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, and a measure of the desperation of his opponents".

Edited by Mister Gee
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im watching it now, hes not saying anything dodgy about it, its historical, the reason people get tarred as anti semitists is when people slag off the actions of the Israeli state on Palastinians


Don't you think the Labour front bench are too soft on the Iranian regime, and that it's probably because of "my enemy's enemy is my friend" thinking? I do.

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"The Jewish Socialists’ Group sees the current fearmongering about antisemitism in the Labour Party for what it is – a conscious and concerted effort by right-wing political forces to undermine the growing support among Jews and non-Jews alike for the Labour Party leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, and a measure of the desperation of his opponents".


Thankyou for that.


Any excuse to try and slander the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn... it's really rather pathetic.


Let's hope all thinking people can see past it.

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"The Jewish Socialists’ Group sees the current fearmongering about antisemitism in the Labour Party for what it is – a conscious and concerted effort by right-wing political forces to undermine the growing support among Jews and non-Jews alike for the Labour Party leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, and a measure of the desperation of his opponents".


That’s interesting.


Important to note is there is no one political view completely dominant within Israel either. Like any country there are left wingers, right wingers, niche groups etc...


Corbyn’s views aren’t a million miles away from those of left-wing Israelis


Cue for a certain poster to lecture on the horrors of socialism....

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Going back to the holocaust show, if people had actually watched it before mouthing off, he mentions a book on the subject written by a jew


---------- Post added 03-02-2018 at 23:21 ----------


on a side note theres this



But under a bill passed by Poland's lower house of parliament this week, someone using similar language in future might be prosecuted. Put forward by the ruling right-wing Law and Justice Party, the bill would make it a crime to accuse Poles of being complicit in the Holocaust, punishable by up to three years in prison.


President Andrzej Duda has indicated he will likely sign it into law. "There was no participation by Poland or the Polish people as a nation in the Holocaust," he said on Monday.

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