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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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That's where the art of negotiation comes in.


I always get the impression that Mrs May and Co keep rubbing the EU negotiators up the wrong way. A bit 'Bull in a China shop' in approach.


I think Corbyn might be a bit cleverer and more subtle. And ultimately get more of his own way. Just my opinion.


Genuine question Anna.what high level international negotiations has Mr Corbyn participated in and been successful?

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That's where the art of negotiation comes in.


I always get the impression that Mrs May and Co keep rubbing the EU negotiators up the wrong way. A bit 'Bull in a China shop' in approach.


I think Corbyn might be a bit cleverer and more subtle. And ultimately get more of his own way. Just my opinion.


I think the reason that May and co. might seem to be rubbing up the negotiators the wrong way is because they are proposing things that the EU don't want to concede to.


That however is how negotiation works.

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Considering he saw losing a general election a success, Corbyn can make a success out of anything.


Going from an electoral wipe-out to hung parliament is a success.


Or do you think Theresa May woke up the morning after the election thinking:


"Well, that went really well, I definitely made the right decision calling a general election. Thank goodness it went so well!"




Of course you did. Of course you did.

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Corbyn ha been anti EU all his career, until now. He's playing politics. Labour's position now completely contradicts their position of just a few months ago.

It's Fantasy Island stuff.

Apparently we get all the choice we want as to what sort of Brexit we get. We can choose any type of Brexit as easy as buying a bar of chocolate.

Reality check - we can't.

We get what the EU gives us.

Do they want to let us leave and then give us "frictionless trade" in a "new, improved customs union"?

Give us the economic benefits of EU membership with none of the bad bits?


Because this is what Labour and the Tories are punting now - fantasy.

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The whole Brexit thing should have been cross party from the start. You have Brexiters and remainers in both Labour and Tory camps.


This is about what is best for the UK, not what's best for the party. It's something we should all be pulling together in, everyone in the same direction. Trying to make it Tory against Labour just confuses and complicates what is already a very complex issue, even more.

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The whole Brexit thing should have been cross party from the start. You have Brexiters and remainers in both Labour and Tory camps.


This is about what is best for the UK, not what's best for the party. It's something we should all be pulling together in, everyone in the same direction. Trying to make it Tory against Labour just confuses and complicates what is already a very complex issue, even more.


What happened to the great negotiator Jeremy being the best man for the job . I sense a bit of backtracking

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